Monday, November 26, 2012

Blumea balsamifera

Blumea balsamifera Plants from Nepal are living in the open until somewhat sheltered by the river and hold the farm. Can be grown in sandy soil or soil slightly moist at altitudes up to 2,200 m above sea level.

Shrubs, grow upright, reaching 4 m tall, branching at the ends, smooth-haired, the parts of the plant smelled camphor when crushed. Single leaf, at the bottom of the stalks, leaves the top of a seat, the location of alternate, there are 2-3 extra leaf on the stalk leaves. Leaf blade round to oval egg, base and pointed tip, serrated or scalloped edge, the top surface is rather rough-haired, lower surface hairy tight and smooth as beludu, pertulangan pinnate, length 8-40 cm, width of 2-20 cm. Compound inflorescence panicle shape, came out at the end of the stalk, the color yellow. Fruit cylindrical shape box, beriga 8-10, 1 mm long, hairy. Propagation by seed or root shoots separation.

Nature and Efficacy
Sembung is spicy, slightly bitter, warm and smells like spices. Efficacious as antibacterial, blood circulation, remove blood clots and swelling, laxative fart (carminative), laxative dried (diaforetik), laxative sputum (expectorant), astrigen, tonic and cough medicine.

Chemical Ingredients
Sembung contains essential oils (ngai camphor), gummy substance (mothballs) and borneol, which also contains sineol, limone, and myrristin palmitin acid, alcohol sesquiterpenes, khlorasetofenon diameter, tannins, and glycosides pirokatechin. While borneol extract obtained from the leaves fresh.

Used Parts
The leaves and roots of young plants that have not flowered, fresh or dried.

Leaves merit overcome:

Arthritic joints, joint pain after childbirth,
Painful menstruation, irregular menstruation comes,
Influenza, fever, shortness of breath (asthma), cough, bronchitis,
Abdominal bloating, diarrhea, stomach pains,
Chest pain due to narrowing of the coronary arteries (angina pectoris), and,
Diabetes (diabetes mellitus)
Young roots merit overcome:

Excessive menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia),
Lack of appetite
Abdominal pain, diarrhea, intestinal worms and,
Arthritic joints

How to Use
Dried leaves as much as 9-18 g of fresh leaves as much or 15-30 g boiled, drinking. For external use, fresh leaves boiled and the water used for the treatment of hemorrhoids, bruises, boils, skin ulcers and rashes on the skin.

Pharmacological Effects
Infusion of leaves sembung 10% with a dose of 5 mg / kg bw in rabbits, after 1 hour a decline in blood sugar levels. Comparison, use tolbutamide (Herlina Hutajulu, Prayitno W and Tarin Slamet, Department of Pharmacology Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy Faculty USU USU)

Infusion of 10% and 20% leaf fresh sembung dose 11 ml / kg bw given to male pigeons have didemamkan, shows the effect of the first antieprik work faster and shorter working time than comparable doses of paracetamol 300 mg / kg bb (Muhammad Imbalo, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty USU, 1981).

Usage Example
Sembung leaves 1 handful of fresh washed and cut into pieces as needed. Add 3 cups water and boil until the remaining 1 1/2 cups. add honey as needed, and drink 3 times a day, each 1/2 cup.

Irregular menstruation, Flatulence
Sembung much as 20g of fresh leaves washed and cut into pieces as needed. Boil 3 cups of water until the remaining 3/4 of his. Add a little honey, then drink. 3 times a day, each 3/4 cup.

Menstrual Pain
Sembung fresh leaves as many as 5 pieces and 5 seeds Kedaung have baked and mashed boiled with 2 cups water until the remaining half. Drink once when cool.

Sembung roots and whole plants ginjean (Leonorus sibiricus) each as much as 30g of washed and cut into pieces as needed. Add brown sugar to taste and boil with 3 cups water until the remaining half. Setelahdingin filtered, then taken 2 times a day @ 3/4 cup.

Angina pectoris
Sembung fresh leaves as many as 5 pieces of washed and boiled in 3 cups water until the remaining 3/4 of his. After chilling filtered and drunk. 3 times a day @ 3/4 cup. Do it every day.

Arthritic Joints
Root sembung 30 g and 60 g of willow leaves washed and cut into pieces as needed. Boil 3 cups water until remaining 1 glass. After chilling filtered and drink 2 times a day, each 1/2 cup.

Sembung fresh leaves as much as 15 g of washed and boiled with 1 cup of water for 15 minutes. After chilling filtered. Distillate taken 2 times as much in the morning and afternoon.

