Monday, November 26, 2012

Catharanthus roses

Catharanthus roses This plant originated in Central America, commonly planted as an ornamental plant. Vinca can be grown in the open or unprotected on a variety of climates, are found from the lowlands to an altitude of 800 m above sea level.

Terna or bush, for years, growing up, reaching 120 cm tall, much branched. Stem round, the base of woody, smooth-haired, red color tengguli. Single leaf, rather thick, short-stemmed, faced cross. Leaf blade elliptic, tip runcng, base tapering, flat edge, pertulangan pinnate, second leaf surface shiny and smooth hair. Inflorescence compound, out of the end of the stem and axillary panicles with 5 pieces of trumpet-shaped petals, the color is white, pink or white with red spots in the middle. The fruit tube hairy, hanging, contains many black seeds. Propagation by seed, stem or root cuttings.

Nature and Efficacy
Herba slightly bitter, cool, slightly poisonous (toxic), enter the liver meridian, laxative urine (diuretic), lowers blood pressure (hypotensive), tranquilizers (sedatives), cool blood, stop bleeding (hemostatis), and menhilangkan heat and toxins. While the roots of vinca efficacious as a laxative menstruation.

Chemical Ingredients
Herbs contain more than 70 kinds of alkaloids, including 28 biindole alkaloids. Anticancer components, namely as vincaleukoblastine alkaloids (vinblastine = VLB), leurosidin and katarantin, Alkalod are efficacious hypoglycemic (blood sugar lowering), among others leurosin, katarantin, lochneri, tetrahidroalstonin, vindolin and vindolinin. While vinca roots contain alkaloids, saponins, and tannins flafonoid.

Used Parts
Herbs and roots. Use fresh or the dried

Herba efficacious to overcome:

High blood pressure (hypertension)
Diabetes (diabetes mellitus)
Pee a little (oliguria)
Bleeding due to decrease in the number of platelets (thrombocytopenic primary purpua)
Difficult bowel movements (constipation)
Cancer: Hodgkin's disease "s, chorionic epithelioma, acute lymphocytic leukemia, acute leukemia monostik, limfosarkoma an retikum cell sarcoma.
Roots merit overcome:

irregular menstrual
How to Use
Herba 6 - 15g boiled in 5 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups low heat. Once cool, filtered and drunk several times a day until exhausted. For external use, fresh leaves plus rice to taste and finely ground up like mush. Apply the scalded wound.

Pharmacological Effects
The active compounds vinblastine and vincristine in leukemia efficacious anticancer, ehrlich ascitic carcinoma and liver carcinoma walker. Also stopping cell division (myth) of cancer at metaphase and inhibits purine synthesis, DNA and RNA. Vimblastin especially for diseases hodgki "s and chorioepithelioma, also effective on breast cancer, ovary (ovarian), testis and Nephroblastoma. Vincristine is more effective in leukemia and acute lymphocytic granulostik, especially in acute lymphocytic leukemia and mielositik in children. Both cause mild suppression of bone marrow (the cause of decline in the number of white blood cells and platelets).

Giving leaf decoction vinca (white flower) 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% at a dose of 5 ml / kg bw in rabbits can lower their blood sugar levels nasing at 46.61%, 49.25%, 51, 62% and 58.66% compared with tolbutamide (Norma, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty UNHAS, 1985)

Giving vinca leaf decoction (red flowers) per oral male white mice, the hypoglycemic effect of the decoction obtained yield 15% at minute 210, 240 and 270. Stew yield 30%, hypoglycemic effect in the minutes to 240 and 270. Potential relative leaf decoction red flowering vinca that approximately half of the potential relative to water tolbutamide. These effects are very weak when compared with tolbutamide (Suyanto, FK UGM 1992)

Usage Example
High blood pressure, diabetes, acute lymphocytic leukemia. (Br) vinca leaves 15g fresh as boiled in 5 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups. After chilling filtered, the result is taken twice as much in the morning and afternoon.

Side Effects
Effects such as vinblastine decrease in the number of white blood cells (leukopenia), which returned to normal after 1-2 weeks of medication is stopped, no appetite, nausea, vomiting, difficult defecation and neurokogis disorders such as insomnia, headache, mental depression, abnormal sensation and loss of reflexes in

The side effects of vincristine appeared on the nervous system with symptoms of abnormal sensations, numbness in the limbs, pain, weakness, loss of reflexes in, movement disorders, paralysis of the eyelids (ptosis), vision (diplopia), husky and bald (alopecia). Also occurs constraints on system manufacturing blood cells, hemoglobin and platelets (platelet). decreased white blood cells 1-2 weeks after taking the drug.