Sunday, November 13, 2011

Main Factors of Heart Disease Risk Exposure

Main Factors of Heart Disease Risk Exposure

To avoid the chance of heart disease, it helps us identify the risk factors. Here are some risk factors that warrant concern:
Age and Gender.
Personal under the age of 50 years have a higher risk compared with women in the same age group. After menopause, a woman's risk increases due to the sharp decline of the hormone estrogen is protective.
Descendants of the family.
Research shows that if there is a history of heart problems in the family, their offspring are more likely to develop similar problems.
Diabetes (diabetes)
Diabetics can suffer heart disease as a complication of the disease.
Smoking (cigarette smoke)
Smoking is directly responsible for approximately 20 percent of all deaths from heart disease and almost 50 percent of heart attacks in women under the age of 55 years. Smoking increases blood pressure and include toxic chemicals, such as nicotine and carbon monoxide, into the bloodstream. These chemical substances, will further damage the arteries. The smokers also get them involved inhaling smoke are at risk of having problems at heart. Research reveals that people who do not smoke who live with smokers have an additional risk of heart attack. Therefore, by quitting smoking can reduce a person's own risk and can even save the lives of loved ones who do not smoke.
High blood pressure (hypertension).
High blood pressure (hypertension) can injure the arterial wall and allows the channel to enter the arteries of LDL cholesterol and increase the accumulation of plaque. As the plaque deposits increased, there are more barriers to the flow of blood and thus there was an increase in blood pressure which increases the risk of heart attack.
Overweight (obesity).
Excess weight increases high blood pressure and abnormal amounts of fat. Avoid or treat obesity (overweight) is the main way to avoid diabetes. Diabetes then will increase the risk of coronary heart disease.
Sedentary lifestyle.
People who do not move much at risk of heart attack is higher. They spend most of their day without physically active and exercising regularly. Heart attacks often occur in these people after heavy activities such as working hard in the garden, jogging, lifting heavy loads, or shoveling snow. But the risk is decreased among those who exercise regularly. The streets were relaxed for 20 to 30 minutes three or four times a week can reduce the risk of attack. With regular exercise can improve the ability of the heart to pump and can lower cholesterol levels and lowering blood pressure.
Stress (emotional distress)
Based on research, stress can cause this narrowing of the arteries and decrease blood flow to 27 percent. Refinements which means even be seen in arteries affected by mild disease. Other research suggests that severe stress can lead to rupture of an artery wall that trigger heart attacks.

Merely knowing the risk factors of the disease is not enough. Necessary measures to prevent the occurrence of this disease. In addition, it is important to know the symptoms of heart disease. Rapid and precise handling can reduce the harm they cause. Please visit our Heart Disease Symptoms to find some common signs and symptoms of heart disease.
READ MORE - Main Factors of Heart Disease Risk Exposure

heart beats faster

Heart palpitations can be daunting, especially if it happens a lot. This can be a mild heart problem, but if you experience almost several times a day, you should seek medical attention. For you to find out what causes heart palpitations, continue to read as follows:

When the heart beats faster which usually have to that is when you know you have palpitations. You'll see your heart skip beats or racing. This happens even if you do not like strenuous activity. Patients will find it is at rest or sit down, and suddenly would feel the heart beat stronger for no reason. Which may occur occasionally, and then stop.

Sometimes, palpitations are caused by a panic disorder. People who have high anxiety or panic disorder may have experienced an irregular heartbeat. This is actually caused by the reaction of the body as people feel like they are in stressful situations. This can happen anytime. Having a panic attack is not so serious, but if it causes heart palpitations often, then it is a time when it becomes very dangerous. People who experience panic attacks should consult with their therapists in order to cure their disease.

Anemia is one cause of heart palpitations. It is a condition where the hemoglobin in the blood of patients are not properly carry oxygen throughout the nervous system. This occurs when the body is iron deficiency. The disease can be cured by taking iron supplements regularly and by eating healthy foods. If left untreated, can turn into more serious blood diseases.

Other causes of heart palpitations due to heart related problems. One example of this is that Arrhythmia is a condition in which the patient's heart beat often and should be different. Types of this disease should consult a physician depending on the severity. Another is the question of the heart valves in the heart. If they do not open or close properly, can cause the heart to beat in our hearts and even worse if not treated promptly.

Medications can also contribute to heart palpitations. Some herbal supplements leading to palpitations. This is one of the side effects of herbal medicine. If you experience problems with some of your medications, always ask your doctor told you. That way, he can prescribe other medications that you can use instead of them.
READ MORE - heart beats faster


Electrocardiography (ECG)

Normal changes in ECG readings that occur during pregnancy include sinus tachycardia, QRS axis shift to the left or right and premature atrial or ventricular beats. Atrial and ventricular premature beats, sinus arrhythmia, sinus arrest with nodal escape rhythm, wandering atrial pacemaker and paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, usually do not occur during the birthing process. ST segment elevation, depression, or a change in amplitude of P wave, QRS, or T should be interpreted with caution. Several authors have reported this is not an issue.

In the absence of symptoms, many non-specific ECG changes do not require further evaluation. ECG is more useful for diagnosing arrhythmias than to describe the structural abnormalities.


Echocardiography (m-mode, two-dimensional, Doppler) is a non-invasive diagnostic tests are selected in pregnancy and poses no hazard to the fetus. This procedure will provide information on cardiovascular reserve, including a definitive diagnosis of a variety of structural abnormalities. Transesophageal echocardiography is safe and useful for investigating complex congenital heart disease and infective endocarditis, especially in patients with prosthetic valves or patients who have had previous surgery.

Normal echocardiography changes during pregnancy include an increase in heart size and left ventricular mass. A small pericardial effusion can be recorded. Other investigations have shown mild valve regurgitation, which has no clinical significance. However, any abnormalities on an echocardiogram requires clinical evaluation.

Chest radiography

Exposure to X-rays, especially during the first trimester, can be harmful to fetuses, and should be avoided during pregnancy. However, a normal chest radiographs with abdominal shielding give give a dose of about 0.1 rad to the mother and only about 0.008 rad to the fetus. This means that the fetus can be exposed to 625 chest radiographs before exceeding 5 rads for the duration of pregnancy.

Changes seen on chest radiographs in a normal pregnancy can describe the presence of heart disease. This includes a mild increase in heart size, heart of a horizontal shift that increases with gestation, the left heart border and supply pulmonary blood vessels filled with a false magnification (pseudoenlargement) in the left atrium associated with lordosis of the spine.

Magneting resonance imaging

This procedure gives only a small role, although there is increasing interest and research in this regard. MRI is an attractive model for investigation, while not involving irradiation. However, lay the flat is a serious problem in pregnancy with heart disease.

Radioisotope scanning

Radioisotope scans, such as thallium scan or positron emission tomography, exposure to irradiation and thus a potential risk in pregnancy. The same information can be obtained using other modalities such as stress echocardiography, which does not use radiation. Exercise testing can be done safely in pregnancy for suspected ischemic heart disease or functional capacity. Fetal bradycardia has been reported with maximal testing and that patients are not allowed to exceed 75% of maximal heart rate.

Invasive Investigations

Cardiac catheterization produces about 0.005 rads of exposure in the fetus that has been protected cover. If cardiac catheterization is required, the access of the radial artery or brachial artery approach should be used instead of the femoral artery, which means less radiation exposure to the fetus. Access from the radial artery is now more popular than the approach of the brachial artery, with a smaller catheter balloons and stents and form a better, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) can be carried out securely via the radial artery route, if needed.
READ MORE - Electrocardiography

Symptoms of chronic hepatitis C

Symptoms of chronic hepatitis C are usually mild or even no symptoms, so many people for years not realizing that he suffered from hepatitis C. Various symptoms and complaints emerged precisely when it entered into the stage of cirrhosis or liver cancer. Symptoms that often occur among weak, uncomfortable feeling in the gut, sometimes swelling in the abdomen or legs, and body weight decreased rapidly. Not infrequently the patient vomited blood after taking pain relievers or fever, after eating foods that stimulate, or consume alcoholic beverages.
Thus, the presence or absence of symptoms is not an obstacle for the virus to undermine the heart. Slowly but surely the heart attack and shrink until it can develop into liver cancer.

