Thursday, June 9, 2011

Banana is a fruit that is full of nutrition


Banana is a fruit that is full of nutrition, contains almost no fat and easily digestible. Carbohydrates in banana about 23-35%, fat 0.2% and like other vegetable substances, cholesterol-free bananas. A total of 100 grams of bananas will give you calories by 120 calories. The fruit is also rich in potassium and contains magnesium, selenium, iron and vitamins and sodium free. Bananas are rich in vitamin B-6 is needed for one's mental health. Lack of vitamin B-6 can cause a person to be tired and angry and disturbed sleep. Eating a half a banana every day will provide for the body to vitamin B-6. Eating foods rich in potassium and vitamin B6, especially fresh banana (not boiled or fried plantain bananas) also can reduce pain, soreness and pain in the joints. Eating bananas 3-4 times a day even believed to help reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (arthritis). Bananas are potassium-rich foods. One medium size banana contains 467 mg of potassium, which provides 13% of daily potassium requirement. The data showed that taking potassium by the body associated with blood pressure lowering effects. In 2001, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration; sort of POM in the USA), agreed that the foods that are sources of potassium and low in sodium may reduce the risk of increased blood pressure and stroke. As a source of potassium, bananas can help reduce the risk of increased blood pressure. In New England Journal of Medicine even mentioned, that eating one banana a day may reduce the risk of stroke by 40%. If you feel lethargic in between meals, just take a banana. Fruit sugar contained in it (which is classified as simple carbohydrates), will be easily digested and enter the blood stream resulting in instant energy. In addition, with the supply of potassium from bananas, muscle tissue will re-powered for some time before the body obtain energy supplies from major food emergency. Since this is also, not surprisingly, the athletes, especially tennis athletes often eat bananas before and on the pitch for the repellent tired and its power. In The Food Pharmacy by Jean Carper, bananas and even referred to as food efficacious for patients with ulcer disease. Perhaps the spasmolytic properties of bananas, which lowers labor and reduce gastric acid secretion and gastric enzymes, play a role in producing these properties. High content of pectin in the banana also can protect the gastric mucous membrane of the influence of gastric acid and enzyme (pepsin). Bananas are also rich in dietary fiber or complex carbohydrates. Consumption of dietary fiber will help to facilitate bowel movement and very good for preventing colon cancer.

Ingredients and benefits: Bananas are cool. Tannin substances in bananas is an antiseptic, while saponin nutritious substances thin the sputum. Bananas, plantains especially, contains a useful launch kalium urine. It also contains vitamins A, B, C, sugars, water and starch.

1. Wound
How I: Take a banana and rub the sap of the child at the wound was cleaned
How II: Take bonggot bananas, wash and then crushed. Spread this mixture in place of the injured.
2. Burn
Crushed ripe bananas, then spread on burns
3. Wart
Banana skin klutuk scraped with a little hard on the skin. Several hours later, kulitpun will peel. If not healed well, repeat until 3x
4. Insect bites
Banana heart is in the banana stem shredded, and squeezed. Take the water about 1 cup. Drink this potion 2x a day, each ½ cup. Then, the waste is used to compress the wound due to insect bites.
5. Hemorrhoid
How I: 3-5 bananas stone washed, then grated and squeezed to take water. Once filtered, give a little pulosari and palm sugar. Drink this mixture 2x a day
How II: Drinking liquid from banana weevil kepok
6. Hepatitis
Eat lots of bananas gold
7. Ruling Preventing Fever after Childbirth
Shredded banana trunks and squeezed to take water. Once filtered, drink 2x a day
8. Sprue Intestine
4 bananas raw stone together both skin and thinly sliced ​​fruit, then ground. Squeeze and strain. The water then put it in a glass healed for 1 night. The next morning wake up drink so
9. Sore Throat / Tonsils
Banana weevil kepok grated and squeezed to take water. Use water to rinse. Do this 3x a day
10. Dysentery
How I: rock banana weevil grated and squeezed to take water as much as ½ cup. This potion to drink 3x
How II: 2 banana flower kepok after being washed clean, then chewed and swallowed the water.
11. Diarrhea
How to I: 2 banana flower kepok burned to black, then take the inside and eat.
How II: drink 1 glass of wine from banana weevil fluid kepok
How III: 3 bananas ripe stone, 3 bananas raw stone crushed and squeezed to take water. Drink this mixture 3 times a day, each 1 glass of wine
Note: How to III should not be used if the dirt in the form of green slime.
12. Nosebleed
How I: The roots or stems of banana kepok finely ground, and brewed with ½ cup hot water. Once filtered, drinking 1x a day, at the same time.
How II: Breathe liquid from banana weevil kepok
13. Constipation
Eat bananas and banana moss gold. Do this several times a day
14. Sprue
2 ripe bananas stone, 2 bananas raw stone that has been peeled, pounded into powder. Then, put 2 tablespoons of honey. Drink this mixture 2x a day
15. Anemia
Children kepok new banana 1 inch of washed and shredded. Give 1 tablespoon salt, then squeeze. Drink this potion 2x a day, each with 3 tablespoons.
16. Heartburn
A banana with the skin raw stone, a noni fruit until finely ground, then mixed with 3 bananas ripe stone. All this knead with a little water. Once filtered, drink well for 2 weeks.
17. Kidney Inflammation
Drinking fluid from the stem of banana mixed with a little sugar cubes. Drink this mixture 3 times a day.
18. Fertilize Hair:
How to I: liquid from banana weevil applied to the scalp.
How II: banana weevil taken pounded and squeezed for water. Mix water with oil urang aring taste. Then, healed 1 night. Wet the scalp with this mixture while massaging your head. After several hours, hair shampoo you.
19. Smooth the Palms
Rub your hands golden banana skin.

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