Lack of appetite
Sembung roots of plants that do not bloom as much as 30 g of washed and cut into pieces as needed. Brewed with a cup of hot water. After dngin filtered, then drink as well.
READ MORE - Blumea balsamifera

Catharanthus roses

Catharanthus roses This plant originated in Central America, commonly planted as an ornamental plant. Vinca can be grown in the open or unprotected on a variety of climates, are found from the lowlands to an altitude of 800 m above sea level.

Terna or bush, for years, growing up, reaching 120 cm tall, much branched. Stem round, the base of woody, smooth-haired, red color tengguli. Single leaf, rather thick, short-stemmed, faced cross. Leaf blade elliptic, tip runcng, base tapering, flat edge, pertulangan pinnate, second leaf surface shiny and smooth hair. Inflorescence compound, out of the end of the stem and axillary panicles with 5 pieces of trumpet-shaped petals, the color is white, pink or white with red spots in the middle. The fruit tube hairy, hanging, contains many black seeds. Propagation by seed, stem or root cuttings.

Nature and Efficacy
Herba slightly bitter, cool, slightly poisonous (toxic), enter the liver meridian, laxative urine (diuretic), lowers blood pressure (hypotensive), tranquilizers (sedatives), cool blood, stop bleeding (hemostatis), and menhilangkan heat and toxins. While the roots of vinca efficacious as a laxative menstruation.

Chemical Ingredients
Herbs contain more than 70 kinds of alkaloids, including 28 biindole alkaloids. Anticancer components, namely as vincaleukoblastine alkaloids (vinblastine = VLB), leurosidin and katarantin, Alkalod are efficacious hypoglycemic (blood sugar lowering), among others leurosin, katarantin, lochneri, tetrahidroalstonin, vindolin and vindolinin. While vinca roots contain alkaloids, saponins, and tannins flafonoid.

Used Parts
Herbs and roots. Use fresh or the dried

Herba efficacious to overcome:

High blood pressure (hypertension)
Diabetes (diabetes mellitus)
Pee a little (oliguria)
Bleeding due to decrease in the number of platelets (thrombocytopenic primary purpua)
Difficult bowel movements (constipation)
Cancer: Hodgkin's disease "s, chorionic epithelioma, acute lymphocytic leukemia, acute leukemia monostik, limfosarkoma an retikum cell sarcoma.
Roots merit overcome:

irregular menstrual
How to Use
Herba 6 - 15g boiled in 5 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups low heat. Once cool, filtered and drunk several times a day until exhausted. For external use, fresh leaves plus rice to taste and finely ground up like mush. Apply the scalded wound.

Pharmacological Effects
The active compounds vinblastine and vincristine in leukemia efficacious anticancer, ehrlich ascitic carcinoma and liver carcinoma walker. Also stopping cell division (myth) of cancer at metaphase and inhibits purine synthesis, DNA and RNA. Vimblastin especially for diseases hodgki "s and chorioepithelioma, also effective on breast cancer, ovary (ovarian), testis and Nephroblastoma. Vincristine is more effective in leukemia and acute lymphocytic granulostik, especially in acute lymphocytic leukemia and mielositik in children. Both cause mild suppression of bone marrow (the cause of decline in the number of white blood cells and platelets).

Giving leaf decoction vinca (white flower) 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% at a dose of 5 ml / kg bw in rabbits can lower their blood sugar levels nasing at 46.61%, 49.25%, 51, 62% and 58.66% compared with tolbutamide (Norma, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty UNHAS, 1985)

Giving vinca leaf decoction (red flowers) per oral male white mice, the hypoglycemic effect of the decoction obtained yield 15% at minute 210, 240 and 270. Stew yield 30%, hypoglycemic effect in the minutes to 240 and 270. Potential relative leaf decoction red flowering vinca that approximately half of the potential relative to water tolbutamide. These effects are very weak when compared with tolbutamide (Suyanto, FK UGM 1992)

Usage Example
High blood pressure, diabetes, acute lymphocytic leukemia. (Br) vinca leaves 15g fresh as boiled in 5 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups. After chilling filtered, the result is taken twice as much in the morning and afternoon.

Side Effects
Effects such as vinblastine decrease in the number of white blood cells (leukopenia), which returned to normal after 1-2 weeks of medication is stopped, no appetite, nausea, vomiting, difficult defecation and neurokogis disorders such as insomnia, headache, mental depression, abnormal sensation and loss of reflexes in

The side effects of vincristine appeared on the nervous system with symptoms of abnormal sensations, numbness in the limbs, pain, weakness, loss of reflexes in, movement disorders, paralysis of the eyelids (ptosis), vision (diplopia), husky and bald (alopecia). Also occurs constraints on system manufacturing blood cells, hemoglobin and platelets (platelet). decreased white blood cells 1-2 weeks after taking the drug.