Persist in the blood
HCV is a virus that breed in the liver cells and secreted into the blood. Thus, the virus is spread and transmitted through contact with blood and blood products. This is the Willy anxiety. Free sex is a part of his lifestyle proved vulnerable to HCV infection.

First, prior to the 1990's, blood transfusions became the main gate of the spread of HCV. Since doing a rigorous screening began in 1992, the story of transmission of hepatitis C through blood transfusions closing the books. In place of the syringe puncture wound. Can occur among health workers and intravenous drug users. This latter is, according to Suwandhi, the cause of people with hepatitis C shifts to a group of young people.

Modern lifestyle is now more need to watch out, because the higher mobility of people. Behaviors that could cause injury to susceptible infiltrated VHC. If it were so, we like planting a time bomb. Behaviors that warrant concern that is undergoing acupuncture therapy and piercing the body with needles that are not sterilized or cleaned as appropriate. Similarly, tattoo needles that are not disinfected or ink that has been contaminated.

For those who like to smoke crack cocaine, beware. Straws used to inhale cocaine likely to injure the pleasure of the nose. If the tool is used interchangeably (which absorbed ngedrug hell alone), was made possible HCV transmission occurs. Friends stay friends, but if he dared to be honest if you have hepatitis C?

Other risky behaviors are changing sexual partners (especially with commercial sex workers), aka the adherents of free sex. "Especially in areas with high prevalence of hepatitis C, the risk of transmission by this mode is very high," said UI graduate of the Faculty of Medicine in 1968. Indonesia, continued Suwandhi, including areas with high prevalence.

Finally - I hope this does not cause paranoid attitude - the use of personal care items such as razors, toothbrushes, nail clippers, combs simultaneously should be avoided. Especially if the tools were stored in a conducive environment, such as bathrooms. "The virus can survive in wet long enough, one to two weeks," said Suwandhi.
Well, considering that most equipment was also used in the plural and barber salon roadside, preventive measures would be key to avoid getting hepatitis C. Not that people then forbidden to shave at the salon or barber shop! Just a reminder, the places it is a terminal that warrant concern, because it could be
there is a stowaway named VHC who chimed in there.

The key education
Because the symptoms are hard to detect, patients with hepatitis C is generally realized when doing periodic checks. Shock rather than later after a complete medical check-up package, it is good you are at risk immediately checked out. If you already know of contagion, the next step in order to prevent HCV is not transmitted to others.

If you want to know that we enter into risk groups or not, try to answer the following questions. If you answered "yes" to one question, consult with your doctor.
Have you ever received a blood transfusion or blood products or organ transplants?
Did you ever do dialysis (hemodialysis)?
Do you have family members who suffer from hepatitis C?
Do you have a tattoo or piercing with unsterilized needles?
Have you ever had high-risk sexual activity without (your partner) use a condom?
Are you one of the workers and health professionals had contact with blood in the workplace?
Do you use nail cutters, scissors, combs, toothbrushes, or razors (which may be stained with blood in it) along with a person infected with hepatitis C?

If you are not yet at risk, the next step should not necessarily prevent the risk of plunging into the hole. Education is the key to prevention is a healthy life, and according to Suwandhi, depending on who is targeted. Information on prevention of transmission of hepatitis C among health workers is different from the student or students as well as for the general public.

While the people with hepatitis C should be given a guide book or leaflet about what behaviors can exacerbate the illness and how illness can be transmitted to people around him! For example, carefully dispose of the goods are exposed to blood, such as tissue, cotton swab, tampon and sanitary napkin. Cover the wound is gaping or open. When cutting hair are advised to not get scraped. Then if you have sex, use condoms. Remember, "there is no hepatitis C vaccine."

The importance of early inspection is closely associated with traveling VHC. The earlier this disease is known, the easier to treat. When caught hepatitis C at a more advanced stage, less likely to recover.

So, now it's time for her to do blood tests.

Not A, Not B, C! Yes

Hepatitis C had always been there. Just not yet known to cause viral genome. The researchers also include them as hepatitis non-A, non-B, because at the time that people new to the presence of viral hepatitis A and B alone. New in 1989 Choo and his friends managed to find the genome of hepatitis non-A, non-B, and they were then named as hepatitis.
READ MORE - Symptoms of chronic hepatitis C

Leaking heart

Leaking heart is mostly among children. From the data of the National Heart Center We hope, of the 1,000 births in different regions, 6-7 of them suffering from congenital heart defects ( Most babies born with heart defects died before the age of one year. While babies can be saved through surgery only 800-900 cases per year, mostly conducted at the National Cardiovascular Center We Hope.

Many of the causes why the babies were born with congenital heart defects, especially in the first trimester, which is crucial for the formation of the heart. If the mother of the fetus aged over 40 years suffer from diabetes, measles, high blood pressure, and smoking during the three-month-old fetus, then there is the possibility of fetal cardiac abnormalities. Another factor that can disrupt heart formation in the first trimester, among others, exposure to X-ray, physical and mental trauma, drink herbal or contraceptive pills, and heredity.

According to dr. Linda Lison, Sp.JP, FACC, FESC, there are some kinds of heart leaks visible location. For example, ventricular septal defect (VSD, leaks in the chamber), atrial septal defect (ASD, a leak occurred in the foyer), and patent ductus arterious (PDA, a leak in the aorta that connects to the pulmonary). Another abnormality is the great artery transposition (TGA), tetralogy of Fallot, pulmonary stenosis / atresia, ebstein anomalies, as well as leaks in the valves of the heart.

In ASD leak that occurred led to a number of oxygen-rich blood flows from left to right porch. The blood is then pumped to the lungs despite the previously cleaned. That way the heart becomes less efficient. In most patients symptoms are not meaningful. Even if there are symptoms, among others, quickly tired of his form as well as impaired growth and development.

VSD is similar to ASD, just a different location, namely in the booth. The problem is the pumping chamber, thereby making additional blood pumping action also increases. Blood pressure can be elevated in the channel toward the lungs. If it persists, will cause damage to blood vessel walls.

Which should be wary of is the TGA. In this case, the aorta and pulmonary upside down. The aorta receives blood from the right ventricle dirty, but not cleared in the lungs, the blood is actually circulated back to the whole body. Likewise with the pulmonary vessels which received a clean blood but returned to the lungs.

Symptoms that arise on the type of leakage was highly dependent large-small hole leaks. If large enough, can cause growth disturbances. Speaking of symptoms, keep in mind that not all congenital heart defects raises symptoms blue. You see, this disorder is divided into two groups: nonsianotik blue that does not cause symptoms (eg, ASD and VSD) and cyanotic blue that cause symptoms (eg dams astresia tetraologi Fallot tricuspid).

Ketidakmunculan blue signs occur due to dirty blood from the right ventricle does not circulate throughout the body. Instead, clean the blood from the heart left to right and crossed into the lungs. If the hole is still narrow, generally infants showed no complaints.

Instead, the body (lips, tongue, nails) to blue - especially when crying - occurs when blood dirty (less oxygen) flow to clean the blood circulation. If it's dirty blood to enter the vital organs like the brain, the patient will experience shortness of breath accompanied by seizures, it can even end up facing his Maker. However, it generally just looks bluish-old baby after a few weeks or months.

Be careful of infection

Actually, leaky heart abnormalities can be detected from the beginning. "There is now a test fetal echocardiography during pregnancy," said the cardiology staff at RS PIK and Pluit Jakarta. The pregnant woman is also expected to maintain health, not taking the drug haphazard, and not smoking.

You see, if the heart gets out, like it or not the action taken is surgery. With today's technological developments, the operation can be done without surgery. According to Linda, surgery is generally performed when the baby is about three months. However, if the situation urgent, surgery can be performed immediately, regardless of age of the baby.
Actions taken can simply tie the artery in the case of PDAs, or non-surgical closure of holes in the ASD or VSD. This method is performed by the permanent closure of a lifetime as an umbrella to cover the mounting holes that leak. It's just that the action should be taken when the patient is large. Handling an early age will prevent serious problems later in life.

In VSD the hole will close itself sometimes with age. However, if the big hole, it is recommended to be closed before the preschool years. The goal, to avoid undesirable things. Typically, the hole closed with special patches or sometimes sewn. If the hole is closed, then the blood circulation to normal.

