Sunday, November 13, 2011

Symptoms of chronic hepatitis C

Symptoms of chronic hepatitis C are usually mild or even no symptoms, so many people for years not realizing that he suffered from hepatitis C. Various symptoms and complaints emerged precisely when it entered into the stage of cirrhosis or liver cancer. Symptoms that often occur among weak, uncomfortable feeling in the gut, sometimes swelling in the abdomen or legs, and body weight decreased rapidly. Not infrequently the patient vomited blood after taking pain relievers or fever, after eating foods that stimulate, or consume alcoholic beverages.
Thus, the presence or absence of symptoms is not an obstacle for the virus to undermine the heart. Slowly but surely the heart attack and shrink until it can develop into liver cancer.

Persist in the blood
HCV is a virus that breed in the liver cells and secreted into the blood. Thus, the virus is spread and transmitted through contact with blood and blood products. This is the Willy anxiety. Free sex is a part of his lifestyle proved vulnerable to HCV infection.

First, prior to the 1990's, blood transfusions became the main gate of the spread of HCV. Since doing a rigorous screening began in 1992, the story of transmission of hepatitis C through blood transfusions closing the books. In place of the syringe puncture wound. Can occur among health workers and intravenous drug users. This latter is, according to Suwandhi, the cause of people with hepatitis C shifts to a group of young people.

Modern lifestyle is now more need to watch out, because the higher mobility of people. Behaviors that could cause injury to susceptible infiltrated VHC. If it were so, we like planting a time bomb. Behaviors that warrant concern that is undergoing acupuncture therapy and piercing the body with needles that are not sterilized or cleaned as appropriate. Similarly, tattoo needles that are not disinfected or ink that has been contaminated.

For those who like to smoke crack cocaine, beware. Straws used to inhale cocaine likely to injure the pleasure of the nose. If the tool is used interchangeably (which absorbed ngedrug hell alone), was made possible HCV transmission occurs. Friends stay friends, but if he dared to be honest if you have hepatitis C?

Other risky behaviors are changing sexual partners (especially with commercial sex workers), aka the adherents of free sex. "Especially in areas with high prevalence of hepatitis C, the risk of transmission by this mode is very high," said UI graduate of the Faculty of Medicine in 1968. Indonesia, continued Suwandhi, including areas with high prevalence.

Finally - I hope this does not cause paranoid attitude - the use of personal care items such as razors, toothbrushes, nail clippers, combs simultaneously should be avoided. Especially if the tools were stored in a conducive environment, such as bathrooms. "The virus can survive in wet long enough, one to two weeks," said Suwandhi.
Well, considering that most equipment was also used in the plural and barber salon roadside, preventive measures would be key to avoid getting hepatitis C. Not that people then forbidden to shave at the salon or barber shop! Just a reminder, the places it is a terminal that warrant concern, because it could be
there is a stowaway named VHC who chimed in there.

The key education
Because the symptoms are hard to detect, patients with hepatitis C is generally realized when doing periodic checks. Shock rather than later after a complete medical check-up package, it is good you are at risk immediately checked out. If you already know of contagion, the next step in order to prevent HCV is not transmitted to others.

If you want to know that we enter into risk groups or not, try to answer the following questions. If you answered "yes" to one question, consult with your doctor.
Have you ever received a blood transfusion or blood products or organ transplants?
Did you ever do dialysis (hemodialysis)?
Do you have family members who suffer from hepatitis C?
Do you have a tattoo or piercing with unsterilized needles?
Have you ever had high-risk sexual activity without (your partner) use a condom?
Are you one of the workers and health professionals had contact with blood in the workplace?
Do you use nail cutters, scissors, combs, toothbrushes, or razors (which may be stained with blood in it) along with a person infected with hepatitis C?

If you are not yet at risk, the next step should not necessarily prevent the risk of plunging into the hole. Education is the key to prevention is a healthy life, and according to Suwandhi, depending on who is targeted. Information on prevention of transmission of hepatitis C among health workers is different from the student or students as well as for the general public.

While the people with hepatitis C should be given a guide book or leaflet about what behaviors can exacerbate the illness and how illness can be transmitted to people around him! For example, carefully dispose of the goods are exposed to blood, such as tissue, cotton swab, tampon and sanitary napkin. Cover the wound is gaping or open. When cutting hair are advised to not get scraped. Then if you have sex, use condoms. Remember, "there is no hepatitis C vaccine."

The importance of early inspection is closely associated with traveling VHC. The earlier this disease is known, the easier to treat. When caught hepatitis C at a more advanced stage, less likely to recover.

So, now it's time for her to do blood tests.

Not A, Not B, C! Yes

Hepatitis C had always been there. Just not yet known to cause viral genome. The researchers also include them as hepatitis non-A, non-B, because at the time that people new to the presence of viral hepatitis A and B alone. New in 1989 Choo and his friends managed to find the genome of hepatitis non-A, non-B, and they were then named as hepatitis.

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