READ MORE - Catharanthus roses

Lantana camara

Lantana camara sometimes grows wild or planted as an ornamental and hedge plant. Plants originating from tropical America can be found from the lowlands to an altitude of 1700 m above sea level., In the open places exposed to the sun or slightly shaded.
Shrubs, erect or somewhat climbing, height of 0.5 - 4 m, smelling. Woody stems, much branched, branches rectangular shape, prickly, hairy. Single leaf, face, round eggs, pointed tip, base obtuse, serrated edge, pertulangan pinnate, both surfaces hairy, rough touching, length 5-8 cm, width 3.5 - 5 cm, dark green. Inflorescence compound form of grain, inner crown-haired, white color, pink, Jinga, yellow and so on. Buanh buni, stalk-haired, young green, shiny black when ripe.
Nature and EfficacyThe root is sweet and cool. Efficacious as a reliever fever (antiperik), antidote (antitoksik), pain relievers (analgesics) and stop bleeding (hemostatis). The leaves are bitter, cool, smelling da slightly poisonous (toxic), are efficacious relieve itching (anti-pruritic), anti-toxic, menghilamngkan swelling and vomiting. While interest tembelekan rasannya sweet and cool, efficacious as stop bleeding.
Chemical IngredientsLeaves contain lantadene A, B lantadene, lantanolic acid, Lantic acid, humule (containing essential oils), b - caryophyllene, g - terpidene, a-pinene and r-cymene.
Used PartsLeaves, flowers and roots. The use of dry
IndicationRoots efficacious to overcome:
Influenza accompanied by high fever,TBC gland (skrofuloderma),Rheumatism, swollen bump (bruising),Whitish (leukorea),Gonorrhea (gonorrhea),Mumps (parotitis, mumps) andSkin disease associated with emotional disorders (neuridermatitis).Flowers merit overcome:
Pulmonary TB by coughing up bloodShortness of breath (asthmatic)Leaves merit overcome:
Skin pain, itching, boils, woundsCough, andRheumatism, bruises, swellingHow to UseThe dried roots as much as 30-60 g of boiling water, then drink. External use be used for dermatitis, eczema, skin fungus (tinea), ulcers, bleeding wounds, scalded, insect bites, bruises and vaginal discharge. How, leaves and twigs of fresh finely ground and then attached to a hospital or boiled and the water used for washing.
Usage ExamplePulmonary TB by coughing up bloodTembelekan dried flowers as much as 6-10 g boiled in 3 cups water until the remaining half, after cold filtered, divided for 3 times the drink. Drink in the morning, afternoon and evening, each 1/2 cup.
RheumatismRoot dry tembelekan 1 handful boiled in 5 liters of water to boil for 15 minutes. Used for a warm bath.
Tembelekan leaves fresh taste boiled, the water is used for bathing
Tembelekan fresh crushed leaves to taste. whiting add water, stirring until a dough like thick porridge. Borehkan on the sick.
Whitish, GonorrheaTembelekan dried roots as much as 45 g cut thinly and then boiled in 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. After chilling filtered, and then divided by 2 times as much for a drink. morning and afternoon
Dermatitis, Eczema, Skin Fungus, UlcersTembelekan leaves 1 handful of fresh boiled in 3 cups water to boil for 15 minutes. Warm used to wash skin disorders.
UlcerTembelekan leaves washed and fresh taste until finely ground. Put a boil, then wrapped. Replace 2-3 times seharri.
Bruising, bleeding woundsFlowers and leaves to taste fresh tembelekan washed and rinsed with boiled water. Mash the two ingredients until smooth then dab on the sore spot, then wrapped. Replace 2-3 times a day.
CoughTembelekan dried leaves 5 g boiled in 3 cups of water until the remaining half. after chilling filtered, divided 3 times as much for a drink, the morning, afternoon and evening.
Incentives Vomiting in Food PoisoningTembelekan leaves 1 handful of fresh washed and brewed with half a glass of water. Let stand for 15 minutes. Warm drink as well.
Note:Overdoses cause dizziness and vomiting.Pregnant women should not drink boiled tembelekan, because it can cause fetal death.
READ MORE - Lantana camara


Tempuyung growing wild in the open exposed to the sun or a slightly shielded, such as on cliffs, edge drains or abandoned land, sometimes grown as a medicinal plant. Plants derived from Eurasia can be found in areas that much rain at an altitude of 50-1650 m asl.

