Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Belamcanda chinensis

Scientific Names

Belamcanda chinensis

Region name
Sunda: Sulinga
Java: Brojo latitude
Minahasa: Kiris
UK / USA: Blackberry lily, Leopard flower, Leopard lily

Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Monocotyledoneae
Nation: Liliflorae
Tribe: Iridaceae
Marga: Belamcanda
Type: Belamcanda chinensis L, DC
The characteristics

Habitus: Shrubs, 1-1.5 m high Trunk Upright, massive, flat, berbuku-books, smooth, greenish yellow
Leaves: Single, covering the stem, lanceolate, flat edge, pointed tip, base of the split, parallel pertulangan, 50-60 cm long, 2-4 cm wide, bluish green
Interest: Compound, androgynous, at the end of the rod, elongated triangular petals, purple, stamens three, 1 to 1.5 cm long, yellow anthers flattened, yellow, yellow buds, crown form of stars, hexagons, subtle , orange
Fruit: Square, round elongated, beaked, green
Seed: Round flat, white
Roots: The fibers, dirty white
Chemical Ingredients

Flowers, leaves and roots contain saponin brojo latitude, the flowers also contain alkaloids and tannins and the leaves also contain polyphenols.

Flowers and leaves brojo latitude efficacious as a febrifuge and nutritious roots for an enema. To febrifuge used 1-5 grams of fresh flowers and leaves Belamcanda chinensis, washed, pounded until creamed, diparamkan on the body.
READ MORE - Belamcanda chinensis

Dianthus Superbus

Scientific Names

Dianthus Superbus

Region name
British / American: Large Pink
China: Qu Mai

Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledoneae
Nation: Caryophyllales
Tribe: Caryophyllaceae
Marga: Dianthus
Type: Dianthus Superbus
The characteristics

Habitus: Herbaceous plant, chronic, high trunk 30-100 cm round, jointed, smooth, waxy surface, bluish green
Leaves: Single, scattered, rocky seat, without a petiole, hugging the base of the stem, lanceolate shape, pointed tip, flat edge, 5-10 cm long, 5-10 mm wide, pertulangan parallel, smooth, thick, green
Interest: Compound, panicle shape, located at the tip of the stem or in the armpit leaves, flowers sempurma, hermaphrodite, berlekatan petals form a tube base, serrated tip, 2-3 cm long, stamens and pistils are not visible, crown ravel, asymmetrical shape, 3-5 cm long, smooth, pink, fragrant
Fruit: Shape elliptical, small, brown
Seed: shape elliptical, small, soft, white
Roots: The fibers, white-black
Ecology and Distribution

Is a common plant cultivated as an ornamental plant in gardens or yards. It grows well in mountainous terrain at an altitude of 1,000 m to 1,800 m above sea level. Prefers loose soil and fertile and can be harvested throughout the year.
Chemical Ingredients

Leaves and flowers carnations contain alkaloids and saponins, besides flowers also contain flavonoids and essential oils.

Leaves and flowers carnations efficacious as diarrhea medication, tranquilizers and anti-inflammatory. To cure diarrhea, fresh carnation leaves as much as 60 grams, washed, boiled with 400 ml of cold water while drunk. boil for 15 minutes, filtered, after Apply treatment 'as much as three times a day. As for the medicine dizziness, carnations and fresh flowers as much as 10 grams, washed and cut into small pieces and then soaked in 200 ml boiling water seiama 10 minutes, filtered, after a cold drink.
READ MORE - Dianthus Superbus

Houttuynia cordata Thunb

Scientific Names

Houttuynia cordata Thunb

Region Name
China: 鱼腥草
Pinyin: Yuxing Cǎo
Vietnam: Giap CA
Korea: 약모밀
English: Lizard Tail, Chameleon Plant
Japanese: 十 薬

Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledoneae
Nation: Piperales
Tribe: Saururaceae
Marga: Houttuynia
Type: Houttuynia cordata Thunb
The characteristics

Habitus: Herbaceous plant, chronic, creeping or erect, 20-90 cm high
Stem: Spherical, ridged, jointed, of the segment attached to the ground outside the root, purplish green color
Leaves: Single, with a triangular fulcrum leaves, stems cylindrical, 4-7 cm long, heart shape, pointed tip, base rounded bertoreh, pertulangan form of nets, rough surfaces, green or purplish green
Flowers: Single, in the armpits or on the leaf tips of the branches, hermaphrodite, without petals, stamens and pistils many, arrayed in the head, stamens 3, anthers compound 3, pistil 3, needle shape, white, crown ravel, 4 strand, oval shape, the tip rounded, base tapering, 0.5 to 1 cm long, silky white
Fruit: Spherical eggs, straight, 2-3 mm long, green
Seeds: small round, black
Roots: The fibers, brown dirty
Ecology and Distribution

Is a wild plant at the edges of swamps, wet woods or on the banks of the river, at an altitude of 100 m to 900 m above sea level. Can grow on various soil types ranging from sandy soil mild to severe soil berliat. Flowering in June-September. Proper harvest time in September-November.

Amis-amisan efficacious as cold medicine, anti-asthmatic, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. As anti-asthmatic, all parts of the plant-amisan fishy separ by 30 grams, washed, boiled with 400 ml of water to boil for 15 minutes, filtered, after a cold drink as well. performed 2-3 times a day. As for the drug cold, fishy-leaf amisan as much as 30 grams of fresh, washed, boiled with 400 ml of water to boiling for 15 rnenit, filtered, after a cold drink 2 times a day morning and afternoon.
READ MORE - Houttuynia cordata Thunb

Muntingia calabura

Nama Ilmiah

Muntingia calabura
Nama Daerah
Jawa: Talok
Inggris: Jamaican cherry, Panama berry, Singapore cherry, Strawberry tree
Spanyol: Bolaina yamanaza, cacaniqua, capulín blanco, nigua, niguito, memizo or memiso
Filipina: Aratilis, aratiles, manzanitas.

