Saturday, April 2, 2011


Ingredients and Benefits: ricine seeds contain the toxic range but their toxicity levels will be reduced when heated. Castor seeds should only be used as an external medicine. Its roots can be used as a sedative and rheumatism.
1. Constipation
80-10 seed pounded, and given little water and squeeze. Drinking this juice as well.
2. Constipation in Children
Spread some distance leaves with coconut oil. After heated over a fire, put the leaves into your child's abdomen.
3. Dandruff
Mash smooth some distance leaves, then rub into the scalp. Do this before shampooing
4. Rheumatism
How I: A handful of crushed leaves of the distance as he was given a little water. Then apply to the places that hurt.
How II: 25 g of fresh root distance boiled with 1 l of water until the water is staying half. Drink this mixture 2x a day
How III: Some distance leaves smeared with coconut oil, then heated over a flame. Paste of leaves is to place the sick
5. Nourish hair
20-30 seed pounded, and squeezed to take the oil. Rub the oil into the scalp.
6. Breast tightening
Distance of 3 leaves, 2 pieces of areca nut, 1 thumb of ginger, 1 teaspoon salt ½ cup crushed as he was given water. This concoction then smeared into your breast, and let stand to dry. After that, wash your breasts with warm water.
7. Gumboil
5 pieces of leaf distance, 1 tablespoon whiting boiled in 4 cups of water. Once filtered, use water to rinse.
8. Toothache
Squirt sap distance in the hollow tooth.

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