Friday, April 1, 2011

Potatoes contain sodium minerals

Potatoes contain sodium minerals with high alkaline content and can serve to increase the pH is too acidic in the body. This would make the better activity of the heart, tissue to be elastic, and flexible muscles. Flexibility of the body and also produce useful to the process of rejuvenation. In addition, both for the treatment of heart and can also be used for the treatment of catarrhal (nose throat diseases that cause a runny nose often). Inhibitornya high protease content to neutralize certain viruses and to inhibit cancer invasion. Inhibitor extracted from potatoes have the ability as a very strong activity. In addition to the content, kulitnyapun quite useful. This part was rich in acidic klorogenik, the polyphenols that prevent cell mutations that lead to cancer. In this case the potato skin with antioxidant activity that can neutralize free radicals that damage cells, which will lead to a number of diseases, including cancer. Potato soup is made useful for the treatment of gout, kidney, and stomach diseases. In addition, it can be used to replace the minerals in the body system.

From several libraries and other information to conclude that the potato is very useful for:

- Anti-cancer

- Treatment of gout, kidney, gastric system, and heart

- Health liver, and muscle tissue

- The process of rejuvenation of the body sel-sel/jaringan

The drawback, potatoes have a high index of glycemia and pregnancy solanin. A high index of glycemia and insulin can raise blood sugar quickly so it can be detrimental to patients with diabetes. Content solanin if too much can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. To prevent this is by lowering the reaction solanin by storage in air or moisture. Potatoes have a high water content, about 78%, source of vitamin C and B1, and several types of minerals such as phosphorus, iron, and potassium.

Carbohydrate is the major nutrients contained potatoes. In addition, potatoes also contain generous amounts of protein and thiamin and niacin. In 100 g of potatoes contained 83 calories. Nutritional content per 100g potatoes BDD is presented in the following table: Table: Nutritional content per 100 g potato BDDKandungan Nutrition Total
83.00 cal energy
Protein 2.00 g
Fat 0.10 g
Carbohydrates 19.10 g
Calcium 11.00 mg
Phosphorus 56.00 mg
Fiber 0.30 g
Iron 0.70 mg
Vitamin A RE 0.00
Vitamin B1 0.09 mg
Vitamin B2 0.03 mg
Vitamin C 16.00 mg
Niacin 1.40 mg

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