Divisi: Spermatophyta
Sub divisi: Angiospermae
Kelas: Dicotyledoneae
Bangsa: Malvales
Suku: Tiliaceae
Marga: Muntingia
Jenis: Muntingia calabura

Habitus: Pohon, tahunan, tinggi 10 m Batang Berkayu, tegak, bulat, percabangan simpodial, cabang berambut halus, coklat keputih-putihan
Daun: Tunggal, berseling, lonjong, panjang 6-10 cm, lebar 2-4 cm, ujung dan pangka! runcing, berbulu, pertulangan menyirip, hijau
Bunga: Tunggal, berkelamin dua, di ketiak daun, mahkota lonjong, putih, benang sari panjang 0.5 cm, kuning, putik kecil, putih
Buah: Buni, bulat, diameter 1 cm, merah
Biji: Bulat, kecil, putih kekuningan
Akar: Tunggang, putih kotor
Kandungan Kimia

Daun dan kulit batang seri mengandung saponin, flavonoida dan polifenol.

Daun seri berkhasiat sebagai obat batuk dan peluruh dahak, buah yang telah masak untuk obat sakit kuning. Untuk obat batuk dipakai 20 gram daun segar seri, dicuci dan direbus dengan 3 gelas air sampai air rebusannya tinggal setengah, dinginkan lalu disaring. Hasil saringan diminum tiga kali sehari sama banyak.
READ MORE - Muntingia calabura

Galinsoga parviflora Pav.

Scientific Names

Galinsoga parviflora Pav.

Region name
Sunda: Jakut weeks
Colombia: Guasca
New Zealand: Galinsoga
USA: Gallant soldier

Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledonae
Nation: Asterales
Tribe: Compositae
em> Marga: Galinsoga
Type: Galinsoga parviflora Cav.
The characteristics

Habitus: shrubs, annuals, Upright stems 30-60 cm high, soft, round, jointed, branched, green
Leaves: Single, face, sitting on each book, oval, pointed tip, serrated edge, base tapering, pertulangan pinnate, 3 to 5.5 cm long, 1.5 to 3.5 cm wide, green
Flowers: head, round, at the tip of the stem, the petals form a bowl, tip bertaju, green, yellow stamens, stems off the juice, the forked end of the pistil, yellow, crown composed of five petals, white
Fruit: Hard, hairy, purple
Seed: Small, flat, black
Roots: riding, white
Chemical Ingredients

Bribil herb contains saponins, flavonoids and polyphenols.

Herba bribil efficacious as facilitating urine. For urine laxative used 150 grams of fresh herbs bribil, washed, and then steamed for 15 minutes, after eaten cold as well.
READ MORE - Galinsoga parviflora Pav.

Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea glabra)

Scientific Names

Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea glabra)

Division: Spermatophyta
Subdivisions: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledoneae
Nation: Garyophy Hales
Tribe: Nyctaginaceae
Type: Bougainvillea glabra Chols.
The characteristics

Habitus: Shrubs, chronic, height 5-15 m.
Stem: Upright or slightly climbing, sided, branching simpodial, thorn-shaped hooks, still green after the old black youth.
Leaves: single, opposite, oval, pointed tip, base rounded, the edge of the flat, 4-10 cm long, 2-6cm wide, pinnate pertulangan, green.
Interest: Compound, panicle shape, in groups of three, in the armpit leaves, like a trumpet shape, white, has three pieces of protective leaves, purplish red.
Fruit: Shape mace, a small, young green after dark chocolate.
Seeds: Round, small, black.
Roots: riding, off-white.
Chemical Ingredients

Leaves, flowers, roots and bark contain saponins and polyphenols bougainvillea.

Bougainvillea efficacious as a refreshing body.

For body worn freshener + 10 grams of flowers Bougainvillea glabra, washed and boiled in 3 cups water to boil for 15 minutes, cooled and filtered. Distillate taken twice each morning and afternoon a lot.
READ MORE - Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea glabra)

Ananas Cosmosus

Scientific Names

Ananas Cosmosus

Region Name
Aceh: Anes
Gayo: Mas
Batak: Nonas
Minangkabau: Weird
Lampung: Kanos
Sunda: Danas
Sumba: Panda Java
Flores: Sword
Tidore: Nanasi
Napier: Tuis mangandow
Ambon: Arnasiun
Buru: Kalnasi
Halmahera: Manasi
UK: Pineapple

Synonym: Ananas sativus Schult., A. sativa Lindl.

Division: Spermatophyla
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Monocotyledonae
Nation: Bromeliales
Nation: Bromeliales
Marga: Ananas
Type: Ananas comosus Merr.
The characteristics

Habitus: Herbs, annual, 50-150 cm high.
Trunk: In rosel root, base widened mepelepah, yellowish-green or purplish.
Leaves: Single, beniuk sword, thick, Nat, a similar sharp edge of thorns, barbed fepi paste, green or reddish green.
Interest: Compound, grain shape, the tip of the stem, sharply toothed leaves 2-5 cm protector, petals embedded in the shaft grains, forming a bulge pentagonal, Taju triangular, fleshy, ± 1 cm long, white,
petals oval, 1.5 to 2.5 cm long, white or purple.
Fruit: Moot, a long round, fleshy, green or orange.
Seeds: Flat, small, brown.
Roots: The fibers, black, whitish.
Chemical Ingredients

Leaves, fruit and pineapple roots contain saponin, tlavonoida and polyphenols.

Pineapple efficacious as worm medicine, fever medication, facilitating urine and improve digestion.

To helminthic used a young fruit pineapple, peeled, washed and grated and then squeezed. Results juice drink as well. Prohibited for women who are pregnant.
READ MORE - Ananas Cosmosus

Lannea grandis Engl.

Scientific Names

Lannea grandis Engl.

Region Name
Malay: Wood Horse
Sunda: Ki horse
Madura: Wood palembang

Synonym: Lannea caromandelica Merr., Odina wodier Adelb.

Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledonae
Nation: Sapindales
Tribe: Anacardiaceae
Marga: Lannea
Type: Lannea grandis Engl.
The characteristics

Habitus: A tree, 10-15 m. high
Stem: woody, round, branched, the former seems clear leaves, young green after dark greenish white.
Leaves: Compound, pinnate, leaflets lirna to fifteen, faced, short-stemmed, rounded shape elongated, tapered tip and base, serrated edge, pertulangan pinnate. 6-10 cm long, 25-50 mm wide, green.
Interest: Compound, panicle shape, petal length ± 1 mmbenang cider eight to ten, yellow, pistil four, short, greenish yellow.
Fruit: Bunni, rounded elongated, young green after dark yellow green.
Seeds: Round, fibrous, white.
Roots: riding, dirty white.
Chemical Ingredients

Stems and leaves contain kedondong saponins, flavonoids and

Bark amra efficacious as a cure diarrhea and thrush medication.

