Monday, October 10, 2011

Noni Benefits

Noni Benefits
Noni (Morinda tinctoria; Morinda citrifolia) can be used as juice to drink. Morinda citrifolia fruit identified by various names follow the state. For example "Noni" (Hawaii, Polynesia); "Nono" (Tahiti); "Pepper" (Guam); "Indian Mulberry" (India); "Painkiller Tree" (Caribbean Islands); "Nhau" (Sebahagian in Southeast Asia) ; 'Cheesefruit "(Australia);" Bumbo "(African) and' Turtles' (Fiji).

Noni contain adequate material "xeronine".

Dr. Ralph M. Heninicke, Expert Biochemistry, University of Hawaii, USA Syarikat is a pioneering study of noni fruit for 45 years. He met kompoun alkoloid "proxeronine" in noni fruit by accident when assessing enzime "bromelain" in pineapple fruit. The content of "proxeronine" in the noni fruit is 800 times compared paras contained in pineapple fruit.

Thus, the noni fruit is very useful to humans health. Noni fruits contain adequate trigger substance "xeronine" who is called "proxeronine" in addition there is an enzyme that helps "proxeronine" form "xeronine".

Xeronine interests:
One of the essential ingredients for promoting growth of tissue in the body of the human body of chemicals between proxeronine and proxeronase.
The interaction of two chemicals proxeronase proxeronine and may help raise the burrow in the small intestine - once gus expedite nutrient uptake of material into the system Ingestion.
Functioning as an ingredient to restore freshness and resilience of the protein as a material entity that is ageless.
Noni is also rich in anti-oxidant ingredients specifically to help slow down the aging process. Noni fruit is usually picked and brooded over the salt, or in rice. When ripe it should be eaten so simple. It was also be mixed with sugar to eat.
Noni should recover cells or tissue, once gus slows the aging process, in addition useful for diabetes, joint breath and high blood pressure. Young leaves may be used as a vegetable or eaten as a mistress. The leaves when boiled can make healthy new mothers in labor. Her skin is useful for treat malaria. Noni flowers may be used to treat eye diseases. Morinda root useful for treat buasir disease, nasal congestion and hemorrhage of the brain.

Between the efficacy of noni:
Respiratory system - or resdung relieve sinus disease, asthma, bronchitis and snot melt.
Neutralization system - abdominal bloating, ulcers, gastric, sediment-ass, vomiting, not eating and hadam food poisoning problem.
Cardiovascular system - high blood pressure and reduce the level of cholesterol lowering.
Disruption in the body - diabetes, headache, migraine, pain kidneys and the kidneys.
Mouth and throat - strep throat, sore gums, toothache and coughs.
Skin disease - ulcers, wounds and skin ulcers.
Others - to relieve high blood pressure, dry scaly legs, broke the heel of the foot, reduce the disease coughs, jaundice and fever.
For women who take maternity new - may be used noni leaves for afraid uterus. The trick is to wrap it with fabric leaves of Morinda citrifolia and heated.
Indeed, the noni may be used as an ingredient of youth.

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