Annual herb, erect, 0.6 2 m, containing a white sap, with a strong taproot. Hollow stem and berrusuk. Single leaf, the bottom grew and gathered at the base of the rosette forming roots. Leaf blade lanceolate or oval-shaped, pointed tip, base heart shapes, irregular edges share pinnate, length of 6-48 cm, width of 3-12 cm, light green color. The leaves are out of the relationship in a smaller stalk to the base of the stem hug, remote location, alternate. A hump-shaped inflorescence tergabug in panicles, stemmed, crown needle shape, bright yellow, over time become brownish red. Fruit boxes, five ribbed, elongated shape of about 4 mm, flat, hairless, yellowish brown.

There is a diversity of plants. A small leaf called a clay and a large leafy reaches 2 feet tall called Rayana. Young stems and leaves can be eaten even if it tastes bitter as a salad. Propagation by seed.

Nature and Efficacy.
Tempuyung bitter and cold. Effectively removes heat and toxins, laxative urine (diuretic), grinding stones (lipotriptik), antiurolitiasis and eliminate swelling.

Chemical Ingredients
Tempuyung laktuserol containing a-, b-laktuserol, mannitol, inositol, silica, potassium, flavonoids and taraksasterol.

Parts used
Leaves or the entire plant

Tempuyung can be overcome:
Sakuran urinary stones and gallstones
Appendicitis (apendistis), inflammation of the breast (mastitis)
Beser mani (spermatorea)
High blood pressure (hypertension)
Hearing loss (deafness)
rheumatic gout, bruises
ulcers, burns.
How to Use
Leaves or the entire plant as much as 15-60 g of boiling water, then drink. For external use, fresh ground herbs and then attached to a hospital or squeezed to compress and water boils, burns, and hemorrhoids.

Pharmacological effects and results Penenitian
Study the effect of water extract and alcohol extract of the leaves of the volume of urine tempuyung rats in vivo and in vitro dissolution of kidney stones, produced the following conclusions: 1) does not expressly tempuyung leaves have a diuretic effect, but it has the power of dissolving kidney stones: 2) power dissolving stones kidney by water extract is better than alcohol extracts (Giri Hardiyatmo, Fac. Pharmaceuticals UGM 1991)

Praperlakuan leaf flavonoid fraction tempuyung acetate could inhibit hepatotoxicity of carbon tetrachloride (CCI 4) were given to male mice (hissing Liestyaningsih, Fac. Pharmaceuticals UGM 1991)

Usage Example
Sore Breasts
Tempuyung fresh herbs as much as 15g boiled in 3 cups water until remaining 1 glass. After chilling filtered and drunk. Do it 2-3 times a day.

Stems and leaves of fresh tempuyung sufficiently washed and finely ground. Water is used to compress boils feelings.

Hypertension, Urinary Bladder and Gall Bladder Rocky
Tempuyung fresh leaves as many as 5 pieces washed and smoked ebentar. Eat as a salad with rice. Do it 3 times a day

Urinary stones
Tempuyung dried leaves as much as 250mg boiled with 250 cc of water until the remaining 150 cc. After chilling filtered, divided for 3 times the drink. Spend a day. Do it every day until it heals.

Tempuyung leaves, leaf Advocates (Persea america), ground mustard leaves (Nasturtium montanum), all fresh ingredients as much as 5 pieces, and 2 finger palm sugar is washed and boiled in 3 cups water until the remaining 3/4 of his. After chilling filtered. Accumulated water taken 3 times a day, each 3/4 cup.

Tempuyung leaves and leaves nasty shard (Strobilanthes crispus) fresh each 5 pieces, 6 pieces of baby corn and 3 finger palm sugar washed and cut into pieces as needed. Boil 3 cups of water until the remaining 3/4 of his. After chilling filtered, then taken 3 times a day, each 3/4 cup.

Hearing loss (Deaf)
Tempuyung fresh herbs washed and rinsed with boiled water. Gilling sampia smooth, then squeezed with a clean cloth. The water dripped on elinga the deaf. Do it 3-4 times a day.

Prolipid Capsules are indicated for the treatment of high cholesterol and maintain the slimness of the body containing these medicinal plants
READ MORE - Tempuyung