For diarrhea medications used ± 15 grams of fresh bark amra, washed and cut into small pieces, boiled with 2 cups water for 15 minutes after the cold filtered. Distillate taken twice a day just as much in the morning and afternoon.
READ MORE - Lannea grandis Engl.

Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd

Scientific Names

Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd

Region Name
Sumatran: red tree, croton Bengal
New York: Denok
Sundanese: Kastuba, ki geulis
Java: Godong poison, Wit poison, poisoning
Bali: Poison, kedapa
English: poinsettia
china: hong Yi ping

Synonym: poinsettia pulcherrima R. Grah

Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Dicotyledonae
Nation: Malpighiales
Tribe: Euphorbiaceae
Marga: Euphorbia
Type of Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. Klotzsch et
The characteristics

Habitus: Shrubs, erect, 1.5 to 4 m. high +
Stem: woody, branched, resinous, white as milk.
Leaves: Single, lying scattered, ovoid (ovatus) to oval, with 2-4 indentations, 7-15 cm long, 0.5 to 6 cm lebar2, tapered tip and base, pertulangan pinnate, the lower part smooth-haired, long stalks + 5-20 cm, red when young after the old green.
Interest: Compound, flat or branched panicle shape menggarpu in a typical arrangement called cyathium, at the end of the branches, oblong shape, red, height + 1 cm, green with red Taju and a large glands on the sides yellow orange, bell-shaped petals, yellow crown reddish, orange-red stalk juice, red sari Kapala, pistil with three going to bear fruit in red.
Fruit: Box, a length of 1.5 cm was young green after dark chocolate.
Seeds: Round, brown color.
Chemical Ingredients

Kastuba leaves contain alkaloids, saponins, fatty, amylodextrin. Rods contain saponin, sulfur, fats, amylodextrin, formic acid, and starch.

All parts of plants, leaves, flowers, sap, roots kastuba efficacious as a cure dysentery, lung, skin infections, broken bones, swelling due to hit, wound out, launch period and launch a breast,

For drugs taken using 10-15 g of material on the cob, for the use of external wounds such as skin inflammation, erysipelas, wound bleeding, swelling (bruise), the leaves taste kastuba then milled into powder, apply on the sick and dressing, ganti2- 3 times a day. To accelerate the Asi, washing kastuba fresh flowers as much as 10 g, and then boiled with 2 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup, strain and drink 2 times a day, each half a glass. Kastuba plants are toxic drugs, the sap is very irritating, if the skin often causes small blisters (vesicles). If used as a medicine to drink, causing vomiting and diarrhea, do not exceed recommended dosage.
READ MORE - Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd

Parkia roxburghii G. Don.

Scientific Names

Parkia roxburghii G. Don.

Region Name
Sunda: Peundeuy

Synonym: Parkia biglobosa Auct. non BTH.

Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledonae
Nation: Resales
Tribe: Mimosaceae
Marga: Parkia
Type: Parkia roxburghii G. Don.
The characteristics

Habitus: A tree, 20-40 m. high
Stem: woody, erect, perrnukaan licnopodial, stem diameter ± after the old dirty white chocolate.
Leaves: Compound, petiole glandulous, the first branch there are 15-42 pairs of leaflets, the second branch up to 80 pairs, leaflets 40-10 mm long, 1-2 mm wide, base rounded, tapered tip, upper surface shiny green.
Interest: Compound, panicle shape, the male flowers, with stamens ten, located near the stalk, more androgynous flowers with 10 stamens and one pistil, yellow.
Fruit: Pods, 20-36 cm long, 3 to 4.5 cm wide, there are 15-21 beans, black.
Seed: Round eggs, flattened, 1-2 cm long, ± 1.5 cm wide, hard, from 1.5 to 2 mm thick, the center of the speckled, smooth edges, dark brown to black.
Roots: riding, brown.
Chemical Ingredients

Leaves, seeds and bark contain saponins and flavonoids kedawung, in addition kutit leaves and stems also contain tannins.

Kedawung beans flatulence efficacious as a medicine, drugs and medicines inflammatory bowel disease cholera, is efficacious as a medicine leaves cough and heartburn medicines.

For drugs used flatulence kedawung ± 5 grams of seeds, roasted and peeled then crushed, brewed with 1 / 2 cup hot boiled water. Results steeping drink as well.
READ MORE - Parkia roxburghii G. Don.

Soya max Piper

Scientific Names

Soya max Piper

Region Name
Minangkabau: Nuts fur
Lampung: Retah mejong
Malay: Soybean
Sunda: Soybean
Java Tenggah: Soybean
Madura: Khadele
Sasak: Lebui bawad

Synonyms: Glycine max Merr,; G. soya Benth.

Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledonae
Nation: Resales
Tribe: Leguminosae
Marga: Soya
Type: Soya max Piper
The characteristics

Habitus: shrubs, annuals, 20-60 cm high.
Trunk: sided, woody, hairy, branched, whitish green.
Leaves: Compound, odd pinnate, oval, blunt edge, flat edge, base rounded, 2-5 cm long, 2-4 cm wide, pinnate pertulangan, green.
Interest: Compound, form bunches, petals 5-7 mm, hairy, bertaju narrow, pointed, green, crown 6-7 mm long, purple, stamens, the shape of needles, would be fruit-haired bushy, yellow-purple.
Fruits: pods, short-stemmed, flat, green when young old tawny.
Seed: Round eggs, whitish yellow.
Roots: riding, white-yellowish.
Chemical Ingredients

Soy beans contain saponins, flavonoids and tannins.

Soy beans efficacious as high blood pressure-lowering drugs.

