Tuesday, July 23, 2013

spinach crops

Spinach is an annual plants (annuals) derived from Tropical America. In its development in Latin America, spinach crops promoted as a source of protein, especially for developing countries. While spinach as the only common vegetable known in East Asia and Southeast Asia, so it is called in English as the Chinese Amaranth. Rod-shaped spinach with few lateral branches upright bush form. Height can reach 150 cm. The trunk itself berkkayu and less watery and green or reddish. Stemmed leaves are oval, limp, green, red, or green discharge. Bone leaves clear, green or reddish. The flowers are shaped grains and seeds are black, small, and hard. Some kind of disease that can be treated: Eyes are always watery. The trick, take the spinach leaves 1/2 cup, mashed and squeezed, take the water. Add 2 egg yolks, 2 tablespoons honey, and lime juice. Drink twice a day. Less blood. The trick, grab a handful of spinach leaves, mash until smooth. Add lime juice, strain, then add 1 tablespoon honey and 1 egg chicken. Drink once a day on a regular basis. Respiratory relief (breath can be long). The trick, grab a bunch of spinach root, finely crushed. Add 1/4 teaspoon salt, strain. Embukan for one night and have a drink in the morning. Spinach is known to contain a lot of protein, fat, carbohydrates, iron, potassium, calcium, amarantin, routine, purines, chlorophyll, fithohormon, as well as vitamins A, B, and C. With the abortion, Spinach believed to help improve kidney function and digestion, to overcome low blood pressure, anemia, strengthens hair roots, purify the blood after childbirth, and prevent bone loss.

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