Thursday, October 27, 2011

Ways to Relieve Pain Without Drugs

Ways to Relieve Pain Without Drugs

Here are some ways ease and eliminate pain. This method is an alternative that can be done if you do not want to take pain medications:

Meet the needs of vitamin D, vitamin D deficiency may contribute to chronic pain. Fish and morning sun is the largest source for this vitamin. The average person needs about 200 IU vitamin D per day, but for those aged 50 to 70 years increased need for vitamin D to 400 IU per day. For those who have tread the age of 70, needs vitamin D to 500 IU.
Inhaling the scent of green apples, Research conducted the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago, USA, instruct the participants - who was ill at the same time migraine - to sniff the smell test tube containing a green apple. The results show, the condition of those who inhale the smell of green apples had improved compared with those who do not inhale the smell of green apples. The researchers assume, given by the aroma of green apples is able to compensate for the muscle contractions that occur in the head and neck, thus providing a sense of relief in the head. In previous studies, the smell of green apples are also found to be against anxiety.
Meditate, meditation effectiveness in relieving pain without the side effects have been revealed in several studies. The experts in this field think, meditate for about an hour can help relieve pain. Research also shows that meditation can increase brain activity in areas such as the anterior cingulate cortex, anterior insula, and orbito-frontal cortex. Three areas are part of the brain in charge of mapping the various forms of pain that is received by the brain of nerve signals to various parts of the body.
Balneotherapy. Balneotherapy is not something strange because it has been practiced since ancient times. The term "balneo" is derived from the Latin word "balneum" which means a bath. Balneotherapy is a kind of hydrotherapy, where the treatment is done by using a bath of mineral water or warm water. Mineral water, which is used is formed of magnesium sulfate or Epsom salts, capable of flexing muscles. Both magnesium and sulfate, a mineral that is easily absorbed by the skin, and studies have shown that the amount of magnesium in the body will increase after a bath using plenty of water containing Epsom salt. In addition, balneotherapy can also increase blood circulation and relieve inflammation.
Magnetic therapy. Magnetic therapy is a method that uses a minimal risk of magnetic fields for therapeutic purposes (treatment). This therapy can stimulate the healing process and affect the quality of sleep in a positive way. Researchers from the University of Virginia shows that the magnetic field strength is being able to help reduce swelling if applied immediately after injury. Swelling is essentially caused by the dilation of blood vessels and the magnet is believed to be capable of restricting blood flow to the injured area.
Chromotherapy. Chromotherapy is a kind of other natural therapies that effectively relieve pain by using color. Those who believe and support the chromotherapy argue that the origins of various diseases or health conditions can be mapped by looking at the lack of a specific color in the human body system. The way it works is to emit a color to the body to help fight health imbalances, and blue color is believed to give effect to the fresh, relaxed, and soothing and can be used to relieve pain.
Breathing techniques, Relaxation by deep breathing deeply can help relieve headaches, back pain, joint pain, and pain caused by cancer yagn. Breathing techniques can be used to relieve the pain of mind so the body can be reduced, this can happen by considering the relationship between mind and body. This technique is capable of incorporating elements such as body awareness, breathing, movement, and meditation in a single stream. Even more exciting, but easy and can be done anywhere, this therapy does not cost anything.

The trick, breathe for a count of four, try to fill your lungs with air from the bottom to top by pushing your stomach, then followed until it reaches the bottom of the rib cage until you are sure the chest is full of witchcraft air, hold for three seconds, then exhale. Breathing can distract you from the pain.

Some pain will come and go, and some tend not to go away. If it happens (the pain would not go away), it means you need to get treatment against pain.

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