For high blood pressure-lowering drugs used 100 grams of soy beans, washed, boiled with 1 cup water for 30 minutes, after the cold filtered. The waste is eaten at once.
READ MORE - Soya max Piper

Cassia mimosoides L

Scientific Names

Cassia mimosoides L

Region Name
Sunda: Tuturiyan
Java: Walls, Jewer, Kedinding

Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledoneae
Nation: Rosales
Tribe: Fabaceae
Marga: Cassia
Type: Cassia mimosoides L.
The characteristics

Habitus: Herbaceous plant, chronic, upright, high 0.5 to 1 m.
Bars: round, rough, jointed, purplish green color.
Leaves: Compound, pinnate even, sat cross, anal leaves oval, 0.5 to 1 S 5 cm long, 3-8 mm wide, the tip and base obtuse, flat edge, pertulangan pinnate leaves. slippery surface. green or purplish green, 1-2 cm long leaves of the fulcrum, the tip pointed, base rounded, brownish green color.
Flowers: Single, located at the tip of the stem, the leaves emerge from the armpits, perfect, ravel petals, pointed tip, 1-2 cm long, yellowish green color, the stamens form of needles, large amounts, yellow, cylindrical pistil, crown berbilang 4, ravel, cup shape, length 8-12 mm, yellow.
Fruit: Single, pod, hairy, 2-3 cm long, brownish green color.
Seeds: Round, flat, 3-6 mm diameter, hard, brownish yellow.
Roots: riding, brownish yellow.
Ecology and Distribution

Is a wild plant at the edges of the road, near waterways, gardens, open fields or in the bush. Grows from the lowlands to the mountains at an altitude of 100 m to 1,000 m above sea level. Grows in various soil types, especially in places a little wet. Flowering in February-April, the right-month harvest period from December to February.
Chemical Ingredients

All parts of plants contain saponins kedinding, kardenolin, flavonoids and polyphenols.

Leaves or whole plant parts kedinding efficacious as facilitating urine and anti-inflammatory.

For facilitating the urine, the entire plant kedinding much as 30 grams of fresh, washed, boiled with 200 ml of water until boiling and the water boiled half, strain, after a cold drink as well, and should be taken once daily in the morning.
Medications down the heat, the entire plant kedinding as much as 40 grams of fresh, washed and boiled with 400 ml of water to boil for 15 minutes, strained, tired cold drink 2 times a day morning and afternoon.
READ MORE - Cassia mimosoides L

Nothopanax fruticosum Miq.

Scientific Names

Nothopanax fruticosum Miq.

Region Name
Malay: Pudding
Sunda: Kedongdong sea
Java: sea Kedongdong
Madura: Kadungdung petedhan
Napier: Bombu
Minahasa: Keudem rintek
Ternate: Gurabati
Ambon: Dewu papua

Synonym: Panax fruticosum L, Polyscias fruticosa Harms

Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledoneae
Nation: Apiales
Tribe: Araliaceae
Marga: Nothopanax
Type: Nothopanax fruticosum Miq.
The characteristics

Habitus: Shrubs, annual, ± 6m high.
Trunk: Upright, woody, round, yellowish green
Leaves: Compound, oval, opposite, 8-15 cm long, 3-7 cm wide, pointed tip, base obtuse, flat edge, pertulangan pinnate, yellow.
Interest: Compound, androgynous, in the armpit leaves, petals form a bowl, bertaju, crown oval, smooth, cylindrical stamens, yellow.
Fruit: Bunni, rounded, purplish green.
Seeds: Round, flat, black,
Roots: riding, brown.
Chemical Ingredients

Leaves, bark and roots contain saponin amra sea, in addition to the leaves and bark contain flavonoids, while the bark and roots contain polyphenols, and its leaves contain tannins.

Leaves and roots of the sea amra efficacious for peluruh urine.

For urine laxative used ± 15 grams of fresh leaves or roots kedondong sea, washed and pounded until creamed, plus 1 / 2 cup of boiled water and then squeezed and filtered. Filtered drinking water as well.
READ MORE - Nothopanax fruticosum Miq.

Coriandrum sativum L

Scientific Names

Coriandrum sativum L

Region Name
Aceh: Keutumba
Gayo: Coriander
Batak Toba: Hatumbar
Kerinci: PenyiJang
Minangkabau: Katumba
Malay: Coriander
Sunda: Katuancar
Central Java: Coriander
Madura: Katombar
Bali: Katumbah
Bima: Katumba
Gorontalo: Katumbaii
Napier: Katumbare
Bugis: Katumbare

Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledonae
Nation: Umbellales
Tribe: Umbelliferae
Marga: Coriandrum
Type: Coriandrum sativum L
The characteristics

Habitus: shrubs, annuals, high ± 1m.
Stem: woody, soft, grooved, hollow, branching dichotom, green.
Leaves: Compound, pinnate share, berseludang, leaf edges are white, whitish green.
Interest: Compound, an umbrella shape, stem 5-10 cm long, white, petal teridiri of 5 loose sheets from each other, 2-3 mm long, green, crown consists of 5 petals, white or pink.
Fruit: Square, round, green when young old tawny.
Seeds: Round, brown.
Roots: riding, round, branched, white.
Chemical Ingredients

Coriander seeds contain saponins, flavonoids and tannins.

Coriander seeds efficacious as cold medicine, ulcer drugs, drug stomach ulcers, poor digestion, cure dizziness, nausea medication and irregular menstruation.

For the cold medicine used ± 3 grams of powdered coriander seeds, brewed with 1 / 2 cup hot boiled water, cooled and filtered. Distillate plus 1 tablespoon honey, stir and drink as well.
READ MORE - Coriandrum sativum L

Hemigraphis rependa L

Scientific Names

Hemigraphis rependa L

Region name
Central Java: Keji iron

Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledonae
Nation: Solanales
Tribe: Acanthaceae
Marga: Hemigraphis
Type: Hemigraphis rependa (L) Hall f.
The characteristics

Habitus: Herb, creeping, annual.
Bars: round, jointed, branched, hairy, green.
Leaves: Single, crossed opposite, oval leaf blade, pointed tip, serrated edge, base tapering, pertulangan pinnate, hairy, green, purplish green.
Flowers: Single, the tip of the stem and leaves in the armpits, loose petals, five leaf petals, hairy, greenish white, trumpet shape crown, white stamens form of yarn, white buds, attached to the crown, white.
Fruit: Box, small, furry, still green after the old black youth.
Seeds: Round, small, brown.
Roots: riding, whitish yellow.
Chemical Ingredients

Herba cruel iron-containing saponins, flavonoids, tannins and polyphenols

Nutritious herb as a laxative iron nasty urine.

For urine laxative used ± 30 grams of fresh herbs cruel iron, boiled with 2 cups water for 20 minutes, after the cold pressed and filtered. Distillate taken twice a day just as much in the morning and afternoon.
READ MORE - Hemigraphis rependa L

Strobilanthes crispus B L

Scientific Names

Strobilanthes crispus B L

Region Name
New York: broken glass Leaf
Central Java: Leaves nasty shard

Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledonae
Nation: Solanales
Tribe: Acanthaceae
Marga: Strobiianthes
Type: Strobiianthes crispus Bl.
The characteristics

Habitus: bush, height 1-2 m.
Trunk: segmented, shape round, furry Rough, monopodial branching, green.
Leaves: single, opposite, lanceolate or oblong, beringgil edge, pointed tip, base tapering, 9-18 cm long, 3-8 cm wide, short-stemmed, pinnate pertulangan, green.
Interest: Compound, grain shape, the crown funnel shape, hair, purple, petals short-haired, purple, stamens four, white, yellow.
Fruit: Round, brown.
Seeds: Round, small, flat, brown.
Roots: riding, brown
Chemical Ingredients

Leaves nasty shard contains alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids and polyphenols.

