Sunday, October 23, 2011

LEAF old guava contain various components

There is dengue season, plants are frequently hunted and consumed to enhance the immune system and platelets are like, red guava. Actually, the guava fruit flesh color red or white is no different, both contain tannin and quersetin.

Guava leaves can also be used as a cure dengue fever, because they contain tannins and quersetin compounds of flavonoid group, both compounds are more widely available on guava leaves than in fruit.

LEAF old guava contain various components were believed to overcome the disease dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). Groups of tannins and flavonoids compounds are expressed as quersetin in guava leaf extract can inhibit the activity of the enzyme reverse trancriptase which means inhibits the growth of core RNA viruses. There are three benefits of guava extract it, namely as an antiviral, reduces the risk of leakage of plasma and can cope with thrombocytopenia.

From various studies on guava leaves generally had done his usefulness as an anti-diarrheal. In addition, guava have properties as anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, anti-microbial and analgesic. Beberepa chemical compounds contained in guava, among others, polyphenols, carotenoids, flavonoids and tannins. Given the compound's estimated bladder guava leaf also has antioxidant activity that is closely usefulness in treating various diseases.

Some diseases that can be used include:

Guava leaves in boiled in 1 liter of water: 1 handful of fresh guava leaves and bark a finger. Strain the stew and drinking water a day 2 times

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