Sunday, October 23, 2011


Binahong plants thought to have come from Australia, South Africa, Hawaii, New Zealand and other Pacific Islands. These herbs are easy to grow both in lowland and upland in cold and humid environments.

Generative propagation by seed, but more often is cultivated vegetatively through rhizome roots. This Binahong trunked soft, when they are old enough will arise in the armpit leaves a kind of tuber with irregular shapes and rough textured as shown in figure 5. Bulbs will be released and spread by itself, then these bulbs will grow into new plants.

This plant in the family termasuj Basellaceae, in Indonesia is generally known by the name Binahong, whereas in English is called Heartleaf Madeiravine or Madeira Vine and the country called China's Deng Teng San San Chi or Chi.


Scientifically Binahong or by the Latin name Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis is classified as follows:
Kingdom: Plantae (Plants)
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta (vascular plants)
Super Division: Spermatophyta (seed Produce)
Division: Magnoliophyta (flowering plants)
Class: Magnoliopsida (two pieces / dikotil)
Sub Class: Hamamelidae
Order: Caryophyllales
Family: Basellaceae
Genus: Anredera
Species: cordifolia Anredera (Ten.) Steenis

Binahong generally used to overcome the interference of the body such as:

1. Accelerate the recovery of health after surgery, childbirth, circumcision, all the wounds in, colitis.
2. Launch and normalize circulation and blood pressure.
3. Preventing stroke, ulcers, gout.
4. Add and restore vitality endurance.
5. Wazir (pile)
6. Launched urination, defecation.
7. Diabetes etc..
8. Sprue weight.
9. Dizziness.
10. Stomach ache


Some leaves are chewed or cooked until smooth with a glass of water and drink more easily with the waste or blended (blender) leaf has magical properties as follows:

Severe disease categories:

- Cough / vomiting blood: 10 sheets per day
- The lungs are perforated: 10 sheets per day
- Diabetes: 11 sheets per day
- Shortness of breath / bengik: 7 sheets per day
- Acute ulcers are chronic: 12 pieces per day
- Broken bones: 10-12 sheets per day
- Blood low: 8 sheets per day
- Radagng kidney: 7 sheets per day
- Itching skin gatal.exim: 9 pieces per day
- Severe concussion / mild: 10-15 sheets per day
- Symptoms of liver: 10 sheets per day

For severe disease categories such healing takes up to 6 (six) months, attempted somewhat patient taking this drug every day.

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