Leaves nasty shard peluruh efficacious as urine.

For urine laxative used ± 25 grams of fresh leaves nasty shard, with 2 cups boiling water for 15 minutes, after the cold filtered. Scientific results of the filter taken sekaligusama

Caladium bicolor

Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Monocotyledoneae
Nation: Arales
Tribe: Araceae
Marga: caladium
Type: caladium bicolor
The characteristics

Habitus: Herba, muslman, 25-50 cm high.
Trunk: Form a tuber.
Leaves: Single, rosette roots, forms the shield triangular, 15-30 cm diameter, flat edge, smooth, pertulangan menjari leaves, mottled green and white, red leaves around the bone.
Interest: Compound, head shape, stalk cylindrical, 28-40 cm long, the base of the stalk sheath protected flowers, stamens clump together to form a rod, yellow, the crown of one strand, white.
Fruit: Not yet never found.
Seed: Not yet never found.
Roots: The fibers, white.
Chemical Ingredients

Taro leaves and flowers contain saponins, rhizome contains flavonoids, in addition to the flowers and rhizome contain polyphenols.

Taro tuber efficacious as a medicine pain swelling in the fingers.

For sore swollen finger worn ± 15 grams of taro tubers, washed and crushed into powder and then placed on a sore finger, if it dries quickly replaced new.
READ MORE - Strobilanthes crispus B L

caladium bicolor

Scientific Names

caladium bicolor

Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Monocotyledoneae
Nation: Arales
Tribe: Araceae
Marga: caladium
Type: caladium bicolor
The characteristics

Habitus: Herba, muslman, 25-50 cm high.
Trunk: Form a tuber.
Leaves: Single, rosette roots, forms the shield triangular, 15-30 cm diameter, flat edge, smooth, pertulangan menjari leaves, mottled green and white, red leaves around the bone.
Interest: Compound, head shape, stalk cylindrical, 28-40 cm long, the base of the stalk sheath protected flowers, stamens clump together to form a rod, yellow, the crown of one strand, white.
Fruit: Not yet never found.
Seed: Not yet never found.
Roots: The fibers, white.
Chemical Ingredients

Taro leaves and flowers contain saponins, rhizome contains flavonoids, in addition to the flowers and rhizome contain polyphenols.

Taro tuber efficacious as a medicine pain swelling in the fingers.

For sore swollen finger worn ± 15 grams of taro tubers, washed and crushed into powder and then placed on a sore finger, if it dries quickly replaced new.
READ MORE - caladium bicolor

Spondias pinnata (L. f.) Kurz.

Scientific Names

Spondias pinnata (L. f.) Kurz.

Region Name
Sunda: Kadondong
Java: Kedondong
Madura: Kedundung
Bali: Kacemcem
Bima: Inches
Napier: Karunrung
Bugis: Dau Kaci

Synonym: Spondias Mangifera Willd, Evia amara Comm.

Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledoneae
Nation: Sapindales
Tribe: Anacardiaceae
Marga: Spondias
Type: Spondias pinnata (L. f.) Kurz.
The characteristics

Habitus: A tree, height ± 20 m.
Trunk: Upright, rounded, woody, smooth surface, branching simpodial, greenish white.
Leaves: Compound, oval, menyetrip odd, scattered, base tapering, pointed tip, pertulangan pinnate, flat edge, 5-8 cm long, 3-6 cm wide, green.
Interest: Compound, panicle shape, in the armpits and at the end of the branch leaves, 24-40 cm long, petals + 5 cm long, purple, eight stamens, yellow, crown four to five, oblong, yellowish white.
Fruit: Bunni, oval, fleshy, ± 5 cm in diameter, fibrous, yellowish green.
Seeds: Round, coarse fibrous rough, yellowish white.
Roots: riding, dark brown.
Chemical Ingredients

Leaves, bark and root bark contain kedondong saponins, flavonoids and tannins.

Bark amra efficacious as a remedy dysentery, and leaves for cough medicine.

To cure dysentery used + 5 grams of fresh bark amra. washed and cut into pieces, boiled with 2 cups water for 25 minutes, after the cold filtered. Filtered drinking water as well.
READ MORE - Spondias pinnata (L. f.) Kurz.

Amomum cardamomum Willd

Scientific Names

Amomum cardamomum Willd

Region Name
Aceh: Cardamom, Kardamon
Minangkabau: Palago, Pelaga, Puwar
Sunda: Kapol, Kapol other side, Pelaga
Java: Kapulogo, Kapulogo Sabrang, Pulogo, Kapol Sabrang
Madura: Kapolagha, palagha
Bugis: Gandimong
Malaysia: Pelaga
Thailand: Luke grawan
English: Cardamom
The characteristics

Habitus: Herbs, annual, 1-5m high, grouped to form many tillers.
Trunk: Moot, organized by the midrib of leaves, shape cylindrical, green, big and fat stem tuber.
Leaves: Single, scattered, dark green, smooth leaves, hairy, oblong shape, the base and pointed tip, flat edges of the leaves, 30-60 cm long, 10-12cm wide, pinnate, short.
Flowers: Small, whole heads, white or yellowish white, 1 to 1.5 cm long stamens, anthers elliptical shape.
Fruit: Square, round elongated, hollow triangle slightly flattened, yellowish white.
Seed: Small, brown or black, aromatic characteristics.
Roots: The fibers, dirty white.
Chemical Ingredients

Fruit, cardamom seeds and rhizomes contain many essential oils, saponins, flavonoids, and polyphenols. And consists of terpinoel atsri oil, terpinil, sineol, borneol, camphor and beta.

All parts of plant good fruit, stems, leaves, cardamom is efficacious as a tonic, gout, rheumatism, fever, and increase afrodisiaka (libido).

