Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Turmeric Benefits / Kunir

Turmeric Benefits / Kunir

Turmeric has been very long in use for the health of our ancestors, and this plant has many medical benefits. Indonesian cuisine is very familiar with turmeric as one of the basic ingredients required for cooking the yellow or as a natural food coloring. For example: curry chicken, curry, soup, fried chicken seasoning to yellow, yellow rice, using turmeric as one of the marinade. In addition to herbs, turmeric is also used for traditional medicine to maintain good health of body and beauty. Which we used is probably the turmeric acid consumption are usually sold by Ms. herbal carry our subscriptions. By eating turmeric acid - a drink with herbal categories - regular, beautiful skin with olive would be obtained. Turmeric is good for an old drug rhizome is more than one year. Some medicinal properties of turmeric, among others:
Fever: 20 grams of fresh ginger washed and shredded. Add 1 / 2 cup of boiled water and stir evenly, squeeze a piece of clean cloth. Juice drink. Apply 2 times a day
Diarrhea: Ingredients: turmeric rhizome, gambier and whiting taste. The trick: take fresh turmeric for 1 / 2 fingers, sliced ​​thinly and then boiled with 1 cup water until the remaining 1 / 3 cup. Add 1 teaspoon of water whiting, stir until evenly distributed. Strain and drink 3 times a day until healed.
Abdominal bloating, no appetite, pain, nausea 50 g of clean fresh turmeric and shredded. Add 3 tablespoons water and stir evenly and then squeezed and filtered, divided for 3 times the drink.
Preventing wrinkles on the skin. Grate a little turmeric and squeeze the water. For maximum results, should be drunk every day.
Diabetes Mellitus. Ingredients: 3 rampang turmeric, 1 / 2 teaspoon salt. Method: The second material is boiled with 1 liter of water until boiling, then filtered. How to use: drinked 2 times a week 1 / 2 cup.
Typhus. Ingredients: 2 rhizome of turmeric, a hump SERE, a bitter leaves. How to make: all ingredients are finely ground and crushed, then add 1 cup of cooked a still warm and filtered. How to use: drink, and carried out for a week straight - participated.

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