Friday, November 23, 2012


Spinach thorn have single leaf, grow alternate, green color, round in shape elongated egg, base tapering, flat edge. In the armpit leaves are a pair of hard spines easily separated. Flowers unisexual, female flowers gathered in a tight skein-shaped grains that can be forked at the base, located at the end of the whitish-green stems. Propagation by seeds.
Spinach thorn chemical properties and pharmacological effects: sweet, bitter, cool,. Sign Meredian heart and kidneys. Heat removal (anti pirentik), laxative urine (diuretic), eliminating toxins (anti-toxin), eliminating swelling, stop diarrhea and cleanse the blood.
All parts of the spinach thorn from the roots, stems and leaves of the flowers can be used. Chemical constituents present in spinach thorn among others: amarantin, routine, potassium nitrate, pyridoxine, salt - salt phosphate, iron, vitamin A, C and K
Here are some benefits of spinach thorn for various diseases:
Dysentery, 30 g of fresh roots washed, plus 15 grams of brown sugar and water clean taste. Boil until the remaining ½ cup water. be drunk before eatingWhitish, 30-60 gr fresh roots washed, add a little sugar, boiled in 3 cups of water up to 1 cup of water. After a cold and drunk filteredGland tuberculosis, 30-60gr fresh stems and roots or whole plants, after washed with boiled water mixed with a little wine, drinkSore throat, 45 gr fresh roots washed, boiled, drinkingInflammation of the respiratory tract, washed spinach leaves ¼ handheld clean ago finely ground, given the 3 tablespoons of cooking water and a little salt, squeezed and strained, and drunk. 2 times a dayDiscard the urine is not smooth, 1 piece of root with 
cob washed clean, boiled with 2 cups water to a 1 cup, drink well
Ulcers, fresh leaves taste in wash and then ground smooth. Combine honey to taste, to cover ulcers and round, then wrapped. The day changed 2 timesHemorrhoids, a handful of leaves freshly washed clean, then boiled. Used for steaming and washing wasir
Eczema (dermatitis), whole plant sufficiently washed and then boiled. Add a pinch of salt. The water to wash the affected partAnd bleeding gums, plant burnt taste (the base tile) and used as a powder. Used to apply to the soreAdding milk production, 1 stick of thorns full wash clean spinach and ground smooth to use as a poultice around the breastFever, 1 handful of fresh leaves washed and finely milled and added enough water, used as a poultice on the forehead
Those are some of the benefits of spinach spines that can cure various diseases.
READ MORE - Spinach


Agarwood pieces are relatively easy to get, because in the last 5 years the passion the community to plant trees nan fragrant pig producers was very high. Therefore the growth centers in various regions of aloes. Gaharu trees begin to bear fruit at the age of 5 years. When ripe, the fruit will open so that seeds fall to the ground. Now the possibility of planting more than 1,750 ha spread from Sumatra to Papua.
Easy to recognize the symptoms of stroke, sudden fatigue, dizziness unbearable, confusion and difficulty speaking. Other symptoms are the hands, feet and face numb. When symptoms appear immediately take the patient to the doctor, especially for people with hypertension. If not treated more than 3 hours, interruption of blood flow to the brain can lead to death.
eating fatty foods such as meat yield and high cholesterol can cause a stack cake dipembuluh blood cholesterol that can block blood flow to the brain. Reduced blood supply is what is called a stroke. Based on data from WHO World Health Organization as many as 15 million people worldwide annually stroke. Five million of them died and 5 million permanent disability.
The main factors causing stroke is hypertension or high blood pressure. And the occurrence of hypertension is caused by high cholesterol levels in the blood. Divided into two types of stroke are:
Ischemic stroke, stroke occurs because blood flow to the brain stops because ateorosklerosis or buildup of cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels or blood clots that obstruct blood into the brain.Hemorrhagic stroke, occurs because the blood vessels rupture thus blocking blood flow, blood seeping into an area of ​​the brain damage fan.Production of a tree in the tens of kilograms of fruit per tahaun, the tree will bear fruit throughout the year. How to use Agarwood Aquilaria Sinensis fruit is dried in the sun for a week in advance so that the water levels dropped and the remaining approximately 14%. After it dried aloe rind makers in a glass of hot water and leave for 1-2 jam.setelah it sekali.seduhan fruit drink a day just to serkali wear aloes, for subsequent use steeping fresh fruit.
After steeping fruit regularly consuming aloe water for a month, usually a new stroke will be felt. After two months of stroke symptoms will begin to disappear and it will get better.
Contains aloe leaves steeping agarospirol that can suppress the central nervous system so as to provide a calming effect. It also eliminates motion sickness. While the results of burning agarwood bark as an anti-mosquito. Aloe tree used for perfume raw materials.
Basically the roots, stems, leaves and twigs contains bioactive aloe same. Concentration is someone different. Unfortunately, until now there has been no scientific research supports anecdotal evidence that aloe fruit effective in overcoming stroke or hypertension.
However for patients with hypertension and stroke, Agarwood Benefits decent choice even though it was bitter but not lose it if regularly consumed fruit for three months aloes stroke sufferers will get relief
READ MORE - Gaharu