Water decoction whole plant is used for a tonic for people who feel weak or weakened by exhaustion. Also useful for people who are diseased, or rheumatic gout. Sometimes also used as afrodisiaka (to increase the libido). Water decoction is used as a medicinal rod down the heat (fever). The fruit used for flavoring and refreshing food and beverages. Fruit is also efficacious to relieve itching in the throat, a cough, and upset stomach, leaves are often used to eliminate bad breath, to cough, and lower the heat (as antipiretikum). The leaves are dried, milled, boiled 1alu warmers can be a drink for people who are cold, especially for those who live in the mountains, in cold climates or in very humid forests. These drinks can simultaneously
heat treating the sick.
READ MORE - Amomum cardamomum Willd

Rheum officinale Baill.

Scientific Names

Rheum officinale Baill.

Region name
Malay: rhubarb
Sunda: Kalemba
Central Java: Kalembak
Madura: rhubarb

Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledonae
Nation: Polygonales
Tribe: Polygonaceae
Marga: Rheum
Type: Rheum officinale Baill.
The characteristics

Habitus: shrubs, annual, 25-80 cm high.
Stem: Short, contained in the ground, grooved transverse, massive, brown.
Leaves: Single, oval, heart shape and hairy base, pointed tip, flat edge, stemmed 10-40 cm, the base of the petiole hugging stems, 10-35 cm long, 8-30 cm wide, green.
Interest: Compound, androgynous or single, merged into a branched panicle, the crown of the six strands arranged in a circle, nine stamens, the fruit will form a triangle, curved stalk pistil, the stigma thick, greenish white.
Fruit: Rice, three-winged, oval, red.
Roots: riding, soft, round, light brown.
Chemical Ingredients

Roots and leaves of rhubarb contain flavonoids, in addition to the roots also contain glycosides and saponins, while the leaves also contain polyphenols.

Rhubarb root efficacious as a cathartic and also used to flavor cigarettes.

For cathartic use ± 10 grams of fresh rhubarb roots, boiled with 1 cup water for 15 minutes. after cold filtered. Distillate sakaligus drunk.
READ MORE - Rheum officinale Baill.

Moringa oleifera Lam.

Scientific Names

Moringa oleifera Lam.

Region name
Aceh: Murong
Malay: Kelor
Minangkabau: Munggai
Lampung: Kilor
Sunda: Kelor
Central Java: Kelor
Madura: Marongghi
Bali: Kelor
Bima: Parongge
Sumba: Kawona
Buru: Kirol
Ternate: Kelo
Tidore: Kelo

Synonym: Moringa pterygosperma Gaertn. N. W.

Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledonae
Nation: Brassicales
Tribe: Moringaceae
Marga: Moringa
Type: Moringa oleifera Lam.
The characteristics

Habitus: A tree, height + 8 m.
Stem: woody, round, branched, black spots, dirty white.
Leaves: Compound, 20-60 cm long, leaflets oval, flat edge, tip curved, odd pinnate, green.
Interest: Compound, panicle shape, location in the armpit leaves, 10-30 cm long, leaves nijau petals, stamens and pistil of a small, white crown, white.
Fruit: Pods, 20-45 cm long, containing 15-25 seeds, blackish brown.
Seeds: Round, three-winged, black.
Roots: riding, dirty white.
Chemical Ingredients

Roots, leaves and bark of Moringa contains saponins and polifenol.di addition bark also contains alkaloids and the leaves also contain essential oils.

Moringa roots efficacious as drug seizures, drug gum bleeding, irregular menstruation drug and headache medicine. The leaves are efficacious as a medicine shortness of breath, gout and berries, seeds as a cure nausea.

Drugs used for seizures ± 25 grams of root fresh moringa, washed, plus 1 / 4 grams of salt and 1 / 4 cup water, crushed and squeezed. Results juice rubbed on the seizures.
READ MORE - Moringa oleifera Lam.

Gymnopetalum leucostictum Miq.

Scientific Names
Gymnopetalum leucostictum Miq.

Division: Spermatophyta
Sub dlvisi: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledoneae
Nation: Cucurbitales
Tribe: Cucurbitaceae
Marga: Gymnopetalum
Type: Gymnopetalum leucostictum Miq.
The characteristics

Habitus: shrubs, annual, spreading, the length of ± 10 m.
Trunk: Software, pentagon, haired, yellow-green.
Leaves: Single, heart shape, bercangap five, pointed tip, base bertoreh, beringgit edge, green.
Flowers: Single, monoecious, trumpet form, in the armpit leaves, bertaju five, yellow, pistil Tangkar cylindrical, 1 to 1.5 cm long, brownish yellow, white.
Fruit: Bunni, ovoid, 4-5 cm long, grooved, hairy, green.
Seed: Small, brown.
Roots: riding, dirty white.
Chemical Ingredients

Leaves, stems and roots contain saponins and polyphenols kemarogan.

Leaf kemarogan efficacious as a pain medication arthritis,
febrifuge, stomachic nausea and to increase appetite.

To increase the appetite is used ± kemarogan 15 grams of fresh leaves, washed and then boiled in 3 cups of water until airya half, let cool and then filtered. Distillate taken twice a day morning and evening as much.
READ MORE - Gymnopetalum leucostictum Miq.

Fuchsia speciosa Hort.

Scientific Names
Fuchsia speciosa Hort.

Synonym: Fuchsia hybrid Hort.

Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledoneae
nation Myrfales
Tribe: Onagraceae
Marga: Fuchsia
Type: Fuchsia speciosa Hort.
The characteristics

Habitus: Shrubs, height ± 1.5 m.
Stem: woody, round, jointed, brown.
Leaves: Single, lanceolate, 2.5 to 3.5 cm long, 1 to 1.5 cm wide, pointed tip, base obtuse, wavy edge, pertulangan pinnate, the mother of the bottom protruding bone, smooth surface, green.
Flowers: Single, at the end of the branch and in the armpit leaves, stalks 2-3 cm long, pink, petals four strands, red orange, pistil length of ± 5 cm, eight stamens, four crown, purple.
Fruit: Bunni, round, purple.
Seed: Small, hard, yellowish white.
Roots: riding, brownish yellow.
Chemical Ingredients

Leaves, roots and stems of flower earrings contain saponin, in addition to the roots and stems also contain tannins and leaves contain polyphenols.

Leaf flower earrings efficacious as diarrhea medication.

For diarrhea medications used ± 15 grams of fresh leaf flower earrings, washed and pounded until blended, brewed with 1 / 2 cup hot boiled water, cooled and filtered, the filter results while drunk.
READ MORE - Fuchsia speciosa Hort.

Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsley) A. Gray

Scientific Names

Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsley) A. Gray

Synonym: Mirasolia diversifolia Hemsley

Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledoneae
Nation: Asterales
Tribe: Asreraceae
Marga: Tithonia
Type: Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsley) A. Gray
The characteristics

Habitus: Shrubs, height ± 5 m.
Trunk: Upright, rounded, woody, green.
Leaves: Single, alternate, 26-32 cm long, 15-25 cm wide, tapered tip and base, pertulangan pinnate, green.
Interest: Compound, at the end of the twigs, stems rounded, petals form a tube, fluffy, green, loose crown, ribbon shape, smooth, yellow, stamens round, yellow, pistil curved, yellow.
Fruit: Square, round, young green after dark chocolate.
Seeds: Round, hard, brown.
Roots: riding, dirty white.
Chemical Ingredients

Leaves, bark and roots of flowers the moon contains saponins, polyphenols and flavonoids.

Leaves of hibiscus months efficacious as an upset stomach bloating

For upset stomach bloating used ± 7 grams of fresh leaf flower moon, washed, boiled with 2 cups water for 25 minutes, after the cold filtered, the filter while drunk.
READ MORE - Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsley) A. Gray

Monday, September 5, 2011

Virgaurea Solidago L.

Scientific Names

Virgaurea Solidago L.

Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotylcdoneae
Nation: Asterales
Ethnicity: Asteraceae
Marga: Solidago
Type: Solidago L. virgaurea
The characteristics

Habitus: Herbaceous plant, chronic, high 30-60 cm.
Stem: Spherical, slightly woody, smooth, bluish green.
Leaves: Single, the reset rod, at the tip of the stem, scattered, oblong shape, the end of the base and tapering, 50-20 cm long, 2-4 cm wide, smooth, green.
Interest: Compound, at the end of the rod, composed of grains, with the fulcrum of leaves, petals triangular shape, 2-13 cm long, composed storey circular, green, stamens amounts, purple, crown shape lanceolate, 1 to 1.5 cm long , purple.
Fruit: Single, elliptical shape, small, black.
Seed: shape elliptical, small, soft, white.
Roots: The fibers, brownish white.
Ecology and Distribution

Is a plant commonly cultivated as biased at an altitude of 800 m to 1,000 m above sea level. Grows well in fertile soils and loose, but not like a lot of water. Flowering in October and harvesting should be done in July-August.
Chemical Ingredients

Leaves and flower stems ceplikan contain saponins and polyphenols, while the flowers contain volatile oil.

Leaves, flowers and flower stems ceplikan efficacious as influenza medicine, cough medicine.

Influenza drug, flower ceplikan as much as 10 grams, washed and soaked in a glass with hot boiled water of 200 ml cover tightly and let it cool, drink as well, a day two times a day morning and afternoon.
Cough, leaves and stems of fresh flowers as much as 30 grams ceplikan, washed with 400 ml boiled water to boil for 10 minutes, filtered, after a cold drink 2 times a day morning and afternoon.
READ MORE - Virgaurea Solidago L.

Stephanotis floribunda (R. Br.) Brongn.

Scientific Names

Stephanotis floribunda (R. Br.) Brongn.

Synonym: Marsdenia floribunda (R. Br.) Schitr.

Division: Spermatophyta.
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledoneae
Nation: Apocynales
Tribe: Asdepiadaceae
Marga: Stephanotis
Type: Stephanotis floribunda (R. Br.) Brongn.
The characteristics

Habitus: Themes, chronic, long ± 2-5 m.
Trunk: twisted, woody, round, grooved firm, branched, brown.
Leaves: Single, oval, opposite, pointed tip, base rounded, the edge of the flat, 6-12 cm long, 3-7 cm wide, pinnate pertulangan, thin, glossy, green.
Interest: Compound, umbrella form, in the armpit leaves, flowers 12-15 cm long, calyx cup shape, smooth, bertoreh six, symmetrical, green, stamens and pistil stalk cylindrical, ± 4.5 cm long, yellow anthers, kidney shape, the stigma solet shape, length + 4 mm, yellowish white, crown trumpet shape, smooth, the inside fluffy, yellowish red.
Fruit: Square, round, slippery, sizes + 0.5 cm, green.
Seed: Small, black, bulbous.
Roots: riding, off-white.
Chemical Ingredients

Leaves and flowers of gold flowers contain saponins and polyphenols, in addition to the flowers contain flavonoids.

Gold-leaf flowers efficacious as a medicine to cure wounds and the flowers fever.

Used to cure wounds + 10 grams of gold leaf flowers, washed finely ground and then placed on the wound.
READ MORE - Stephanotis floribunda (R. Br.) Brongn.

Cassia surattensis Burm. f.

Scientific Names

Cassia surattensis Burm. f.

Synonym: Cassia fruticosa Koen, C. glabra Lamk

Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledoneae
Nation: Resales
Tribe: Leguminosae
Marga: Cassia
Type: Cassia surattensis Burm. f.
The characteristics

Habitus: Tree, 8-10 m. high
Trunk: Upright, woody, smooth, branching simpodial, grayish-white.
Leaves: Compound, stalk round, ± 7 cm long, greenish white, oval, flat edge, base and blunt tip, thin, smooth, pertulangan pinnate, 4-5 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, green.
Interest: Compound, androgynous, in the armpit leaves, stems cylindrical, + 7 cm long, light green, delicate petals, greenish white, stamen length + 5 mm, yellow, anthers form Taju, ± 5 mm long, smooth crown, bright yellow.
Fruit: pod, length + 10 cm, young green after dark chocolate.
Seeds: Flat, brown.
Roots: riding, dirty white.
Chemical Ingredients

Bark and roots of yellow flowers contain alkaloids and polyphenols.

The roots of yellow flowers gonorrhea efficacious as a medicine.

Drugs used for gonorrhea + 10 grams of root fresh yellow flower, washed, cut into pieces, boiled with 1 cup water for 15 minutes, after the cold filtered. The results of the filter is taken twice as much in the morning and afternoon.
READ MORE - Cassia surattensis Burm. f.

Mirabilis Jalapa L.