After the surgery is done, it still needed some checks in order to act as it should be. If needed, your doctor will monitor the heart with a series of tests such as electrocardiogram or echokardiogram. "There is no meaningful restrictions, except in hypertensive lungs where the patient should not be too tired," said Linda.

Sometimes the heart of the leak is carried into adulthood, without treatment done to patch it. Problem is dangerous or not, Linda just said, "What are we afraid if it comes to a heart infection. If there are actions, such as tooth extraction or surgical operation is necessary to use antibiotics. "Or it could be that had entered the type of heart disease that is not blue turn blue.

Troublesome indeed. Therefore, the problem is a very vital organ anyway!


CORRECT misplaced

In patients with TGA, inevitably there must be a correction as early as possible. Many of the infants underwent catheterization surgery to condense time and postpone surgery until they can take care of it better. This procedure is done by enlarging the connection between the left and right porch. The goal, making the blood mixed with dirty and clean so that blood can be pumped into the right direction.

There are two types of surgery that can fix the TGA. First create a channel between the porch. This will divert oxygen-rich blood into the right ventricle and the aorta, while the gross or oxygen-poor blood into the left ventricle and the pulmonary artery. This action is known as the Mustard or Senning procedure. The second type is known as arterial switch operation. Aorta and pulmonary artery restored to their normal position. The aorta is connected to the left ventricle, and pulmonary artery into the right ventricle.

After the operation is still needed monitoring. They are also not recommended for sports competitions. Problems that arise may decrease pulse or valve function Mustard or Senning operations. You see, the right ventricle pumps blood throughout the body except the lungs. There is no obstacle for women with TGA who underwent surgery to become pregnant. Just be careful if it appears arrhythmias.
READ MORE - Leaking heart

Coronary heart

Coronary heart disease is the narrowing of small blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the heart. Coronary heart disease is also called coronary artery disease. Coronary heart disease is usually caused by a condition called atherosclerosis, which occurs when fatty material and other substances to form plaque on artery walls. This causes the arteries to become narrow the blood flowed. Because the flow in the coronary arteries narrow, blood to the heart becomes slow and even stop. This can cause chest pain (stable angina), shortness of breath, heart attacks, and other symptoms, especially when being active.

Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, while in Indonesia to issue third-largest non-communicable diseases both men and women. Before talking about the treatment of coronary heart disease, there are some things that increase the risk of heart disease:

Men in their 40s have a higher risk than women. But the unique women get older (especially once they reach menopause) are at risk of almost the same as a man.
Heredity may be a risk. For those who already suffer from coronary heart disease, aka great opportunities to lower the tone to his son, and if this happens the child will not want to get special attention from birth, especially in terms of treatment of coronary heart.
Diabetes and chronic kidney disease is a strong risk factor for coronary heart disease.
High blood pressure increases the risk of coronary artery disease and heart failure.
Smokers have a higher risk than nonsmokers.
Treatment of coronary heart

For the treatment of coronary heart disease, there may be some test to be performed such medical team:
Coronary angiography / arteriography: an invasive procedure designed to evaluate the coronary arteries under x-ray
CT angiography: a non-invasive ways to perform coronary angiography
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Electron-beam computed tomography (EBCT) to look for calcium in the artery lining. The more calcium, the higher your chances of coronary heart disease.
Magnetic resonance angiography

Not infrequently patients with coronary heart disease will be asked to consume one or more drugs. Why? Because in the context of treatment of coronary heart there are some that should be of concern, such as blood pressure medication, diabetes, or high cholesterol levels. Follow your doctor's instructions closely to help prevent coronary artery disease from getting worse. Some drugs that may be provided such as ACE inhibitors (to reduce blood pressure), diuretics, aspirin, beta blockers, nitrates, statins, etc.. Operation steps are also things that are not infrequently we find as a therapy for those who already can not be cured through the streets of drugs.
READ MORE - Coronary heart

heart attack

The most common symptoms of a heart attack is chest pain or discomfort. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts for more than a few minutes or go and return. Discomfort can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain. It can be mild or severe. Heart attack pain can sometimes feel like indigestion or heartburn.

The symptoms of angina can be similar to the symptoms of a heart attack. Angina is chest pain that occurs in people with coronary artery disease, usually when they're active. Angina pain usually only lasts for a few minutes and go with the rest. Angina is not gone or has changed from the usual pattern (occurs more frequently or occurs at rest) may be early signs of heart attack and should be checked by a doctor immediately.

Other common signs and symptoms that a person can have during a heart attack include:
Upper body discomfort in one or both arms, back, neck, jaw, or stomach
Shortness of breath often occur with or before chest discomfort
Nausea (feeling sick to your stomach), vomiting, lightheadedness or fainting, or breaking out in a cold sweat

Not all people experience the typical symptoms of a heart attack. If you've had a heart attack, your symptoms may not be equal to one another. More signs and symptoms you have, the more likely you are having a heart attack.

Sometimes the signs and symptoms of heart attacks occur suddenly, but they can also develop slowly, over hours, days, even weeks before a heart attack occurs.

Know the warning signs of a heart attack so you can act quickly to get treatment for yourself or others. The sooner you get emergency help, the less damage there will be on your heart.

Ask for help in 5 minutes if you think you may be having a heart attack or if chest pain does not disappear as usual is not when you take medication as prescribed.
READ MORE - heart attack

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Thyroid gland

Thyroid gland (thyroid) is also called Adam's Apples, located on the front of the neck region. This gland produces hormones that also matches the name of the glans, which regulate the body's metabolic functions.
Thyroid hormone is important in regulating the body's energy, the use of vitamins and other hormones and growth and maturation of body tissues. Thyroid disease (PKG) could result from a lack of hormone production (hypothyroidism) or excess production of hormones (hyperthyroidism).

Hypothyroidism in pregnancy
The diagnosis is difficult because women with hypothyroidism are usually difficult pregnancy (fertility problems). Diagnosis based on clinical is also difficult because the clinical gejala2 hipotyroid such as fatigue, weight gain, tingling etc are also found in other normal pregnant women.

Hypothyroidism in pregnancy is not diagnosed, increasing the risk of fetal death (stillbirth) or impaired fetal growth. Also increases the risk of maternal anemia (anemia), eclampsia (high blood pressure plus seizures) and loss ari2 prematurely (solusio placenta).

Perhaps the largest group of women who will have hypothyroidism in pregnancy are those who are undergoing treatment / thyroid replacement therapy. Thyroxine dose during pregnancy should ideally be increased 25-50% during pregnancy. For that we need to do regular checks of T4 and TSH levels during pregnancy.

Hyperthyroidism in pregnancy.
The diagnosis of hyperthyroidism in pregnancy is 1 in 2000 pregnancies. If hyperthyroid mild, the clinical symptoms is unclear, because pregnant women are also experiencing the same symptoms. However, if you have symptoms of significant weight loss, muntah2 and increased blood pressure and pulse (persistent), should do blood tests will be of hyperthyroidism. Untreated hyperthyroidism can lead to weight gain less / low.

Treatment of hyperthyroidism in pregnancy is used obat2an like Propylthiouracil (PTU) or methimazole (Tapazole) which is the drug of first layer (first line). Both of these drugs as well as efekifitas not increase the risk of side effects if taken during pregnancy.

Iodine can be entered through the placenta, so its use to scan these glands are prohibited during pregnancy. One positive thing in pregnant women with hyperthyroidism is Grave's disease or improvement in Hashimoto's thyroiditis when pregnancy.

Mumps after childbirth.
Some women may experience inflammation of the thyroid that occurs within 3-6 months after birth. Can also occur after a miscarriage. Preliminary description of the classic clinical symptoms of hypo-normo finally continued hyper thyroid (normal). Women with type I diabetes have a 25% risk of thyroid disorder after childbirth.

Causes of hypothyroidism
* Loss of thyroid tissue: a result of surgery or damaged by radiation.
* Antithyroid antibodies: can occur in people with diabetes or lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic hepatitis, or Sjogren's syndrome.
* Congenital birth
* Impaired production: Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
* Drugs: some drugs can cause hypothyroidism such as lithium (Eskalith, Lithobid).

