Saturday, November 12, 2011

Parkia speciosa

Petai (Parkia speciosa) is included into the tribe of legumes (Fabaceae). This plant is widespread in the western archipelago.

Banana tree can reach 20m high and less branched. The leaves are compound, fruit large, elongated, betipe pods. From one head can be found up to a dozen pieces. In one there are up to 20 seed, which is wrapped by the membrane is rather thick, light brown color. Banana fruit will dry out if cooked and remove the seeds. Banana seeds, which smelled peculiar and somewhat similar to jengkol.

A source of energy or nutrient content is greater than the apple, a banana has a protein that is four times as much, twice as much carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the amount of vitamins and other minerals .
Banana is a good source of energy, ie 142 kcal per 100 g of seeds. Banana contains three natural sugars, sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. The combination is capable of providing an instant energy boost, but long enough and big enough effect.

Besides banana if he is broken down into components of health are: sugar, fiber, tryptophan, vitamin B6, iron, potassium, and antacids components. Based on the function of this component, then a banana can help the recovery of depression, anti-cancer, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and constipation.

Relax the Nerves & Eliminate Depression Do you often feel bad is the mood? It was a sign that you are malnourished. Mood is controlled by the system of the brain works. Ability of the brain is affected by inputs of nutrients needed. Various nutrients that must be supplied in a balanced way of food and beverages that we consume daily. One of the nutrients that contribute to improve mood are tryptophan (an essential amino acid) that are on a banana.

Some claim the benefits of following a banana should be reviewed and possibly made-up only or merely the placebo effect: increase brain power, fatigue, liver disease, weakness, mosquito bites, anxiety, magh, temperature controllers, seasonal affective disorder, addiction to smoking, stress, stroke, and ulcers.

Although many of the benefits of banana for the human body, eating a banana too much can have a negative impact because of the high amino acid content in a banana. Excess amino acid content can cause kidney damage and kidney filters in the body. Jengkolik acid content (which is also found in jengkol) on a banana can block the urinary tubules due to low keterlarutannya, causing pain, haematuria and even death.

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