Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Gomphrena globosa L.

Plants that fall into this ornamental plant widely available throughout Indonesia, especially in areas with wet climates to moderate. Gomphrena globosa L. scientific name

Is an annual herb, height 60 cm. or more, hair. Planted in the yard as an ornamental plant or grow wild in the fields that get enough sun to a height of approximately 1400 meters above sea level, thought to have come from America and Asia. Stems reddish green, hairless, enlarged on the branching segment, sat opposite leaves, stemmed, oval leaves form a breech until elongated, with a length of 5-10 cm, 2-5 cm wide, tapered tip green haired rough at the top and smooth on bottom, white hair color. Flowers hump shape, color purplish crimson, like a ball. (There are also white).

Flowers or whole plants, fresh or dried.

1. Bronchial asthma, airway inflammation of acute and chronic (acute
and chronic bronchitis).
2. Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
3. Inflammation of the eyes, headaches
4. Heat in children, nightmares (night screaming).
5. Dysentery.

USAGE: 9-15 grams, boiled.

Plant fresh crushed, worn on the body of the sick or boiled, for washing. Used for wounds or sores hit.

1. Bronchial asthma:
10 boiled flowers, plus the yellow wine, drink it
rutine 3 times.

2. Urination is not smooth: flowers 3-10 gr boiled, drunk.

3. Heat in children (due to liver disorders):
7-14 fresh flowers boiled, drinking.

4. dysentery:
10 plus fresh flowers of yellow rice wine, boiled, drinking.

5. Bronchitis chronis:
Already made injectable drugs, injected at acupuncture points. 10%
patients, arise dryness in the throat after being
injection, but only temporarily.

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