Causes of hyperthyroidism
* Grave's disease: a disorder of thyroid auto-immune nature, meaning that there are certain substances in the blood (TSI) which stimulates thyrod to enlarge and produce excessive hormones.

* Inflammation of the thyroid gland (thyroiditis): eg Quervain's thyroiditis or Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Increased production of the hormone due to an inflammatory reaction (inflammation).

* Tumor pituitary gland (pituitary adenomas): a tumor is causing an increase in TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) that causes the thyroid hyperstimulasi.

* Hyperthyroidism due obat2an (drug induced): often caused by a heart drug called amiodarone (Cordarone). Could be prevented by strict monitoring of drug side effects and to consider the pros and cons of this drug user.

Gejala2 hypothyroidism in infants:
* Constipation (difficulty BAB)
* Gak want to eat
* Disturbance of growth
* Yellow
* kind of heavy fatigue

Gejala2 hypothyroidism on anak2:
* Similar symptoms of adult org
* Tired
* Disturbance of growth
* really at school

Symptoms of hypothyroidism in adults:
* Easily tired and fatigue
* stand the cold
* Constipation
* Pain in the arm (Carpal tunnel syndrome)

* Lack of appetite
* The addition of BB
* Dry skin
* Hair loss
* Decrease in intellectual
* Hoarseness
* Depression
* Disorders of menstruation or menstruation becomes less

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism on anak2:
* Similar symptoms adult
* Skill decreased
* Disturbance of conduct

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism in adults:
* Difficult to sleep (Insomnia)
* Tremor (Shaking)
* Nervous (Nervous)
* Feeling the heat at normal temperature or chilled
* Increased bowel movement
* Weight loss
* Excessive Perspiration
* Menstrual Disorders (stalled)
* Joint pain
* Difficult concentration
* Eyes seemed bulging

Lab Examination
* Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH): If the hyper then TSH levels are usually low.
* Free (T4): T4 shows a hyper high.
* Triiodothyronine (T3): T3 shows a hyper high.
* TSH receptor antibodies (TSI): This antibody is in Grave's disease.
* Antithyroid antibodies: antibodies are present in Hashimoto's and Grave's disease.

Thyroid scan: This test not be performed on pregnant women. A number of iodine injected into the blood, thyroid gland if done scanning. If the uptake was increased then indicate the presence of hyperthyroidism.

Thyroid ultrasound: help distinguish type nodules on the thyroid gland.

Fine-needle aspiration: a small needle is stuck into the thyroid gland with the aim of obtaining a sample examination of the PA.

Obat2an for hyperthyroid
* Beta-blockers: reduce tremor, nervousness and agitation. Also reduce the frequency of the heartbeat.

* Propylthiouracil (PTU): These drugs block the formation of hormones thyroid. require take several months to obtain a therapeutic effect is perfect.

* Methimazole (Tapazole): it works also block formation of thyroid hormones.

* Iodide (Lugol solution): These drugs inhibit the release of hormones from glands who over-production.

Obat2 for hypothyroid
* L-thyroxine (Synthroid, Levoxyl, Levothroid, Unithroid): ioni medication is thyroid hormone replacement therapy. Is a synthetic form of thyroxine.

* L-triiodothyronine: rarely used because of its effect not as good as L-thyroxine.

* Thyroid extract: not recommended due to its more T3 and T3/T4 levels may vary.

Surgery for hyperthyroidism is to lift / throw an enlarged thyroid tissue. The risk of this action that could damage the nerve cords and the thyroid gland (which regulates the body's calcium levels). Hypothyroidism can also result from the action. If there is persistent hyperthyroidism then the entire gland should be removed. But in the hands of an experienced surgeon, complications are rare above.
READ MORE - Thyroid gland


Pineapple (Ananas Comosus) from benefits to side effects

Guess what Try pineapple equation pineapple fruit with the world soccer player Ronaldo? The answer is both derived from the land of Samba, Brazil, and to have the benefits that invite admiration and deserves thumbs up.

Here we peeled pineapple ranging from historical, economic value, benefits, efficacy, until the side effects.
A Brief History

Pineapple is a fruit crop of bush that has the scientific name Ananas comosus. Has a local name danas (Sunda) and Neneh (Sumatra). In English called the pineapple and the Spaniards called it pina. Pineapples originated from Brazil (South America) which has been in there before the domestication of Columbus. In the 16th century Spaniards brought the pineapple to the Philippines and Peninsular Malaysia, to Indonesia in the 15th century, (1599). In Indonesia was at first only as garden plants, and extends dikebunkan on dry land (dry) throughout the archipelago. This plant is now preserved in the tropics and sub tropics.

Economic Value

The main part of important economic value is the fruit of the pineapple plant. The fruit is consumed fresh pineapple but also processed into various foods and beverages, such as jam, fruit in syrup and others. Pineapple fruit taste sweet to slightly sour fresh, so that preference. In addition, pineapple contains complete nutrition and high enough. Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, (which can menghidrolisa protease enzyme protein, protease or peptine), so it can be used to soften the meat. These enzymes are often used as a contraceptive family planning.


Indonesia is rich. Fruits are very easy to be met, including pineapple. The fruit is very cheap price because it is considered less useful, but in fact it is rich in fruit benefits. You want to trim, rather than buying expensive drugs and unhealthy pelagsing mending use pineapple. Pineapple can shed excess fat deposits in the body. Thanks to the pineapple, the body which originally gembul slowly become slim and singset.

Pineapple fruits are beneficial to health, cure disease as
constipation, urinary tract disorders, nausea, flu, hemorrhoids, and less blood. Diseases of the skin (hives, eczema, and scabies) can be treated with pineapple juice smeared. Pineapple fruit skin can be processed into syrup or liquid extracted for animal feed.

Not only that. Fruit whose skin is covered with scales of gold makes the body's defense system becomes more solid. The content of vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, dextrose, sucrose, and stored the enzyme bromelain in pineapple fruit is a tough bullet that could knock raid serious diseases, such as tumors, atherosclerosis ( constriction of blood vessels), and beri-beri.

Pineapple is a potential medicinal plant. According to Dr. Setiawan Dalimartha in his book Atlas of Plant Medicines Indonesia, the enzyme bromelain in pineapple fruit efficacious as anti-inflammatory, helps soften the food in the stomach, interfere with cancer cell growth, and prevent blood clotting (blood coagulation).

Pineapple fiber content is high enough, perfect treat constipation. Eating pineapple fruit, it means taking laxatives (constipation). In effect, the bowel that had been choked, become smooth again. Pineapple is also pretty well consumed by people who are sick. In the pineapple contained substances that can enhance drug absorption into the body.

Efficacy picking Pineapple

Remove dead skin cells
Pineapple fruit and leaves is also useful to clean the dead skin tissue (skin debridement). An experiment conducted on rats which suffered some burns showed that the enzyme in pineapple leaves and fruit can lift the dead skin tissue caused by burns. These enzymes continue to work until the tissue appeared healthy skin.

Lose weight
Provide a fruit that is not too ripe pineapple, peeled and then rinse thoroughly. Cut as needed, then juice or grated, then squeeze the water. Pineapple juice for the water to obtain the maximum, wring it out by using a piece of clean cloth. Pineapple drink water all at once. Apply 2 times a day.

Choose 3 pieces of pineapple that has not been cooked. Peel and wash clean. Grate or juice, then squeeze the water. Drinking pineapple juice 2 times daily after meals. Each half-cup.

Take 2 pieces of ripe pineapple. Peel the skin, wash thoroughly, cut as needed, then grated or prepared juices. Squeeze the water. Drink 3 times a day, each 1 / 3 part.

Bloating or feeling of fullness in the stomach due to impaired digestion
Drinking pineapple juice about 30 minutes before eating. Do 3 times a day about each of 1 / 2 cup (150 cc).

Choose a young pineapple fruit. Peel and wash until clean, then rinse with water and then cooking grate. Squeeze and strain the grated water. Drinks little by little the children who suffer from intestinal worms.

Provide 1 / 2 ripe pineapple. Peel the skin, scar, and then strain the water. Add the juice of 1 orange pineapple juice into the water. Stir well. Later rub the scalp of dandruff. Do it before bed and Wash the next day. Do it 2-3 times a week.

