Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Benefits of Garlic

Benefits of Garlic - Garlic is always identical and relate to herbs that are used every day when you make a healthy food. However, garlic has other benefits besides the main seasoning a dish, that is good for your health. That's because garlic has some substances that are useful for body health such as calcium, protein, fat, phosphorus, sulfur, iron, and even vitamin A, vitamin B1 and vitamin C is also owned by garlic. For that garlic consumption is very good for our health.
Benefits of Garlic for Health

There are several benefits of garlic that we can get, including:
Being able to normalize cholesterol levels.
Preventing heart disease.
Prevent cancer.
Preventing high virgin pressure.
Both are used for eye care.
Prevent hypertension.
Heal wounds infected by bacteria.
Cure asthma.
Help cure a variety of other chronic diseases.

The above are some of the benefits and efficacy of garlic. For those of you who have some problems and diseases such as those mentioned above, can consume garlic to prevent and treat your illness.
Efficacy of Garlic

There are so many benefits of garlic that we can get to consume on a daily basis regularly. From a study conducted in Moscow, has managed to find that garlic can lower cholesterol levels. That way, it can be concluded that the efficacy of garlic to lower cholesterol is already proven. In addition, garlic is also able to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke arrived - arrived. Those are some of the benefits of garlic for the health of our bodies.