Thursday, June 9, 2011

Lemongrass is made in the form of extract

Benefits of lemon grass - especially in the dry stems and leaves - used for cooking spices, perfume, herbal mixing ingredients, and also can be made volatile oil. Lemongrass herb can be used as a "repellent (control) insects", for example mosquitoes as vectors (carriers) of disease.

Health development is an integral part of national development. The purpose of health development at its core is the ability to reach a healthy life for all population Indonesia. One is the control of disease vectors. This
in accordance with the Constitution of Republic of. 23 of 1992 on Health, article 22 paragraph 2, which reads, "Control of a disease vector control measures to reduce or eliminate interference caused by disease-carrying animals, such as insects (mosquitoes of malaria and dengue fever mosquito), rodents (rodent)" .

Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), eg

Dengue is an infectious disease
Acute hemorrhagic fever caused by a virus - especially in children - with the signs of sudden high fever with bleeding manifestations and tend to cause shock (shock) and death. The disease is transmitted through the bite of aedes mosquito aegypty.

MOSQUITO which act as vectors of disease, usually eradicated by spraying using a synthetic insecticide as an insect poison. Insect repellent spray, mosquito coils, or a topical medication anti-mosquito, of course, contain insecticides that contain several chemical compounds.

But for those who can not stand, these insecticides cause strong odors and can cause shortness of breath or allergic skin so it will affect the health.

Sp Culex mosquito species, Aedes aegypty, usually eradicated by spraying insecticide. But in addition to the positive impacts - such as to kill the mosquito transmitters, has a dependent property types, shapes, and concentrations of insecticide and with the entry into the body - there are also negative impacts. Among poisoning in humans, livestock, environmental pollution, and pests become resistant
(Hold). In addition, spraying with insecticide synthesis also requires considerable expense.

In contrast with lemongrass, contains a natural chemical compound. Lemongrass plant chemical content is mostly done on stem and leaves. How, stem and leaf paste, then mixed with a solvent and produce volatile oil containing a compound sitral, sitronela, geraniol, mirsena, nerol, farsenol methil heptenon, and dipentena.

Lemongrass containing compounds form solid and distinctive smell. Essential oils which is the production of lemongrass, consisting of various compounds. One compound that can kill mosquitoes is sitronela. Sitronela have toxicity (desiscant), according to the way it works is like a toxic poison contacts that can provide death due to loss of fluid on an ongoing basis so that the mosquito's body fluid deficiency.

Lemongrass is made in the form of extract. Extracts were dried preparations, viscous or liquid is made with "quote" vegetable or animal crude drugs according to a suitable manner, outside the influence of sunlight. Should be easily crushed dried extract or a mixture of ethanol from water. The easiest to refine extract material (blend), then mixed with water as a solvent. Procurement of lemongrass extract can be done

1. The leaves and stalk lemongrass 1 kg, washed and drained until dry and mashed with the blender.

2. Results blender then dissolved into 250 ml of water and soaked for 1 night.

3. Immersion is then filtered, the results are stored in a bottle and diluted with distilled water.

These materials will be used in the spraying of mosquitoes with the chemical compound concentration low enough and natural. In addition to not spend a lot of cost, this material can be made with a simple and much of this fluid can adjusted needs that we want.

Ingredients & Benefits: Essential oils contained in lemongrass efficacious anti-inflammatory and pain relief. Citronella oil made ​​beneficial for blood circulation.
1. Painful Joints
Citronella oil (can be purchased at the drug store) rubbed on painful joints.
2. Dislocate
2 stalks lemongrass, 3 pecan pounded while given little water. Then, heat ingredients over the fire. After the mixture is hot, apply to a sprained part.
3. Swollen Gums, Toothache
40 g fresh lemongrass boiled with 2 cups of water until the water half. Use this mixture to rinse.
4. Cough:
50 g of dried lemongrass boiled with 2 cups of water until the water half. This Drinking Potions 3x a day.
5. Maag Hospital, Smooth Menstruation
No prescription same. 3. Drink this potion 2x a day, after meals

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