Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ipomoea aquatica

Water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica poir1 forsk or Ipomoea reptans) is a vegetable crop that life may be more than 1 year. Spread or twisted growth on surrounding plants. He is a type of leaf vegetable crops and can be included in the family Convolvulacea. A length of kale leaves and whitish green. There are two types of kale, namely: (1) kale rabut, with smooth leaf-shaped arrowhead and pale green, and the flowers are white with a form sac containing four seeds, and (2) kale quotation, with broad leaves and tapered dark green and purplish white flowers. Some kind of disease that can be treated using spinach leaves among them: Malnutrition. The trick, take a leaf forest kangung half cell, wash thoroughly, then dry in the sun. Eat together with rice twice a day. Constipation. Take the spinach leaves 1/2 handheld, wash, and steam briefly. Eat together with rice, do two times a day. Headache. Take the spinach leaves 1/2 handheld, leaves kelintang third cell, stem kemarongan 1 finger, wash thoroughly, then mash finely. Add 1 cup cooking water, then squeeze and strain. Take water, drink 1 a day. Watercress contained in the content of vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, hentriakontan, and sitosterol. Based on research, the ingredients contained by Watercress has benefits for treating various health disorders and as an antitoxin.

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