Thursday, October 13, 2011


Plants meniran (Phylanthus niruri) is very easy in the encounter all around us. Grows wild in our yard, next to the fence, along with other herbaceous plants. Although these plants grow wild but also contain medicinal properties that are useful to us. This plant is easily recognizable, like a tamarind tree leaves, but a lot of fruit along the stem below the leaves. In the science of plant morphology is usually taught in the department of Biology, the plant is exemplified as one of the anomalies in compound leaves. The leaves are similar to this tamarind tree leaves look like compound leaves, but the true is a single leaf. Because of the fruit under the leaves so he is not a compound leaf. And characterize compound leaves no leaf buds or leaf buds of fruit in the armpit.

Recent research on meniran it can be used for people with HIV AIDS, which is meniran extract as "adjuvant", mainly to enhance T-helper. Adjuvant means to assist in overcoming an infection. In addition to standard medication given, coupled with a stimulant. With adjuvant therapy, healing process could be faster and more important is to eliminate the process of relapse. Meniran extract can be used as adjuvant therapy in the treatment of stubborn infections such as viral infections, fungal infections, bacterial infection, intracellular and other chronic infectious diseases. Extract this meniran is helpful, rather than treat, cure HIV / AIDS. At least improve the quality of the latest research on meniran it can be used for people with HIV AIDS, which extracts meniran nature as "adjuvant", mainly to enhance T-helper. Adjuvant means to assist in overcoming an infection. In addition to standard medication given, coupled with a stimulant. With adjuvant therapy, healing process could be faster and more important is to eliminate the process of relapse. Meniran extract can be used as adjuvant therapy in the treatment of stubborn infections such as viral infections, fungal infections, bacterial infection, intracellular and other chronic infectious diseases. Extract this meniran is helpful, rather than treat, cure HIV / AIDS. At least improve the quality of life and prolong life.

Prof. traditional herbalist Hembing, offers healing of hepatitis B with meniran. The recipe, 60 grams of mixed leaves meniran some other herbs, and boiled with 1 liter of water until the water is staying 200 cc. Boiling water is taken twice a day for seven consecutive days. there has been no modern medicine that can cure hepatitis B with a sniper. The most ideal is to prevent hepatitis B by vaccination. For those who already are infected, what may make, he must live with the virus HBV (hepatitis B causes).

The virus is transmitted through blood transfusions, sexual activity, and the exchange of body fluids, among others, through hypodermic needles and razors. Vertically, hepatitis B can also be decreased by pregnant women infected with HBV.

Active compounds in meniran-filantin and hipofilantin-function flush toxins in the body. In addition, shrubs plays a meter is also able to stimulate immunity.

used as a medicine for many diseases, from diarrhea to epilepsy. Active compounds in meniran-filantin and hipofilantin-function flush toxins in the body. In addition, shrubs plays a meter is also able to stimulate immunity.

Utilization for the drug include:
Meniran plants (roots, stems, leaves) finely ground and boiled with 2 cups milk to boiling water to 1 cup. Then filtered and drunk at once; done every day.

7 Trunk complete plants, dried flowers 5 seeds, 1 piece of cinnamon, washed, and then finely ground and boiled with 2 cups water to boil. Subsequently filtered and taken 2 times a day.

17-21 meniran plant stems (roots, stems, leaves and flowers), washed, then boiled with 5 water to boil down to ± 2.5 glasses. Subsequently filtered and drink 1 a day a day 3 / 4 cup for 3 consecutive days

Prepare 3-7 complete plant stems (roots, stems, leaves and flowers). Material is washed, then brewed with 1 cup hot water. Further strain, then drink as well.

Prepare a 3-7 complete meniran plant stems (roots, stems, leaves, flowers), Honey to taste. Material is washed, then finely ground and boiled with 3 tablespoons of cooking water, the results were mixed with 1 tablespoon honey until evenly distributed. Taken all at once and be done 2 times a day
Menstruation excessive

Prepare 3-7 pieces of dried root, 1 cup of water starch. Materials finely ground and boiled with 2 cups water to boil, then added with starch 1 cup water and stir until blended. Furthermore, strain and drink 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.

Prepare a complete meniran 17 stems of plants (roots, stems, leaves and flowers), boiled in 3 cups water to boiling, strain and drink 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.
Taxable Burn Fire or Hot Water

3-7 trunks full of plants (roots, stems, leaves and flowers) finely ground, add 1 bulb ginger rhizome (4 cm) sliced. Combine with 3 pieces of dried clove flower, a piece of wood sugar, then boiled in 3 cups water to boil.
Wound scab

9-15 trunks full meniran (roots, stems, leaves and flowers) washed and finely ground. Then boiled in a kettle of water. In warm conditions used for bathing.

7 Trunk meniran plant, a rhizome turmeric root (4 cm), washed thoroughly and pulverized into powder. Then boiled with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup. then filtered and drunk all at once, repeat regularly every day.

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