Monday, October 10, 2011

Four o'clock flower

Four o'clock flower popular name. This well-known medicinal plants to treat acne. And not only that, ulcers and diabetes, vaginal discharge and swollen breasts, can also be cured by this plant.

In addition to the above names, this plant has a different name. Flower early afternoon, the flowers as a child (Sumatra); Kederat, segerat, tegerat (Java), Kupa Oras, cako secret (Maluku); Paranggi flowers, flowers parengki (Sulawesi); At AMPA, turaga, bodoko Sina, what interest tete (Sulawesi) and Mo Zi li (China);

External use:
1. For breast swelling (acute mastitis), boils, sores, injuries hit, ezcema, mash the fresh plants for external use or boiled with enough water for washing. Leaves are maturatif (accelerated ripening of ulcers). How to use:

2.Untuk Acute arthritis: boiled fresh roots, to drink. When the body heat, plus the know, when cold body plus feet of cattle, a total of 120 grams of white flowers. braised, drinks.

3. To boil:
On the boil a little hazelnut oil lubricated. Four o'clock flower withered leaves on the fire, then applied a little coconut oil, middle and place it on top dilubang ulcers.
10 sheets at four o'clock flower leaves are washed, then crushed, plus salt to taste water, attached to the ulcer and its surroundings, Ialu bandaged.
Fresh Roots kuhtnya discarded, then crushed and added palm sugar. Attach to the boil, replaced 2 times a day (twice).
4. For acne:
starchy fruits, made ​​of flour powder. Starch powder was added water, then applied.

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