Inflammation of the skin (dermatitis)
Provide 1 / 2 ripe pineapple. Peel, wash, and scar. Rub on the skin of the sick. Do it at night before bed. Let sit overnight and wash the next day.

Burns, itching, boils
Take some leaves of pineapple, rinse thoroughly and then mash until smooth. Smeared on the skin of the sick.

Sprains or bruises
Provide 1 ripe pineapple, peeled, washed, cut into pieces as needed. Pieces of pineapple juice before, and drinking water as well.

Side effects pineapple
Not all people are free to eat pineapple. The fruit of this one has side effects, among others:

1. Abortionist.

Potential as a young pineapple abortivum or similar drugs that can abort the womb. Hence, pineapple is often used to overcome a late period. Pregnant women are advised not to consume young pineapple.

2. Triggering rheumatism.

In the gastrointestinal tract, pineapple fruit fermented into alcohol. This could trigger a recurrence of rheumatic gout. Rheumatism and arthritis sufferers are advised to limit consumption of pineapple.

3. Improving blood sugar

Ripe pineapple fruit contains sugar levels are high enough. Diabetics should not consume excessive pineapple.

4. Itchy

Sometimes after eating fresh pineapple, mouth and tongue itch. To avoid it before eating, soak pineapple chunks with salt water.
READ MORE - Pineapple

benefits of papaya leaves

benefits of papaya leaves
Actually nature has always been to provide solutions for a wide range of human diseases. Unfortunately, because it is not practical, natural medicine slowly supplanted by synthetic drugs. Along with the proliferation of side effects of synthetic drugs, natural remedies are now beginning to glance again. One of the versatile natural medicines are widely available around us is the papaya. Each piece of papaya tree can be used, ranging roots, stems, leaves, fruits, seeds and even fruit.
This article will only discuss the benefits of papaya leaves, because one part is also already has a multitude of benefits.
Meat softener. The housewife may already be familiar with the properties of papaya leaves to soften the meat. The content of the sap (latex) in the leaves that will seep into the meat and soften it. The trick, put stew meat in papaya leaves, or wrap meat in papaya leaves when boiled.
Acne medication. Did you know, papaya leaves can also overcome the stubborn acne? Way, take 2-3 sheets of old papaya leaves. Dry in the sun for a while and then mash until smooth. After that, add a half tablespoon of water. Then apply the mixture on the face of acne such as wearing masks. Take a few moments, then rinse thoroughly.
Increase appetite. Not hard to make this concoction appetite enhancer, prepare a fresh papaya leaves of a palm-sized, a little salt, and half a cup of warm water. All the ingredients are mixed, crushed or blended, and then filtered to take water and then drunk. This herb is safe, even for the kids though.
Anticancer. Of the several studies described, stems and leaves of papaya latex contains many white as milk (milky white latex), which likely developed as anticancer, as quoted from the Journal of the Society of Biology. The sap is automatically obtained when we consume papaya leaves, cooked in any way.
Facilitate digestion. Compounds karpain papaya leaves contained potent inhibit microorganisms that interfere with the performance of several digestive functions, making it effective to suppress the cause of typhoid fever.
Blood pressure control. Way, take 5 pieces of papaya leaves, boiled with a pint of water. Boil three-quarters continue to live. Let cool before drinking. If necessary, add brown sugar or honey to taste sweeter.
Dengue fever medication. 5 Mix the papaya leaves, ginger, meniran to taste, and brown sugar. Boil until cooked, then cool before drinking.
Menstrual pain medication. Take a papaya leaves, tamarind and salt to taste. Boil with a glass of water until cooked. Let cool before drinking
READ MORE - benefits of papaya leaves

Basil leaves

Basil leaves are small plants commonly eaten as fresh vegetables and has a distinctive aroma. In addition as fresh vegetables, basil leaves turned out to be one type of food that can arouse the male sex.

According to Dr. Samuel Oetoro, Sp. GK, a nutrition specialist, as quoted from the Health, including basil aphrodisiac substances that can enhance sexual arousal. In addition, the arginine compound contained in the basil leaves can also prolong the lifetime of sperm. Routinely consume leaves of basil may prevent infertility.

For women, basil leaves is useful to increase breast milk after birth. Basil leaves can also be useful as a sedative, gout cure, eliminate phlegm, and overcome bad breath.

Despite having many benefits, to note the negative impact of basil leaves. This leaf is part of the mint family are thought to contain estragol, a compound known to trigger cancer (carcinogens) in mice. Although direct testing in humans has not been done, should avoid excessive use of basil leaves.
Traditional Medicine:
Traditional Remedy To Cure Andropause
Fenugreek, Plants To Trigger Sexual Passion
With Walnuts Prevent Breast Cancer

3 Traditional Recipes For Stomach So Slim
Curing Prostate Cancer With Pomegranate Juice
Prescriptions for Maintaining Men Stamina
In order for Orgasm Wife Gets Easy
Remedy To Treat Whitish
Recipes To Boost Sexual Vitality
Traditional Recipes To Stay Plump Breasts
READ MORE - Basil leaves

Milk as a Source of Calcium

Milk as a Source of Calcium
Milk is one healthy drink contain calcium in significant amounts, which is about 1,000 mg / liter. Besides calcium, milk also contains fat, protein and various vitamins that make it a nearly perfect food. The most Nearly perfect food, so it is the opinion of the world's food experts in assessing the presence of milk that are beneficial to public health and family. Because the liquid nutritional composition that is generally obtained from the milking lactating animals (goat, cow or buffalo) almost complete and balanced.

Milk from various sources contain enough calcium, for example, every 100 grams of such material containing 98 mg of goat's milk, buffalo milk 216 mg, 143 mg of cow's milk, milk powder "full cream" 895 mg, 1,300 mg of skim milk powder, and cheese 777 mg.

Although milk contains lots of calcium that our bodies need, but for those who do not like drinking milk does not need to fear the lack of calcium. Because this macro minerals can also be obtained from several kinds of nuts, tubers, vegetables and fish.
READ MORE - Milk as a Source of Calcium

Ingredients and Benefits of Coconut Water

Ingredients and Benefits of Coconut Water
For those of us who live in the tropics, coconut water is not a stranger. We may never enjoy it on street stalls, in fancy restaurants scattered around the malls, or even our grandfather's garden heritage.

Apparently, water, coconut water is not just a sweet and refreshing. It contains the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Some even say that its composition is similar to intravenous fluids. Very complete.

As a source of energy, coconut water containing glucose. As a source of builder substance, a protein found in coconut water. At the very least, coconut water contains 12 kinds of proteins. Some of them are alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, histidine, phenylalanine, tyrosine.

In addition, coconut water is also rich in minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and copper. Do not miss the vitamin. There are 7 kinds of vitamin C and vitamin B that is nicotinic, pantothenic acid, biotin, riboflavin (B2), folic acid, thiamine (B1) and pyridoxine (B6).

Coconut water has the properties of balanced (isotonic) and rich in electrolytes. Therefore, it is best taken when the body lacks electrolytes, eg after strenuous sports or activities.

Aside from being a drink of fresh release thirst, coconut water has a variety of benefits.

1. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) recommends coconut water as a natural energy drink.
2. In the case of dehydration, such as diarrhea, coconut water can be used as a replacement fluid such as oral rehydration salts.
3. Many say that coconut water can serve as an antidote to poison, although the scientific literature that supports this statement extremely difficult to find (not met).
READ MORE - Ingredients and Benefits of Coconut Water

Benefits of Drinking Water At Wake Sleep

Benefits of Drinking Water At Wake Sleep
Some people sometimes have a habit to drink water when I was just waking up. This habit is proved to have many health benefits. What are the benefits of drinking water when you wake up?
Water needs to be consumed person is different, this is because it depends on several factors such as weight, sex, weather, and also the activities done daily. For example, people who are physically active or live in hot climates, it needs more water.

It takes time, discipline and commitment to get used to consume water immediately after waking up, as this may provide some health benefits. The following benefits can be obtained, as quoted from Livestrong, namely:

1. Improving the energy
Consuming water in the morning can increase your metabolism, helping someone become more vigilant and feel more refreshed because of the increased energy in the body.
This is because almost all parts of the body require water in order to work optimally, if the body is dehydrated will fatigue and lethargy occur so that it becomes inefficient.

