Sunday, October 23, 2011

Arenga pinnata

Palm Scientific Name: Arenga pinnata
Synonyms: Arenga sacchrifera Labill.
Family: Arecaceae (Palmae).

Description of Trees:
Like a palm tree with a trunk height to 25 m and a diameter of 65 cm. some are quite long leafy stem, leaf midrib underneath the edges are tattered black break down into fibers. Petiole up to 1.5 m, leaf blade length to 5 m. Child leaves up to 145 times 7 cm, at the bottom there is a layer of wax. Monoecious, with female cobs cob. male length 2.5 m. Cob branched once, lateral length of 1.5 m. Male flowers in pairs, the length of 12-15 mm. Female flowers stand alone, almost round like a ball. Fruit Buni round bullet, with the end dented inwards. All of Java, in the woods or planted 1-1400 m above sea level. Also known by the name of the old Arenga saccharifera Labill. Virtually all of the plant could be used, its roots as a woven material and whips, rods are split to gutter (water channels), wood for walking sticks and roof rafters, vegetables, bones, leaves for brooms and baskets, to replace the young leaves of cigarette paper , bark fibers for rope fibers, tiles, baskets, brooms, brushes, terrace made "sago". From the cob tassel tapped liquid containing sugar, then made of sugar (brown sugar), if allowed to produce sago water, wine or vinegar, made candied and eaten seeds (and fro). Parts used wine / legend (the results of flower water fermentation) and roots.

Local Name:
Persuaded Bak, Bak seat (Aceh); Patterns, Paula, Bagot, Agaton, Bargot (Batak); Anau, Biluluk (Minangkabau); Kawung, Taren (Sunda); Aren, Lirang, bear (Java); Jake, Hano (Bali ); Meka (MPA); Moke, Huwat (Flores); Akel, Akere, Koito, Akol, Ketan (MPA); Inru (Bugis); Bole (Bread); Seho (Ternate).
Simplicia name:
Arengae pinnatae Radix; Roots Aren.


Wine / legend to cope with canker sores and constipation. Roots to cope with kidney stones and skin rashes.

Potions and dosage
1. Kidney Stones
Remedy: Roots Aren 2 grams, 3 grams of glass Keji Leaves, Roots Alang-alang 3 grams, Herba Meniran 3 grams, water 20 ml.
Ways of making: Made infusion.
How to use Taken 1 times a day, 100 ml.
Duration of treatment: Repeated during 14 days or until the kidney stone out. Treatment was stopped after the stone out of stone, sand, or grains. Furthermore, drinking boiled leaves and herbs Meniran cat whiskers, as a substitute for tea.

2. Constipation and Sprue
Legen drink like other fresh drinks.
Wine contains sugar and fat oils.

3. Increase Sperm
Here's how:
- Take approximately 9 grains of sugar palm fresh fruit, take the flesh, and sliced ​​into small pieces.
- Boil the ental fruit slices on top of the fireplace by using enough water to boiling.
- When you are boiling, mix with salt and palm sugar to taste. After that lift from the fireplace and palm sugar
to taste. After that lift from the fireplace; then chill.
- Drink boiled water and its ental every day 3.

Willing, God! This way semen (sperm) will increase and you also become sharper hearing.

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