Cordyline Fruticosa

Andong which has the Latin name Cordyline Fruticosa has many benefits for the body to cure various kinds of diseases. Tyegak Andong is a herbaceous plant which has little or rarely branched. Andong widely used as an ornamental plant because it has a nice leaf shape.
Andong has a rod-shaped ring marks the leaves fall, a single leaf, there is a brownish red, and some green. Lancet-shaped leaf blade length, length of 30-50 cm, width of 5-10 cm and a pointed base.
Plants carriage from east asia and there in the lowlands to 1.900m above sea level. Young leaves are commonly eaten as a green vegetable, and when cooking rice with a bundle of old leaves provide a savory flavor. Plants carriage usually propagated by cuttings or buds separation.
The chemistry and pharmacological effects of carriage are: amber sweet, cool,. Cool blood, stop bleeding (hemostatic), eliminates swollen bruise (anti-swelling). The part that is commonly used flowers, leaves and roots.
Various benefits of crop carriage among others:
Pulmonary tuberculosis with cough bloodThreatening abortion (Threatened abortion), menstrual lot (menorhagia), bloody urine (hematuria), bleeding hemorrhoids.Diarrhea, dysdentri, stomach pain and heartburn, bleeding woundsAs for how the use of the carriage plant are as follows:
Bloody urine, pulmonary tuberculosis, cough with phlegm, do not come menstruation (amenorrhea) 60-100 grams 30-60 grams of fresh leaves or dried root boiled, drinkingDiarrhea, disentry 60-100 grams 10-15 grams of fresh leaves or dried flowers boiled, drinkingGingivitis, scraped bark, give a little salt and rubbed on the sore spotAlthough it has many benefits still a few people who use medicinal plants for horse cart. Usually buggy only used as an ornamental plant or hedge. Hopefully with this article we can use the plant to overcome the carriage several health problems.
READ MORE - Cordyline Fruticosa

Alang - alang

Alang - alang which has the Latin name Imperata cylindrica L is a plant that normally grows wild in the forest and on the edge of road. which often overlooked but it has many benefits. Alang - alang is a chronic herb plants grow erect, 30-180 cm tall, easy to breed, have rhizomes that grow stiff creeper, trunk solid and his sparse hair.

Alang - alang has a ribbon-shaped leaves, tall tapered edges, coarse and sparse hair. Alang - alang has chemical properties and pharmacological effects, sweet, cool, lower the heat, laxative urine, stop bleeding, and relieve thirst, go Meredian lungs - pulmonary stomach and intestines.

While the chemical content of grass - grass at the roots and stems are mannitol, glucose, msakharosa, malic acid, citric acid, coixol, arundoin, cylindrin, fernenol, simiarenol, anemonin. Part plant grass - grass that is often used is the rhizome (root) leaves and flowers.

Some of the benefits of Alang - alang include:

Treating swelling due to acute inflammation of the kidneys, urinary tract infection
Nosebleeds (epistaxis), vomiting blood, coughing up blood, bloody urine, bleeding in women
Fever, cough, shortness of
High blood pressure
Jaundice (hepatitis)
Plant grass - grass can be used for the treatment of both outside and inside, for use in the (drinking): 10-15 g (30-60 g fresh) can also be boiled or mashed and squeezed the water, or dry milled powder used. As for the external use: grain flower stalks are crushed and spiked below or jam, useful to stop the bleeding.

Here are some recipes from plant grass - grass:

1. Vomiting blood: 30-60 g fresh root after washed, cut into pieces as needed boiled in 3 cups water until remaining 1 glass. Drinking after cold

2. Nosebleed: fresh roots washed, then crushed and squeezed the water to collect 100 cc, drinking. Or 30 grams of fresh root washed and boiled in 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. Drinking after cold

3. Bloody urine: 100 gr fresh roots washed and boiled with 2000 cc of water until the remaining 1000 cc. Drink as a tea

4. Gonorrhea: 300 gr fresh roots washed, cut - cut as needed, boiled with 2000 cc of water until the remaining 1200 cc, plus sugar ti teste. Shared 3 times or as tea drinking

5. Acute infectious hepatitis: 60 grams of dried root boiled in 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. Divided for 2 times drinks

6. Thirst on measles: 30 gr grass roots - grass in the wash and boil. Drink as a tea

7. Acute kidney inflammation: 60-120 g fresh roots washed and cut into pieces as needed, boiled in 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. Divided for 2-3 times the drink

With so many benefits of alang - alang has made patent medicines. For people with a weak stomach and drink lots of pee prohibited.
READ MORE - Alang - alang

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Melon nutritiona

You may often underestimate the melon you eat. Though this cheap fruit contains many remarkable properties as a prophylactic. Approximately 95% of meat melon contains water, so that it can give a sense of cool and soothing effect. Because nature has a refreshing, melon could relieve heartburn. Melon fruit contains a lot of Vitamin A, B and C and contains protein, calcium and phosphorus. Mineral content in melon can even eliminate the acidity of the body and has healing properties constipation. The acidity of the body should be removed because it would interfere with digestion, particularly in the stomach organ.

