Thursday, June 9, 2011



China petai (Leucaena leucocephala) is a plant that has a hard tree trunk and the size is not large. The leaves are compound decomposes in a double bladed stalks. The flowers are white tuft often called cengkaruk. The fruit is similar to the fruit petai (Parkia speciosa), but the size is much smaller and thinner have a cross-section. China petai fruits including fruit pod,
containing small seeds bibji which is quite a lot. Petai chinese by the farmers in the countryside is often planted as a fence crop, green manure and everything. China petai suited to the low altitude 1500 meters above sea level. Petai Chinese in Indonesia nearly destroyed after suffering a planthopper pest. Breeding than by seed dispersal that are old can also be done by stem cuttings.

Local Name:
Petai China (Indonesia), Kemlandingan, Leucaena (Java); Palanding, Peuteuy Selong (Sunda), Kalandingan (Madura);

Curable Disease:
Diabetes mellitus, worms, sexual passion, a new wound and swollen; Tluseben (kasura);

1. Diabetes Mellitus
Ingredients: Chinese petai beans that are old and dry;
How to make: fried without oil and finely ground (made
powder). Then grab a spoon and brewed with hot water
(Such as making coffee).
How to Use: drink 1 a day 1 cup and carried

2. Wormy
Ingredients: Chinese petai beans that are old and dry;
How to make: fried without oil and finely ground (made
powder). Then grab a spoon and poured boiling water with ½ - 1 cup
hot water (such as making coffee).
How to Use: drink at bedtime.

3. Increase sex drive
Ingredients: 1 tablespoon Chinese banana, 1 tsp black pepper powder, 2 eggs
raw chicken egg yolk and 1 tablespoon of honey;
How to make: all Materials are mixed until evenly distributed
How to Use: while drunk

4. Fresh wounds and swollen
Ingredients: banana leaves chinese taste
Method: finely ground or chewed
How to Use: placed on the injured / swollen

5. Tlusuben (things that get into the meat: wood, bamboo)
Ingredients: banana leaves chinese shrimp paste that is still young and kitchen;
How to: banana leaves chinese shrimp paste and added finely ground
kitchen to taste, stirring until evenly;
How to Use: affixed on the sick, then
wrapped with cloth napkins.

CHEMICAL CONTENT: Seeds of petai pod China (Leucaena leucocephala), an elderly per 100 grams has a value of the chemical content of the form: - Calories 148 calories, - Protein 10.6 grams - 0.5 grams fat, - Hydrate charcoal 26.2 gram, - Calcium 155 milligrams, - phosphorus 59 grams - 2.2 grams of iron, - Vitamin A 416 SI - 0.23 milligrams of Vitamin B1 - Vitamin C is 20 milligrams.

Ingredients and Benefits: Kang is, antitoxin, anti-inflammatory, laxative urinating, stop the bleeding, sedatives (sleeping pills). Swamp Cabbage is also soothing and calming. Kale contain protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, hentriakontan, and sitosterol

1. Reduce Menstruation
0.5 kg washing fresh spinach leaves, finely crushed, give enough water. Strain, put 1 tablespoon of honey. Drinking out 1x a day at a time.
2. Nosebleed
Small bunch fresh spinach leaves, washed, pounded fine, give a little sugar, brewed with hot water. Once cool, strain, drink 2x a day.
3. Headache
How I: A handful of spinach leaves finely mashed, give a little salt and enough water. Strain, give honey. Drinking 1x day at a time
How II: a bundle of leaves and stems fresh boiled spinach, boiled drinking water.
4. Hemorrhoid
Small handful watercress roots washed, boiled in 3 cups of water until the water stayed ½. After a cold, drink ½ cup 2x a day.
5. Insomnia
Frequently eat vegetables and spinach, without the stem.
6. Toothache
Handful of spinach root, ½ teaspoon vinegar, boiled with 1 cup water. Use boiled water as well as 1x a day.
7. Smooth Water Art
Handful of watercress roots boiled with 2 cups water to live to be 1 cup. Drinking boiled water once a day 1x
8. Dandruff
Fresh watercress taste soaked in water overnight until the water is colored blue. Wash it with water. Do this every shampoo.
9. Constipation, Nausea For Pregnant Women
Eating vegetable dish with sauteed spinach.
10. Sprue, Gum Swelling
A bunch of kale leaves (no stems), washed, crushed, give 1 cup of water, squeeze and strain (may give a little salt). Use water to rinse.

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