Monday, November 26, 2012

Lantana camara

Lantana camara sometimes grows wild or planted as an ornamental and hedge plant. Plants originating from tropical America can be found from the lowlands to an altitude of 1700 m above sea level., In the open places exposed to the sun or slightly shaded.
Shrubs, erect or somewhat climbing, height of 0.5 - 4 m, smelling. Woody stems, much branched, branches rectangular shape, prickly, hairy. Single leaf, face, round eggs, pointed tip, base obtuse, serrated edge, pertulangan pinnate, both surfaces hairy, rough touching, length 5-8 cm, width 3.5 - 5 cm, dark green. Inflorescence compound form of grain, inner crown-haired, white color, pink, Jinga, yellow and so on. Buanh buni, stalk-haired, young green, shiny black when ripe.
Nature and EfficacyThe root is sweet and cool. Efficacious as a reliever fever (antiperik), antidote (antitoksik), pain relievers (analgesics) and stop bleeding (hemostatis). The leaves are bitter, cool, smelling da slightly poisonous (toxic), are efficacious relieve itching (anti-pruritic), anti-toxic, menghilamngkan swelling and vomiting. While interest tembelekan rasannya sweet and cool, efficacious as stop bleeding.
Chemical IngredientsLeaves contain lantadene A, B lantadene, lantanolic acid, Lantic acid, humule (containing essential oils), b - caryophyllene, g - terpidene, a-pinene and r-cymene.
Used PartsLeaves, flowers and roots. The use of dry
IndicationRoots efficacious to overcome:
Influenza accompanied by high fever,TBC gland (skrofuloderma),Rheumatism, swollen bump (bruising),Whitish (leukorea),Gonorrhea (gonorrhea),Mumps (parotitis, mumps) andSkin disease associated with emotional disorders (neuridermatitis).Flowers merit overcome:
Pulmonary TB by coughing up bloodShortness of breath (asthmatic)Leaves merit overcome:
Skin pain, itching, boils, woundsCough, andRheumatism, bruises, swellingHow to UseThe dried roots as much as 30-60 g of boiling water, then drink. External use be used for dermatitis, eczema, skin fungus (tinea), ulcers, bleeding wounds, scalded, insect bites, bruises and vaginal discharge. How, leaves and twigs of fresh finely ground and then attached to a hospital or boiled and the water used for washing.
Usage ExamplePulmonary TB by coughing up bloodTembelekan dried flowers as much as 6-10 g boiled in 3 cups water until the remaining half, after cold filtered, divided for 3 times the drink. Drink in the morning, afternoon and evening, each 1/2 cup.
RheumatismRoot dry tembelekan 1 handful boiled in 5 liters of water to boil for 15 minutes. Used for a warm bath.
Tembelekan leaves fresh taste boiled, the water is used for bathing
Tembelekan fresh crushed leaves to taste. whiting add water, stirring until a dough like thick porridge. Borehkan on the sick.
Whitish, GonorrheaTembelekan dried roots as much as 45 g cut thinly and then boiled in 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. After chilling filtered, and then divided by 2 times as much for a drink. morning and afternoon
Dermatitis, Eczema, Skin Fungus, UlcersTembelekan leaves 1 handful of fresh boiled in 3 cups water to boil for 15 minutes. Warm used to wash skin disorders.
UlcerTembelekan leaves washed and fresh taste until finely ground. Put a boil, then wrapped. Replace 2-3 times seharri.
Bruising, bleeding woundsFlowers and leaves to taste fresh tembelekan washed and rinsed with boiled water. Mash the two ingredients until smooth then dab on the sore spot, then wrapped. Replace 2-3 times a day.
CoughTembelekan dried leaves 5 g boiled in 3 cups of water until the remaining half. after chilling filtered, divided 3 times as much for a drink, the morning, afternoon and evening.
Incentives Vomiting in Food PoisoningTembelekan leaves 1 handful of fresh washed and brewed with half a glass of water. Let stand for 15 minutes. Warm drink as well.
Note:Overdoses cause dizziness and vomiting.Pregnant women should not drink boiled tembelekan, because it can cause fetal death.