Monday, September 5, 2011

Brown rice

In general, our society is more often comsume white rice as a source of carbohydrates for full stomach. In fact, rice is genetically divided into several types, such as white rice, brown rice, black rice and glutinous rice. Each type of rice has the nutrients and benefits vary. Brown rice is harder than white rice, so when the cook had to use more water and more lama.Di between different types of rice in Indonesia, the red rice or brown rice has efficacy as medicine.

Brown rice that has been known since 2800 BC, by the doctors at that time believed to have medical value that can restore a sense of calm and peace. Although compared with white rice, brown rice carbohydrate content is lower (78.9 g: 75.7 g), but the results of the analysis Nio (1992) demonstrated the value of the energy produced instead of brown rice over white rice (349 cal: 353 cal) . Besides being more rich in protein (6.8 g: 8.2 g), it is probably due to the higher content of tiamin (0.12 mg: 0.31 mg). Thiamine deficiency can disrupt the nervous system and heart, in severe circumstances called beriberi, with initial symptoms of decreased appetite, indigestion, constipation, fatigue, tingling, palpitations, and diminished reflexes.
Other nutritional elements contained in brown rice is phosphorus (243 mg per 100 grams of material) and selenium. Selenium is a trace element (trace element) which is an essential part of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase. This enzyme acts as a catalyst in the breakdown of peroxide into bonds that are not toxic. Peroxide can be transformed into free radicals that can oxidize unsaturated fatty acids in the cell membrane to destroy the membrane, causing cancer and other degenerative diseases. Because of its ability that many experts say this material has the potential to prevent cancer and other degenerative diseases.
For beauty, levels of selenium can prevent premature aging. Also brown rice can also be used to mask the mixture. For example, if you want to improvise, mashed brown rice and apply on face. Currently, he also has sold a scrub of brown rice.
The research results presented at the annual Experimental Biology conference held Apri 24-28 in Anaheim, California, U.S. revealed two types of rice such as brown rice and half-rollers can reduce the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. Researchers also reported that red rice was much better than white rice while protecting the body from high blood pressure and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

"Our study demonstrates the potential of rice that might be a good starting point for seeking preventive medication for cardiovascular disease," researchers said Satoru Eguchi, professor of physiology at Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia, USA. Previously, Eguchi and colleagues say their study noted the content of brown rice able to resist protein known as angiotensin II that contribute to high blood pressure and clogged arteries.

The content is located on a layer of chipped rice when brown rice is converted to white rice. However, that layer can be preserved when milled using traditional tools like the Japanese people.

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