Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Amomum cardamomum Willd

Scientific Names

Amomum cardamomum Willd

Region Name
Aceh: Cardamom, Kardamon
Minangkabau: Palago, Pelaga, Puwar
Sunda: Kapol, Kapol other side, Pelaga
Java: Kapulogo, Kapulogo Sabrang, Pulogo, Kapol Sabrang
Madura: Kapolagha, palagha
Bugis: Gandimong
Malaysia: Pelaga
Thailand: Luke grawan
English: Cardamom
The characteristics

Habitus: Herbs, annual, 1-5m high, grouped to form many tillers.
Trunk: Moot, organized by the midrib of leaves, shape cylindrical, green, big and fat stem tuber.
Leaves: Single, scattered, dark green, smooth leaves, hairy, oblong shape, the base and pointed tip, flat edges of the leaves, 30-60 cm long, 10-12cm wide, pinnate, short.
Flowers: Small, whole heads, white or yellowish white, 1 to 1.5 cm long stamens, anthers elliptical shape.
Fruit: Square, round elongated, hollow triangle slightly flattened, yellowish white.
Seed: Small, brown or black, aromatic characteristics.
Roots: The fibers, dirty white.
Chemical Ingredients

Fruit, cardamom seeds and rhizomes contain many essential oils, saponins, flavonoids, and polyphenols. And consists of terpinoel atsri oil, terpinil, sineol, borneol, camphor and beta.

All parts of plant good fruit, stems, leaves, cardamom is efficacious as a tonic, gout, rheumatism, fever, and increase afrodisiaka (libido).

Water decoction whole plant is used for a tonic for people who feel weak or weakened by exhaustion. Also useful for people who are diseased, or rheumatic gout. Sometimes also used as afrodisiaka (to increase the libido). Water decoction is used as a medicinal rod down the heat (fever). The fruit used for flavoring and refreshing food and beverages. Fruit is also efficacious to relieve itching in the throat, a cough, and upset stomach, leaves are often used to eliminate bad breath, to cough, and lower the heat (as antipiretikum). The leaves are dried, milled, boiled 1alu warmers can be a drink for people who are cold, especially for those who live in the mountains, in cold climates or in very humid forests. These drinks can simultaneously
heat treating the sick.

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