2. Eliminating toxins
Drinking water in the morning will help relieve kidney function in terms of eliminating the various toxins and waste products (waste) from the body system. This is because when the body does not get evening fluid intake.

3. Losing weight
Mara Z. Vitolins, a nutrition scientist from Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center tells the body generally can not differentiate between hunger and thirst, hence the consumption of drinking water can help to distinguish it.
In addition, if a person drinks water when she was hungry to see a decrease in appetite, so help you lose weight, and avoiding the consumption of other beverages high in sugar, or caffeine aklori.

To find out if your body well hydrated with water or adequate intake can be seen from the color of urine, normal urine color that is both clear and not dark yellow
READ MORE - Benefits of Drinking Water At Wake Sleep

Protecting strawberries from Alcohol Stomach

Protecting strawberries from Alcohol Stomach
In an experiment on mice, European researchers have shown that eating strawberries may reduce the harm caused by alcohol in gastric mucosal membranes. Published in the open access journal PLoS ONE, this study can contribute to improve the treatment of gastric ulcers.

The research team from Italy, Serbia and Spain have confirmed the protective effect that has strawberries in the abdomen of mammals that have been damaged by alcohol. The scientists gave ethanol (ethyl alcohol) in laboratory mice and showed that the gastric mucous membrane extract previously crushed strawberries suffered only minimal damage.

Sara Tulipani, researchers from the University of Barcelona (UB) and a coauthor of this study explained that "the positive effects of the strawberries are not only related to antioxidant capacity and a high content of phenolic compounds (anthocyans) but also on the fact that this fruit and enzymes enable the body's antioxidant defenses. "

The conclusion from this study suggest that the frequent consumption of strawberries can have a beneficial effect in preventing gastric diseases associated with the generation of free radicals or reactive oxygen species. This fruit can slow the formation of gastric ulcers in humans.

Gastritis or inflammation of the gastric mucous membrane is not only associated with alcohol consumption but also can be caused by a viral infection or by anti-inflammatory drugs (like aspirin) or a drug used to fight the bacteria Helicobacter pylori.

Maurizio Battino, coordinator of the research group at the Polytechnic University of Marche (UNIVPM, Italy) pointed out that "in this case, the consumption of strawberries during or after the pathology can reduce damage to the mucous membranes of the stomach."

Less ulceration after eating strawberries

The research team found that ulceration of the stomach is reduced in rats fed extracts of strawberries (40 mg / day per kilo of body weight) for 10 days before being given alcohol.

Battino stressed that "this study was not understood as a way to reduce the effects of drunkenness, but as a way to find molecules in the membrane of the stomach that protects against the damaging effects of different agents."

Treatment for ulcers and other gastric pathologies currently require new protective drugs that have antioxidant properties. The compounds found in strawberries could be the answer.
READ MORE - Protecting strawberries from Alcohol Stomach

Parkia speciosa

Petai (Parkia speciosa) is included into the tribe of legumes (Fabaceae). This plant is widespread in the western archipelago.

Banana tree can reach 20m high and less branched. The leaves are compound, fruit large, elongated, betipe pods. From one head can be found up to a dozen pieces. In one there are up to 20 seed, which is wrapped by the membrane is rather thick, light brown color. Banana fruit will dry out if cooked and remove the seeds. Banana seeds, which smelled peculiar and somewhat similar to jengkol.

A source of energy or nutrient content is greater than the apple, a banana has a protein that is four times as much, twice as much carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the amount of vitamins and other minerals .
Banana is a good source of energy, ie 142 kcal per 100 g of seeds. Banana contains three natural sugars, sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. The combination is capable of providing an instant energy boost, but long enough and big enough effect.

Besides banana if he is broken down into components of health are: sugar, fiber, tryptophan, vitamin B6, iron, potassium, and antacids components. Based on the function of this component, then a banana can help the recovery of depression, anti-cancer, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and constipation.

Relax the Nerves & Eliminate Depression Do you often feel bad is the mood? It was a sign that you are malnourished. Mood is controlled by the system of the brain works. Ability of the brain is affected by inputs of nutrients needed. Various nutrients that must be supplied in a balanced way of food and beverages that we consume daily. One of the nutrients that contribute to improve mood are tryptophan (an essential amino acid) that are on a banana.

Some claim the benefits of following a banana should be reviewed and possibly made-up only or merely the placebo effect: increase brain power, fatigue, liver disease, weakness, mosquito bites, anxiety, magh, temperature controllers, seasonal affective disorder, addiction to smoking, stress, stroke, and ulcers.

Although many of the benefits of banana for the human body, eating a banana too much can have a negative impact because of the high amino acid content in a banana. Excess amino acid content can cause kidney damage and kidney filters in the body. Jengkolik acid content (which is also found in jengkol) on a banana can block the urinary tubules due to low keterlarutannya, causing pain, haematuria and even death.
READ MORE - Parkia speciosa


Saga (ABRUS PRECATORIS) including the type of herbaceous plant with the main trunk is small and twisted vines on host-purchase to the left. The leaves are compound, ovoid-shaped and small size. The leaves resemble the leaves of Tamarindus indica Saga with finned odd and has a sweetish taste (usually called Sweet Saga). Saga has pods containing seeds that are red with black dots shiny and slick. Saga seeds contain a toxic substance called abrin, so it can not be used for breeding. Medium lavender flowers with a shape resembling a butterfly, in support of bunches of flowers. Ingredients Saga:
Leaves and roots of plants abrus pracatorius include protein, vitamins A, B1, B6, C, Calcium Oxalate, glisirizin, flisirizinat, polygalacturomic acid and pentosan.

Efficacy Saga:
Antiinflammatory, diuretic; antitussives; Parasitisida.

Traditional recipes Saga:
1. tonsil
Ingredients: Saga root to taste, 1 piece of cinnamon and sugar cubes
to taste.
How to Make: all ingredients are boiled with 5 cups water
to boil down to half of it.
How to use: filtered and drunk two times a day 1 cup and
morning, afternoon.

2. Sore eyes
Ingredients: 1 handful of leaves Saga
How to Make: Saga leaves finely ground, then boiled with
2 cups of water to be picked up steam.
How to use: water vapor sage leaves are used for drug
eye drops.

3. sprue
Ingredients: Saga leaves to taste;
How to Make: fresh sage leaves are plucked dried several
minutes to wilt slightly.
How to use: chewed until smooth while for

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Or KiTolod Star Flower

Or KiTolod Star Flower

- Scientific name: 'sato = longiflora Presl.
- Name of area: kitolod, leaf tolod (Sunda); sangkobak, control
- Foreign Names: ster van bethlehem.

Content of Chemical and Pharmacological Effects
Kitolod contain a poisonous sap. Some of the chemicals contained in them kitolod alkaloid compounds, namely lobelin, lobelamin, and isotomin.
Pharmacological effects of which are owned kitolod anti-inflammatory, antineoplastic, antiinflammatory, analgesic, and hemostatic.

Propagation and Plant Care
Kitolod Propagation can be done with seeds. Kitolod treated with watered enough water, soil moisture is maintained, and fertilized with organic fertilizer.

Plant Parts Used and Utilization
Leaves, flowers, and all parts of the plant kitolod can be used to treat some diseases as follows.

- Asthma, bronchitis, and sore throat
Rinse 3 kitolod leaves, then boiled in 2 cups of water until remaining one glasses. Once cool, strain the cooking water, then drink two times a day in the morning and afternoon.

Rinse dam kitolod taste, then mash until smooth. Paste the results in injury collisions, then wrapped with a clean cloth. Dressings should be replaced two to three times a day.

- Cancer drug
Simmer over low heat and 3 bay leaves and stems kitolod in 5 cups of water until the remaining 1-2 glasses. Drink boiled water several times until exhausted in a day.

- Drug eye
Simmer 3 bay leaves and stems kitolod in 5 cups of water until the remaining 1-2 glasses. Drink boiled water several times until exhausted in a day.

- Toothache
Rinse kitolod 2 bay leaves then mash until smooth. Put a collision results in a sore tooth / hole.
READ MORE - Or KiTolod Star Flower

Benefits of Spinach Leaves And Roots

Benefits of Spinach Leaves And Roots
Green leafy vegetables are sources of lutein and folate is superb, which helps prevent heart disease and birth defects. In addition, spinach also provide preventive iron anemia.