Melon nutritional content is 15.00 mg calcium; 25.00 mg phosphorus, 0.5 mg iron, 34 mg of Vitamin C; 640 mg IU Vitamin A, and 0.03 mg of Vitamin B1. Melon contains an anticoagulant called adenosine so as to stop the clotting of blood cells that can lead to stroke or heart disease. Meanwhile, the carotenoid content of high melon fruit can prevent cancer and reduce the risk of lung cancer because it is the main compound attackers cancer.

Melon has a very good diuretic power so that it can cure kidney disease and severe disease and acute eczema. If combined with lemon, melon can suppress the disease gout. So you'll want to consume melons regularly once a day in the morning.

Upshot melon benefits for our body health are:

As anticancer.
Exhaust system helps to prevent constipation.
Reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Prevent blood clots.
Reduce the risk of kidney disease.
Eczema cure.
Prevent and cure heartburn.
READ MORE - Melon nutritiona

Papaya is a fruit

Here are some of the benefits of papaya for health:
1. Papaya is a fruit that is low in calories but contain a lot of nutrients, so it is very good for those who are consumed in the diet2. Papaya Skin was able to assist in the healing of skin wounds3. The fruit is rich in anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer4. Can be used for detoxification, which remove toxins present in the body. fresh papaya fruit in sufficient quantities5. Another benefit is that it can be useful for those who have problems of indigestion and constipation6. increase endurance because papaya contains vitamin C7. for diabetics, fiber in papaya fruit is able to prevent an increase in blood sugar levels
While the following benefits of papaya for beauty:
1. eating papaya can help hair growth and prevent dandruff2. to prevent premature aging. This is because it contains a lot of elements that can help fight free radicals, because the radicals themselves are the causes of premature aging.3. to whiten skin, how to take the papaya fruit (not too ripe and still firm texture) then grated and add a few drops of lime juice. Flatten mixture of grated papaya and lemon drops and rub on the body part you want wite, repeat it at least 1 week to get the expected results.4. remove acne scars. This is because papaya contains papain, an enzyme that can reduce inflammation. The trick is papaya fruit puree and wear a face mask, let it dry for 15-20 minutes then rinse with clean water. Do it regularly to get maximum results.
Actually, it might benefit or efficacy of papaya can be even more than that I mentioned above because this fruit contains nutrients is fairly complete. And as I said in the first paragraph that not only the fruit, but the bark, leaves, and roots also have benefits for the human body. It's amazing gift given by God through the fruit papaya. We should be grateful and make it a living pharmacy in the yard.
READ MORE - Papaya is a fruit

characteristics of a ripe banana

The characteristics of a ripe banana, banana skin is yellowish green with brown or yellow spots. All content in ripe bananas, will provide some health benefits, particularly for:

1. Source of Power
Bananas can be digested easily, so the sugar in them will be turned into a good source of energy for body contouring, the working muscles and also very good for relieving tired.

2. Expectant mother
Women who are pregnant are encouraged to eat bananas, because they contain high folic acid is important for the perfection of the fetus, the formation of new cells and preventing birth defects.

A ripe banana, will contain about 85-100 calories. So that by eating two fresh bananas, folic acid needs about 58 micrograms can be met. In addition, the banana will help keep blood sugar levels can reduce morning sickness, so bananas are very good for pregnant snacks.

3. Patients with Anemia
Iron content is high enough on bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood for patients with anemia. Two bananas a day, it is very good for people with anemia.

4. Ulcer Pain Sufferers
As a fruit that can be consumed directly, bananas do not irritate or damage the intestine for ulcer patients. The fruit is often used to fight bowel disease, because the texture is soft.

Bananas can also neutralize excess stomach acid and coat the stomach so as to reduce irritation. For those who have bowel disease or colic due to stomach acid, you can consume with milk mixed in a glass of liquid.

5. Lever Disease
For patients with liver, two bananas a day with the addition of one tablespoon of honey, it would be good to increase appetite and increase strength.

6. Burn Patients
Especially for people with burns, you can use banana leaves as a treatment. The trick, burned skin smeared with a mixture of banana leaf ash and coconut oil. This mixture can cool the burning skin.

7. Experiencing Stress
Bananas contain potassium, a vital mineral which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates the body's balance of water. When under stress, your metabolism will increase dramatically, thereby reducing the body's potassium levels. With bananas, potassium levels in the body will be balanced.

