Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fruit Seeds Walnuts For Health

Fruit Seeds Walnuts For Health

Usually consumed since ancient Roman times to increase fertility. More than 200 years people believed the Mediterranean and Asia could spur the energy is great for stamina women. This type of nut is also used as medicine for male impotence by Chinese people, improve the production of male hormones, and they increase blood flow and antioxidants.

EPA and DHA are known to many in the marine fish such as salmon, sardines and others. But the reality content of EPA and DHA on the "FRUIT walnuts" did not lose much. Eating fruit can give the body walnut intake of Essential Fatty Acids Omega-3, anti-oxidants, and Phytosterol, a substance that reduces the risk of breast cancer, according to a study presented at the Annual Meeting of The 100 2009 Association for Cancer Research American. Phytosterol (also called plant sterols) are a group of steroid alcohol, phytochemicals naturally found in plants. Phytosterol-shaped white powder with a distinctive aroma that can not sting insoluble in water and soluble in alcohol. The substance has many benefits, such as a food additive to reduce levels of cholesterol, as well as in medicine and cosmetics.

Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology know that walnuts can indeed mengahambat growth of cancer cells, especially breast cancer. Researchers also found levels of eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) in liver of rats given a canary higher than mice not given a canary.

Researchers from the Marshall University School of Medicine tried to find out what content contained on the walnuts. Elaine Hardman, assistant professor of medicine at the "Marshall University School of Medicine", said, although studies conducted in laboratory animals and not humans, people should pay attention to the suggestion that eating more walnuts. "Walnuts are better than cake, fresh fruit, or potato chips when you need a snack," said Elaine Hardman.

Elaine Hardman and colleagues review the rats fed the same food that they expect the share of men, two ounces of walnuts per day. A separate group of rats were given food that is monitored. Standard examination showed significantly lower consumption of walnuts incident breast tumors, the number of gland tumors and tumor size. "This laboratory mice in particular have a 100% tumor event within five months; walnut consumption inhibits tumor growth until at least three weeks," says Elaine.

Molecular analysis showed, increased consumption of omega-3 fatty acids contribute to the reduction in tumor event, but some other parts of walnut also contribute. "With the intervention of food, you see a lot of mechanisms when dealing with a whole food," and "It is clear that the fruit walnuts contribute to healthy foods that can reduce breast cancer."

Walnuts are also safe because it does not make blood sugar rise quickly. Kim Kah Hwi, researchers from the University of Malaya even revealed that the walnut is useful as a cure impotence.

Diabetics are also obliged to eat because of works to increase the single layer of cells that lies between the bloodstream and tissues. Research on two people with diabetes who eat nuts every day for 8 weeks showed significantly improved endothelial function. Endothelial cells become one of the targets when diabetes began to spread and invade blood vessels, if the cell is working properly, the blood vessels of diabetics are protected.

Walnuts contain alpha-linolenic acid are high so as to prevent the plaque in arteries. Among other benefits, walnuts are also able to relax blood vessels and blood pressure control because it contains an amino acid called L-arginine. Walnuts are not very popular compared to so many other foods is touted as anti-cancer foods such as soy, tomatoes and others. But the study showed that regular consumption of walnuts can lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase healthy cholesterol (HDL) in the body.

In addition, walnuts are also known to help reduce cholesterol and help the body cope with stress.

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