Saturday, April 2, 2011

Dadap serep

Dadap serep

Ingredients and Benefits: Leaves dadap serep contain alkaloids that are cool and anti-inflammatory. The bark is efficacious thin the sputum.

1. Fever
Leather and young branches dadap serep squeezed, a little fennel and pulosari brewed with 1 cup of water. Drink this mixture 2x a day.

2. Childbed fever
Some of the young leaf blade dadap spare ground, then apply to the stomach. Do this 2x a day.
3. Swollen
Some of the leaf blade dadap serep pounded, then apply to the swelling. Do it as often as possible.
4. Smooth milk
Some of the leaf blade dadap serep squeezed. And brewed with 1 cup water. Drink this mixture daily 1x
5. Headache
Some of the leaf blade dadap serep kneaded, then apply to the forehead
6. Preventing Miscarriage
Some of the leaf blade dadap serep pounded, then apply a thick on the abdomen. Replace this mixture 3 times a day.
7. Stomach Heartburn
How I: Leaves dadap serep on dry over a fire, put on his stomach.
How II: Some of the leaf blade dadap spare, some duck bill leaves are pounded with a little water. Then, apply this mixture into the stomach.

Swamp Cabbage

Ingredients and Benefits: Kang is, antitoxin, anti-inflammatory, laxative urinating, stop the bleeding, sedatives (sleeping pills). Swamp Cabbage is also soothing and calming. Kale contain protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, hentriakontan, and sitosterol

1. Reduce Menstruation
0.5 kg washing fresh spinach leaves, finely crushed, give enough water. Strain, put 1 tablespoon of honey. Drinking out 1x a day at a time.
2. Nosebleed
Small bunch fresh spinach leaves, washed, pounded fine, give a little sugar, brewed with hot water. Once cool, strain, drink 2x a day.
3. Headache
How I: A handful of spinach leaves finely mashed, give a little salt and enough water. Strain, give honey. Drinking 1x day at a time
How II: a bundle of leaves and stems fresh boiled spinach, boiled drinking water.
4. Hemorrhoid
Small handful watercress roots washed, boiled in 3 cups of water until the water stayed ½. After a cold, drink ½ cup 2x a day.
5. Insomnia
Frequently eat vegetables and spinach, without the stem.
6. Toothache
Handful of spinach root, ½ teaspoon vinegar, boiled with 1 cup water. Use boiled water as well as 1x a day.
7. Smooth Water Art
Handful of watercress roots boiled with 2 cups water to live to be 1 cup. Drinking boiled water once a day 1x
8. Dandruff
Fresh watercress taste soaked in water overnight until the water is colored blue. Wash it with water. Do this every shampoo.
9. Constipation, Nausea For Pregnant Women
Eating vegetable dish with sauteed spinach.
10. Sprue, Gum Swelling
A bunch of kale leaves (no stems), washed, crushed, give 1 cup of water, squeeze and strain (may give a little salt). Use water to rinse.


Ingredients and Benefits: white sap contains resin and rubber, capable of mengontraksi skin without causing pain. This plant also contains fuvoplumierin that prevents bacterial growth. The flowers are efficacious lower the heat, stop cough, shed the urine. Trunk smooth bowel movements.

Frangipani tree bark contain a toxic compound plumerid and can be used to heal cracked heels.
Note: Do not let the frangipani tree sap into the mouth or eyes because it can get knocked out teeth and blinding eye.
1. Swollen
A piece of finely ground frangipani tree bark, boiled with 6 cups water to boil. Warm soak the swollen body parts.
2. Ulcer
Apply sap cambodia on ulcers that had been washed with warm water
3. Wart
Spread 1 teaspoon of frangipani tree sap on the skin several times over several days until the wart disappeared
5. Removing the thorns / glass

Apply sap cambodia on the sick, the objects that enter will exit.
6. Cracked heel
A piece of skin cambodia boiled with 3 liters of water to boiling. Warm soak a sore foot.

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