8. Stroke Patients
Research by The New England Journal of Medicine, eating bananas every day will reduce the risk of death from stroke by 40%.

9. Controlling Temperature
In some countries, bananas are regarded as cooling foods that can reduce the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. In Thailand for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure the baby is born with a cool temperature.

10. Increase Brainpower
In an English school, 200 students able to complete the final exam with just a banana for breakfast. They also often eat bananas during recess and lunch, because bananas can boost brain power.

British School is a research respondents, and proved that the potassium in bananas make the students become more active in the learning process.

On the other hand, bananas are also beneficial for beauty. As with other fruits, such as avocado, yam and cucumber, bananas are also often used as a face mask, or to cope with damaged hair and smooth hands.

Bananas also have a role in lowering or increasing weight. A study has shown that a person can lose weight on a diet of bananas.

If you want to lose weight, easy way. Every day consume four bananas and four glasses of non-fat milk or fresh milk in a day. Do it for three days a week.

Of bananas and milk, you get 1.250 calories. The menu is quite healthy for your body. In addition to weight loss, diet banana also helps the skin become clean and not oily.

Those who want to add weight, consume a glass of banana shake mixed with honey, nuts and mango, after dinner. Menu if taken every day, will help to raise the weight.

Not many people know that the banana was also able to help smokers overcome nicotine addiction. B6 and B12 are found in bananas, can neutralize the effect of nicotine in the body. Even the enzyme bromelain contained in bananas too, is proven to increase libido in men.
READ MORE - characteristics of a ripe banana

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Myristica fragrans

If no nutmeg in Banda Islands, Indonesia may not be known to the invaders. Because there Banda in Maluku, rich spices, especially nutmeg and cloves, then the nations of Europe in the sixteenth century the Banda-came to Indonesia for the spice trade as well occupy our country. Perhaps the stories of our elders in Banda, the price of 1 kg of seed and mace that time, enough to build a luxury home in mainland Europe.

Nutmeg fruit which has the Latin name Myristica fragrans tree is a plant form that comes from the Banda Islands, Maluku. Since Roman times past, fruit and nutmeg became an important trading commodity due to the high value as a spice. Not surprisingly, the Dutch and the Portuguese first glance at Indonesia for its rich spices rempah this. Since the time of European exploration nutmeg widespread in tropical regions such as Mauritius and the Caribbean (island of Grenada).

It's a lot of writing about the efficacy of nutmeg, but because of the many benefits and rewards, the author considers it necessary to expand his spread anywhere kwan kompasianer is no exception. We used to use the seeds as a spice in cooking. Bersantan meat dishes as well as dishes tasted more fragrant and delicious that comes with nutmeg ore. The fruit has a fragrant aroma with a slightly sour taste, usually made preserves and syrup drinks. The habit of using cooking as a seasoning nutmeg or consume in the form of syrup and sweets should be encouraged, since it turns nutmeg has many benefits for health. Contained chemical constituents can overcome sleeplessness (insomania), cough mucus, aid digestion, relieve muscle spasms.

Eliminate acne blemishes on the face
Eliminate acne began to grow in the following manner, mix a little nutmeg that has been pounded with whole milk to form a paste. Apply on the face of the problem, let stand a few minutes, then wash your face as usual.
Why mix is ​​good for the skin, according to Ranella Hirsch, MD, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Boston University School of Medicine, nutmeg has anti-inflammatory effects, while the milk is rich in protein and vitamins soothe the skin.
Pala abdominal pain reliever
Nutmeg apparently known since ancient times as a natural remedy to solve indigestion, diarrhea, and bloating. Essential oils and other natural chemicals in the nutmeg help smooth the digestive tract.
To help with digestive problems, sprinkle a little, no more than half a teaspoon in a bowl of oatmeal breakfast every day for 2 weeks.
Help you sleep
If you have problems to sleep, pour a glass of warm milk and a bit of fruit palabubuk. Milk contains tryptophan, an amino acid which turns into serotonin in the body, while the assist nutmeg serotonin last longer, so the explanation of Michael Murray, ND, author of The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods.
Pala toothache
For those who never had a toothache, must have felt the drugs were applied to the tooth doctor. It feels like spicy nutmeg. Yes, because nutmeg has long used to relieve toothaches and inflamed gums. "Try oil drop one-two head of the gums if pain or inflammation," suggested Sara Snow, author of Sara Snow's Fresh Living. Additionally, a substance in nutmeg oil helps fight bacteria in the mouth that can cause cavities.
Do not use too much nutmeg because it can cause dizziness and nausea.
READ MORE - Myristica fragrans