Spinach also has properties to prevent loss of vision due to an aging age (macular degeneration), cataracts, cancer, high blood pressure, and birth defects. Increase the body's absorption of minerals by cooking spinach with other vegetables rich in vitamin C.

Do you know if spinach is a crop that can be used as traditional medicine efficacious? This can be inferred because spinach contains a number of substances that are beneficial to the body. Part of spinach plants used are leaves and roots.

For drugs taken, get used to using fresh leaves, then boiled and eaten as a salad. Besides braised, spinach juice can also be made. For external use only, minced fresh spinach leaves until smooth, then put on the sore spot.

Examples of using spinach for health: to improve kidney function, provide just enough spinach, then make a vegetable juice or can be made. To clean the blood after birth can too. Same way, created as a vegetable in the form of vegetable nodes.

For less blood. Wash three handfuls of spinach leaves, then mash until smooth. Add one tablespoon of lemon juice, then strain. Add one tablespoon of honey and a chicken egg yolk and stir until smooth, then this herb drink.

If you are stricken with dysentery. Wash the roots of 10 stems of red spinach thoroughly, then mash until smooth. Add the tip of a teaspoon of fine salt, stirring rate. then strain, for treatment, drinking water sieve once.

Strengthens the hair roots Wash one bunch fresh spinach leaves and stems thoroughly, then mash until smooth fine salt. Add tip of a teaspoon, stirring rate. Next, squeeze and strain, and drink as well. Do it 2-3 times a week.

Patients with blood uric acid levels are high enough and rheumatism are prohibited from taking too many spinach because these vegetables contain a fairly high purine. In the body, will be metabolized purines into uric acid.

Already know the benefits of eating spinach. Obtain the efficacy of traditional medicines from medicinal plants spinach with ease if you have the initiative to plant themselves in your home, can be planted in front of the house or in the backyard.
READ MORE - Benefits of Spinach Leaves And Roots

Ways to Relieve Pain Without Drugs

Ways to Relieve Pain Without Drugs

Here are some ways ease and eliminate pain. This method is an alternative that can be done if you do not want to take pain medications:

Meet the needs of vitamin D, vitamin D deficiency may contribute to chronic pain. Fish and morning sun is the largest source for this vitamin. The average person needs about 200 IU vitamin D per day, but for those aged 50 to 70 years increased need for vitamin D to 400 IU per day. For those who have tread the age of 70, needs vitamin D to 500 IU.
Inhaling the scent of green apples, Research conducted the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago, USA, instruct the participants - who was ill at the same time migraine - to sniff the smell test tube containing a green apple. The results show, the condition of those who inhale the smell of green apples had improved compared with those who do not inhale the smell of green apples. The researchers assume, given by the aroma of green apples is able to compensate for the muscle contractions that occur in the head and neck, thus providing a sense of relief in the head. In previous studies, the smell of green apples are also found to be against anxiety.
Meditate, meditation effectiveness in relieving pain without the side effects have been revealed in several studies. The experts in this field think, meditate for about an hour can help relieve pain. Research also shows that meditation can increase brain activity in areas such as the anterior cingulate cortex, anterior insula, and orbito-frontal cortex. Three areas are part of the brain in charge of mapping the various forms of pain that is received by the brain of nerve signals to various parts of the body.
Balneotherapy. Balneotherapy is not something strange because it has been practiced since ancient times. The term "balneo" is derived from the Latin word "balneum" which means a bath. Balneotherapy is a kind of hydrotherapy, where the treatment is done by using a bath of mineral water or warm water. Mineral water, which is used is formed of magnesium sulfate or Epsom salts, capable of flexing muscles. Both magnesium and sulfate, a mineral that is easily absorbed by the skin, and studies have shown that the amount of magnesium in the body will increase after a bath using plenty of water containing Epsom salt. In addition, balneotherapy can also increase blood circulation and relieve inflammation.
Magnetic therapy. Magnetic therapy is a method that uses a minimal risk of magnetic fields for therapeutic purposes (treatment). This therapy can stimulate the healing process and affect the quality of sleep in a positive way. Researchers from the University of Virginia shows that the magnetic field strength is being able to help reduce swelling if applied immediately after injury. Swelling is essentially caused by the dilation of blood vessels and the magnet is believed to be capable of restricting blood flow to the injured area.
Chromotherapy. Chromotherapy is a kind of other natural therapies that effectively relieve pain by using color. Those who believe and support the chromotherapy argue that the origins of various diseases or health conditions can be mapped by looking at the lack of a specific color in the human body system. The way it works is to emit a color to the body to help fight health imbalances, and blue color is believed to give effect to the fresh, relaxed, and soothing and can be used to relieve pain.
Breathing techniques, Relaxation by deep breathing deeply can help relieve headaches, back pain, joint pain, and pain caused by cancer yagn. Breathing techniques can be used to relieve the pain of mind so the body can be reduced, this can happen by considering the relationship between mind and body. This technique is capable of incorporating elements such as body awareness, breathing, movement, and meditation in a single stream. Even more exciting, but easy and can be done anywhere, this therapy does not cost anything.

The trick, breathe for a count of four, try to fill your lungs with air from the bottom to top by pushing your stomach, then followed until it reaches the bottom of the rib cage until you are sure the chest is full of witchcraft air, hold for three seconds, then exhale. Breathing can distract you from the pain.

Some pain will come and go, and some tend not to go away. If it happens (the pain would not go away), it means you need to get treatment against pain.
READ MORE - Ways to Relieve Pain Without Drugs

Dangers and Benefits of Amethyst Leaf

Dangers and Benefits of Amethyst Leaf
Amethyst is not only useful as a narcotic plant. Other efficacy that can be obtained from the amethyst is quite a lot. Some of them are as toothache medicine and asthma.

Amethyst (Datura metel L) is known as a plant that negative effect. Trumpet-shaped flowers of plants that are often misused for busting consciousness or as a narcotic substance as efficacious anesthesia cone-shaped leaves. This is mainly because these plants contain crystalline methyl which has a relaxing effect on striated muscle.

Because the shape is like a trumpet plus a negative connotation, Americans and Europeans later called it a devil trumpet. Abuse is actually derived from the habits of a group of people in India who use amethyst to anesthetize the sacrifice to the gods.

Be calm
Until now, amethyst was still considered negative. In fact, the assumption is not very appropriate because this plant also has a positive value. Since the first, using a cone-shaped Chinese society as a cold medicine. Could be, the effects of spicy, bitter, and warm is what makes the amethyst used to cure the flu.

In India, cone-shaped seeds are crushed and mixed with fat into external drug for impotence sufferers. In addition, the drug believed to increase sexual stamina. Another benefit of amethyst, in addition to cope with the flu and impotence, also good for relieving asthma and toothache.

In the website of Science and Technology stated that amethyst contains chemical compounds alkaloids. Alkaloid compounds consisted of atropine, hiosiamin, and scopolamine which are antikholinergik. Amethyst also contain hyoscine, fatty substances, calcium oxalate, meteloidina, norhiosiamina, norskopolamina, kuskohigrina, and nikotina.

An herbalist, Dr. Setiawan Dalimartha, explaining that the substance is useful as a reliever asthma and scopolamine hipociamin besifat antikholinergik. The effects of these substances greatly relieve asthma.

Alkaloids could dilate the airways are narrowed again due to an asthma attack. Then, scopolamine also has activity for central nervous system depressant that is often used as a drug antimabuk.

Must be careful
To note, the use of amethyst can be side effects. Poisoning can happen. According Endah Lasmadiwati, herbalist from Sringanis Garden Bogor, the use of cone-shaped leaves that just crushed and placed on the forehead can make people drunk.

That is why, we must be very careful in the use of amethyst. At the very least, consult with your herbalist or physician before using the herb amethyst.

Symptoms of poisoning usually occur, mainly due to substance atropine and skolopamin, is dry mouth, constipation, sensitivity to light, and eye pain. Giving an antacid is commonly used to resolve the issue.

Amethyst often found in cool temperate regions. In some areas, amethyst named by kucubung (Sunda) and kacubung (Madura). Amethyst including herbaceous plant species. Crown white trumpet-like flowers purplish.

