Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Red chili

Red chili included in the family Solanaceae. This plant is an erect herb that has a taproot with many side roots are shallow. Part-haired young stems smooth, much branched, and can reach a height of 1 - 2.5m. The leaves are scattered by the leaf blade ovate or elliptical-shaped elongated lancet, as well as the base and a pointed tip. While nodding flowers with red chili Tanggai size 10-18 mm. Shaped like a small trumpet and mostly white, though there are also purple. Chilli fruit is the fruit Buni with a line lancet, bright red, and spicy taste. Flesh in the form of the pieces are not watery. Seeds are numerous and located indoors fruit and attached to the placenta. Red Chili contained in capsaicin content, dihidrokapsaisin, vitamins A and C, resin, dye kapsantin, carotene, kapsarubin, zeasantin, kriptosantin, lutein, and mineral Based on research, the ingredients contained by Red Chili has benefits to help cope with the symptoms abdominal pain, dental pain and weak hands, influenza, and increase appetite.

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