Friday, October 21, 2011

Lycium barbarum berry

Goji berries (Lycium barbarum berry) is useful for health and repair of body cells become young again (anti-aging aspect) because
research and medical studies have proven Goji berries contain powerful antioxidants that high so the positive impact of
slow down the aging process, strengthen the immune system (immune system) and the heart.
Mepelajari health studies that by consuming Goji juice provides enhanced T-cell transformation functions as much as three times, increasing the number of
white blood cell interleukin-2 doubled (immune system), prevents DNA mutation into cancer cells due to the influence of free radicals, improve
cell growth as fertility, memory cells throughout the brain and recovery of cells of the organs of the body.
This shows the positive effects of Goji juice in preventing the growth of free radicals and make the body more youthful.

its content consists of: essential amino acids (19 kinds of amino acids), glyconutrients (cell growth), vitamin C, vitamin E, Omega 6 fatty acids,
Linoleic acid (reducing weight), B-complex vitamins, germanium (which does not exist in other fruit), zeaxanthin are highly influential
to eye cells, iron, Cyperone, beta-sitosterol (an anti-inflammatory), Solavetivone, Physalin, Betaine (cardiovascular system healthy heart)

The main nutrient that plays an important role in the goji berry is glyconutrients that mensupplai 8 important substances the body needs for growth of cells
and T-cell transformation.
1 L of Goji juice is able to provide 2 pounds of goji berries nutrition

Goji for various penyakitArthritis:
A study in Asia of the anti-obesity, research on patients who were given goji each morning and afternoon. The results show the majority of patients experienced weight loss of significant
In 2002, the research results Huazhong Agricultural University in China, shows that there is a master molecule polysaccharides in goji accelerate the conversion of food into energy, and lose weight
An important study in China found that consuming goji will increase to 40% enzyme Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), an enzyme highly potent against inflammation.
More than 40 years of research demonstrated the ability of Goji in regulating immunity. Working as an adaptogen, capable of improving immune function is low. Goji also helps normalize a hyperactive immune state.

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