Friday, April 1, 2011

Ear fungus

Ear fungus

Ear fungus called because of his wide body like the human ear (ear), and is also known there are four types, namely:
a. Auricularia auricula - Judae (fruit body width and thickness)
b. Auricularia polytricha (small fruiting bodies and thick)
c. Auricularia cornea (such as Auricularia auricula)
d. Auricularia fuscosuccinea (such as Auricularia polytricha)

Some local names / local mushroom is often heard:
a. Indonesia: ear fungus, Supa lember (Sunda), ear Lowo (Java), mouse ears, and others.
b. China / Taiwan / Vietnam: mouleh, Yung-ngo, Muk-ngo, Mu-er,-er Mo
c. Japan: Kikurage, Mokurage, Senji, Arage.
d. Hong Kong / Singapore: Mouleh, Jew's ear-fungal
e. United States: Tree-ear, Jew's ear-fungi, gelatinous fungi.
The color of the fruit body is generally black or blackish brown but those that have a dark brown color. Most have high business value is the color brown in the upper body and black fruit on the bottom of the fruit body, and body size of small fruit.
Ear fungus is one that has the properties of mushroom consumption during long dried, then soaked with water in a relatively short time will return as the shape and size of the fresh. Ear fungus has been used as material variety of dishes such as Vegetable kimlo, mushroom fried rice, mushrooms tauco, sukiyaki, noodles and mushrooms with a delicious taste and soft texture that feels fresh and dry.

In terms of gastronomic or organoleptic (taste, aroma and appearance), ear mushroom is less attractive when served as a food ingredient. However, ear fungus is known to be close as Ahan foods that has efficacy as a medicine and detoxification.

The mucus produced during cooking oyster mushrooms can be a thickener. Slime mushroom can disable or neutralize cholesterol. Ear fungus can be distinguished by shape, thickness, and color. Ang ear fungus has a small fruit body shape (often called rat ear fungus) favored by younger consumers because of its color, and taste according to taste. Ear fungus that his body broad (elephant ear mushrooms) seemed a little chewy or tough, so is less preferred because it must be sliced ​​into small pieces when they are cooked. Ear fungus in addition to food ingredients are also functional or aesthetic treatment. To reduce the heat in, reducing the pain of the skin due to burns.

Ear mushroom Nutritional consists moisture 89.1, protein 4.2, 8.3 fat, total carbohydrate 82.8, fiber 19.8, ash 4.7 and energy value 351. Ear mushrooms are heated, the mucus produced by the public and physicians have the efficacy of treatment:
• breeder / teen viewers or ap-active toxins in the form of vegetable poisons, toxic pesticide residue, even to the toxic form of heavy metal. Almost all Chinese food ingredients, oyster mushrooms are being added for the purpose of off-borne toxins in food.
• The content of compounds in the mucus ear mushroom, is effective to inhibit the growth of carcinoma and sarcoma (cancer) up to 80-90%. Serves also to anticoagulant even inhibit blood clotting.
ear fungus Mucus can inhibit and prevent blood clotting.

Benefits ear fungus for curing diseases, among others:

• High blood pressure / hardening of blood vessels due to blood clotting: 3 grams of dried mushroom, soaked overnight and drained mushrooms to stay wet, place in a basket, add fresh water steamed until soft, add rock sugar to taste food once a day.

• Less blood with mushroom cooking 30 grams, plus 30 grams of dates, plus drink clean water 5 cups cooked until the water remaining 1 cup. The above items can also be applied to treat pain remedy hemorrhoids / ambeian.

• Comes moon is not smooth and facilitate defecation. Ear mushrooms cooked with other ingredients such as vegetables.

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