Cone-shaped white flowers are considered the most toxic compared with other types also contain alkaloids. Therefore, its use should be very cautious and only limited as foreign drugs.

This alkaloid compounds found in all parts of plants amethyst, starting from the root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit, until the seeds. However, there is the greatest content in the roots and seeds. If poisoning potions amethyst, try not to fall asleep. Drink coffee and do not forget that hard to breathe fresh air as much as possible
READ MORE - Dangers and Benefits of Amethyst Leaf

Benefits of Fruit Pinang

Benefits of Fruit Pinang (jambe)

Areca or jambe is one of completeness in menyirih among older people. In addition, the Indonesian people use this plant as a natural remedy to strengthen the gums, teeth, and treat intestinal worms.

Later, nutritious nut known to increase arousal. In Japan, even the plant is cultivated to be used as industrial raw material medicine. Fruit seeds Latin name Areca catechu plant is used as a mixture of whiting which make the mouth and teeth reddish. Betel nut is also an important role in Sundanese traditional wedding ceremony.

"To show ngeuyeuk seureuh before the wedding. It should always be there because part can not be separated in a marriage, "said Prof H Suriawiria Unus, an expert in biotechnology and agro-industry of Bandung Institute of Technology who is also a native of Sunda.

In everyday life, except for menyirih, areca nut used by the community as a traditional medicine to strengthen teeth and gums. The trick with slices chew betel nuts. According to Prof. Unus, this practice is also applied to rural communities in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

Still according to Prof. Unus, the efficacy of betel nuts are not only useful for healthy teeth and gums, "In the betel nuts contained substances that are useful as a passion-enhancing drugs."

He cites research in Japan and Taiwan that a seed nut has efficacy equivalent to five packs of the passion-enhancing drugs made from synthetic compounds. "As an addition to the much advertised passionate man, you know," he said.

Savor this passion is not just an addition to nonsense because he said in a nut contained arekolin. These compounds are kholinergik arekolin, which is useful to overcome kholin acetyl compounds which are circulating in the body. Acetyl kholin this when too much can cause a person to feel tired and unwell. Conversely, the nature of areca beneficial kholinergik makes the body healthy, fit and energetic.

In India, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan, betel nut is a small food treats quite enthused. "The fruit of nut in these countries were sliced ​​into small pieces and roasted. After it is packed in plastic bags or cans as well as beans are packed in plastic in Indonesia, "said Prof. Unus.

Food and textile industries also begin to look nut. Because, areca seed extract red wine potentially as fabric dyes and food.

"The use of red color derived from the seeds is now highly recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other health agencies. Therefore, the artificial red color are carcinogenic or cancer causing, "he continued.

Meanwhile, according to Endah Lasmadiwati, herbalist from Sringanis Garden Bogor, areca has several properties that can cure some diseases. Among these are a useful anthelmintica shed worms and adstringensia to shrink the mucous membranes.

The nature of this worm has long shed our ancestors used to cure worms in the countryside. In addition, the nut is also stimulated (stimulant), stop the bleeding (haermostatica), and antisifilis
READ MORE - Benefits of Fruit Pinang

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

BENEFITS leaves sambiloto

BENEFITS leaves sambiloto

During this time the people had much use for the material leaves bitter herbs. And many are sold ranging from MBO 'medicinal herbs that sell pole, which hung, until the manufacturer who sells herbs with modern packaging.

Sambiloto is typical of tropical plants, and can grow in the yard, but now many are those who provide land for planting this plant for later processing.

There are so many benefits from this bitter leaf, among others is to treat diabetes or diabetes, typhoid, and there is also a bitter leaves can also be said for the itching disease and prevent cancer, perhaps because the typical bitter taste of these leaves. But that has been widely used and recognized the efficacy of this leaf is to prevent malaria because it leaves is also called anti-malarial drugs.

In addition it leaves is also beneficial to keep the immune system or stamina. Maybe that's why the leaves are widely used for medicinal decoction.

For typhoid fever usually leaves bitter coupled with turmeric and ginger then boiled and drunk boiled water 3 times a day until healed suffering from typhus. As for diabetes better bitter leaf is eaten or chewed directly in the state are still fresh.

Those are some of the many benefits of bitter leaves, the usefulness of typical tropical leaves also have started to be used abroad than in Indonesia such as some European countries and America, but to foreign countries the most widely used for treatment of bitter leaf is India. But who or country where the patent holder of bitter leaf is not known, but Indonesia has been since the first use of this leaf material for the manufacture of herbal health blends and original recipe of our forefathers handed down from generation to generation.

Are prescription and herbal concoction has been patented in the right? I do not know. But I worry about the fate of leaves of bitter herb recipe is the same as turmeric plant that the Japanese patent was taken because we are too late pemerintajh menghakpatenkan, but turmeric is one of the plants native to Indonesia.
READ MORE - BENEFITS leaves sambiloto

Turmeric Benefits / Kunir

Turmeric Benefits / Kunir

Turmeric has been very long in use for the health of our ancestors, and this plant has many medical benefits. Indonesian cuisine is very familiar with turmeric as one of the basic ingredients required for cooking the yellow or as a natural food coloring. For example: curry chicken, curry, soup, fried chicken seasoning to yellow, yellow rice, using turmeric as one of the marinade. In addition to herbs, turmeric is also used for traditional medicine to maintain good health of body and beauty. Which we used is probably the turmeric acid consumption are usually sold by Ms. herbal carry our subscriptions. By eating turmeric acid - a drink with herbal categories - regular, beautiful skin with olive would be obtained. Turmeric is good for an old drug rhizome is more than one year. Some medicinal properties of turmeric, among others:
Fever: 20 grams of fresh ginger washed and shredded. Add 1 / 2 cup of boiled water and stir evenly, squeeze a piece of clean cloth. Juice drink. Apply 2 times a day
Diarrhea: Ingredients: turmeric rhizome, gambier and whiting taste. The trick: take fresh turmeric for 1 / 2 fingers, sliced ​​thinly and then boiled with 1 cup water until the remaining 1 / 3 cup. Add 1 teaspoon of water whiting, stir until evenly distributed. Strain and drink 3 times a day until healed.
Abdominal bloating, no appetite, pain, nausea 50 g of clean fresh turmeric and shredded. Add 3 tablespoons water and stir evenly and then squeezed and filtered, divided for 3 times the drink.
Preventing wrinkles on the skin. Grate a little turmeric and squeeze the water. For maximum results, should be drunk every day.
Diabetes Mellitus. Ingredients: 3 rampang turmeric, 1 / 2 teaspoon salt. Method: The second material is boiled with 1 liter of water until boiling, then filtered. How to use: drinked 2 times a week 1 / 2 cup.
Typhus. Ingredients: 2 rhizome of turmeric, a hump SERE, a bitter leaves. How to make: all ingredients are finely ground and crushed, then add 1 cup of cooked a still warm and filtered. How to use: drink, and carried out for a week straight - participated.
READ MORE - Turmeric Benefits / Kunir



The leaves are usually made ​​food sembukan called pelas sembukan. Although it feels good but if farts can smell is not playing. The following is from sembukan drug efficacy.

Latin name: Paederia foetida L.
Name of area: Leaves fart; Kahitutan; Kasembukan; Bintaos; Gumi siki
Description of plants: shrubs annuals, twisted, massive segmented stems, roots, from books to grow roots, brown color. Single leaf, opposite, oval, hairy. Inflorescence a panicle, white crown. Fruit stones, the color yellow
Habitat: Grows wild in the fence and the river banks at an altitude of 1000-1000 m above sea level.
Part of plant used: Leaves
Chemical Ingredients: indole alkaloids; Paederina; Asperulosina; Paederosida; Skandosida; Desasetilasperulosida
Benefits: Anti-inflammatory; Stomakik; antirheumatic; Diuretics; carminative
Simplicia Name: Folium Paederiae

The traditional recipe:

Ulcer pain
1 handful of fresh leaves sembukan; water to taste, in pee, drink 1 time a day 1 / 4 cup

1 handful of fresh leaves sembukan; water to taste, in pee, drink 1 time a day 1 / 4 cup

1 handful of fresh leaves sembukan; Leaf lampes 1 handful; water a little, in pee, rub the skin on the sick