Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ginger Herbal plants and medicinal properties

Ginger Herbal plants and medicinal properties
Herbs ginger and usefulness. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a pseudo or trunked trunked plants that produce wet bulb or rhizome roots. This plant originated from South East Asia known as aromatic rhizome and feels hot. In Indonesia, this plant thrives lowland to mountain areas.

Ginger has several names, such as "jae" (East Java), "ginger" (West Java), "ginger" (Sumatra) and "Lai" (Borneo). Ginger has a tongue-shaped leaves, long round, while the flowers protruding from the ground rod or oval shaped.

From the type size, ginger can be divided into a large ginger (elephant ginger), ginger small (small ginger), and red ginger (ginger sunti). Of the three types of ginger, which is often used as a medicine is a red ginger. Because more red ginger essential oil fraction content. While the large white ginger (elephant ginger) can be made "pickled ginger" which is a potential export material. And a small ginger (emprit) can be made ginger candy, sweets, syrups, instant, sherbet and sekoteng.

Ginger can be grown in the yard home and grow do not need much special care. Like other bulbous plants, for growing ginger require loose soil and fertile and sufficient sunlight.

Plants from this tribe zingi beranceae Most grown people as other plants, in the yard or moor.

For the ginger plant, seed used is rhizome roots that have 3-4 buds and is derived from the rhizome of an age of about 10 months. If maintenance is good, within a few months of ginger have started to be harvested.

Here are the properties of the herb ginger as a traditional medicine:

Many drugs that use ginger as an ingredient.

- As sleep medicine to treat rheumatism or stiff, which attacks the joints of the feet or hands and other limbs. How to make a potion; Ginger shredded and then mixed with a little eucalyptus oil or in sleep then rubbed on the body that feels pains.

- As an herbal medicine relief of nausea and bloating. Traditionally, ginger is used as preventive medicine nausea and bloating, when the long journey.

- As the heated body; For this is usually made ​​wedang ginger (wedang sherbet) and drunk while still warm. This drink is made ​​by brewing slices or hot water laced with ginger plant palm sugar to taste.

- For relief of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy; Some medical texts advise pregnant women to eat ginger to relieve nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Chewing ginger can stimulate salivation and digestive fluids, thus reducing nausea and vomiting.

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