Friday, October 14, 2011

guava fruit

guava fruit are rich in lycopene brightly colored. Although looks yellowish on the outside of the local guava fruit red, but the flesh is very red. Like tomatoes, guava pulp local red is also rich in lycopene. Lycopene in red guava locally has many benefits because it is an antioxidant and nourishing the male reproductive system. Therefore, the consumption of red guava juice regularly can also improve fertility in men. red guava

Efficacy for the treatment of
1) Diarrhea
Fresh guava leaves weighing 30 g, plus a handful of
rice flour and 1-2 cups of water boiled. This fluid is taken 2 times a day. Can also 3 young guava leaves are chewed with a little fresh salt then swallowed. Apply 2 times a day.
2) Sprue
Boil 1 handful fresh guava leaves plus 1 finger bark with 1 liter of water. Strain and drink boiling water is 2 times a day.
3) Bleeding wounds or ulcers around the bone
Mash the fresh guava leaves. Lumatan Paste this leaves in place the sick. Do this several times a day.
4) Diabetes
Take a guava fruit is still mengkal and cut into pieces, then boiled in 3 cups water to 1 cup. Strain before you drink 2 times a day.
5) Hemorrhoid
Take some leaves of guava-tongued young stone or stones plus a banana. The second material is washed. Stones do not need to peel a banana. Mash them. Feelings and then drink water accommodated. Do it every day on a regular basis. Although the pain is gone continue to drink water so that she is completely cured.
6) Bloating in children
Pick 3 pieces of guava leaves are still young and fresh. Boiled with 2 cups water with 1 / 2 finger pulosari bark and 5 grains of fennel. Boiling water until done live a cup only. Water should be filtered before drinking. 3-year-old child can be given this fluid a day 3 times as much as 2 tablespoons, older children were given one cup daily.

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