Scientific Names

Mirabilis Jalapa L.
Region Name

Central Java: Flower at four
Bali: Kederat
Sasak: Noja
Bread: Flowers perengki
East: Flowers ledonosok

Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledonae
Nation: Caryophyllales
Tribe: Nyctaginaceae
Marga: Mirabilis
Type: Mirabilis Jalapa L.
The characteristics

Habitus: shrubs, annuals, 50-80 cm high.
Trunk: Upright, rounded, smooth, bare, the books grow leaves and branches, white.
Leaves: Single, triangular, 5-8 cm long, 5-10 cm wide, tapered tip, base obtuse, flat edge, pertulangan pinnate, whitish green.
Flowers: Single, the shape of a trumpet, at the end of the rod, six stamens, flat, red, stalk juice curved inward, ± 3 cm long, crown length of ± 5 cm, diameter 1 to 1.5 CRN, patron leaves the bottom into one , triangular, tip bertaju five, yellow.
Fruit: Small, hard, wrinkled surface, ± 5 mm diameter, the inside white and soft, black.
Roots: riding, white.
Chemical Ingredients

Leaves and flower at four contain saponins and flavonoida. besides that leaves also contain tannins and the flowers contain polyphenols. Seeds of these plants contain flavonoids and polyphenols.

Four o'clock flower leaf efficacious as a medicine boils, roots to treat constipation and bloating. Seeds as an ingredient of cosmetics.

For ulcer drugs used ± 7 grams of fresh leaves of four o'clock flowers, washable, plus 1 / 2 grams of salt, crushed and then placed on the boil.
READ MORE - Mirabilis Jalapa L.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L

Scientific Names

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L
Region name

Aceh: Bungong Roja
Batak karo: Flowers
Nias: Soma-soma
Mentawai: Bekeju
Betawi: Hibiscus
Sunda: Flower Wera
Central Java: Hibiscus
Madura: Flowers rebong
Bali: Waribang
Sangir: Embuhanga
East: Flowers cepatu
Gorontalo: Ulange
Buol: Kulango
Napier: Flowers cepatu
Bugis: Flowers dumb
Ternate: Ubu-Ubu
Tidore: Bala flower

Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledonae
Nation: Malvales
Tribe: Malvaceae
Marga: Hibiscus
Type: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L
The characteristics

Habitus: Shrubs, annual, erect, ± 3 m. high
Bars: round, woody, hard, ± 9 cm diameter, purple when young old dirty white.
Leaves: Single, beringgit edge, pointed tip, base obtuse, 10-16 cm long, 5-11 cm wide, light green, green.
Flowers: Single, the shape of a trumpet, in the armpit leaves, bell-shaped petals, sharing five, yellowish green, the crown consists of fifteen to twenty petals, pink, stamens many, stalk juice of red, yellow anthers, pistil tube shape , red.
Fruit: Small, oval, ± 4 mm diameter, are young white after dark chocolate.
Seeds: Flat, white.
Roots: riding, light brown.
Chemical Ingredients

Leaves, hibiscus flowers and roots contain flavonoids. In addition, the leaves also contain saponins, and polyphenols, polyphenol-containing flowers, roots also contain tannins and saponins.

Hibiscus leaves efficacious as drug fever in children, cough medicines and drugs canker sores.

To cure fever in children are used ± 25 grams of fresh hibiscus leaves, plus 2 tablespoons water, pounded until blended, then smeared on the chest back and neck.
READ MORE - Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L

Clitoria ternatea L.

Scientific Names

Clitoria ternatea L.
Region name

Malay: blue flowers
Sunda: Flower telang
Java: Flower pupil
Napier: Flowers gutters
Bugis: Flowers temen raleng
Halmahera: Bisi
Ternate: Sejamagulele

Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Dicotyledoneae
Nation: Resales
Tribe: Papilionaceae
Marga: Clitoria
Type: Clitoria ternatea L.
The characteristics

Habitus: bush, creeper, the length of 3-5 m.
Trunk: twisted, massive, grooved surfaces, green.
Leaves: Compound, pinnate, oval, flat edge, tip blunt, base tapering, 4-9 cm long, 2-4 cm wide, cylindrical stalk, 4-8 cm long, pinnate pertulangan, surface hairy, green.
Interest: Compound, a cluster, in the armpit leaves, stems cylindrical, length + 1.5 cm, green, petals form a funnel, 1.5 to 2.5 cm long, yellowish green, stalk berlekatan stamens form a tube, white, head sari round, yellow, cylindrical stalk pistil, the stigma round, green, crown shape of butterflies, purple.
Fruit: pod, 7-14 cm long, short-stemmed, green when young black parents.
Beans: kidney shape, the young green after dark chocolate.
Roots: riding, dirty white.
Chemical Ingredients

Telang flower leaf contains saponins and polyphenols.

Flower leaves telang efficacious as a medicine drug ulcers and sore eyes.

For the ulcer drug use ± 10 grams of leaf flower telang, washed and finely ground, mixed with a little brown sugar, placed on the swelling or ulcers, and wrapped with a clean cloth.
READ MORE - Clitoria ternatea L.

Hippeastrum puniceum (Lamk.) O. K.

Scientific Names

Hippeastrum puniceum (Lamk.) O. K.

Synonym: Hippeastrum equestre (W. Ait) Herb, Amaryllis equestris W. Ait, A. belladonna Auct. non-L

Division: Spermatophyta
Sub Division: Angiospermae
Class: Monocotyledoneae
Nation: Liliales
Tribe: Amaryllidaceae
Marga: Hippeastrum
Type: Hippeastrum puniceum (Lamk.) O. K.
The characteristics

Habitus: shrubs, annuals, height ± 70 cm.
Trunk: Soft, round, forming tubers, dirty brown.
Leaves: Single, lanceolate, 20-60 cm long, 3-5 cm wide, thick, pointed tip, base attached to the rod, flat edge, green.
Interest: Compound, form reefs, stems 30-60 cm, rounded leaves two protective, heavy crown, 6 pieces, bertaju, six stamens, white, anthers ± 9 cm long, red.
Fruit: Box, ovoid, 3-7 cm long, 1-3 cm wide, brown.
Seeds: Round, small, black.
Roots: The fibers, dirty white.
Chemical Ingredients

Torong flower bulbs and leaves contain saponins and polyphenols, in addition, the tuber also contains alkaloids and the leaves contain flavonoids.

Bulbs flower torong efficacious as a medicine swollen legs

For swollen feet drug use ± 30 grams of fresh flower bulbs torong, washed, pounded until blended, paste on the sick and bandaged with a clean cloth.
READ MORE - Hippeastrum puniceum (Lamk.) O. K.