Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Efficacy of betel leaf

Efficacy of betel leaf is believed our ancestors for health, and a recent study shows that its benefit especially true of red betel leaf is. Characteristic of this tropical plant is trunked round purplish green and flowering. Red betel leaf surface glossy and uneven as well as tea production stemmed red heart shape hearts and tapered upper.

A red betel leaf as well as the green is growing vines on fences or trees. The benefits of this plant from Ivorra, MD in the book "A Review of Natural Products and Plants as Potential antidiabetic," has the active compounds and flavonoids betel alkaloid tea red tea can lower blood glucose levels.

Even the efficacy of red betel leaf has been actually utilized by the community for generations Sleman. In addition to diabetes, people there use red betel as a traditional medicine to overcome diseases such as cancer, gout, hepatitis, fatigue and ulcers, inflammation, hypertension (high blood pressure), and ambient.

Two researchers from the Bogor Agricultural University, Ms. Farah Fahma Mega Safithri and have investigated the toxicity of aqueous extract of red betel leaf and its ability to lower blood glucose levels in animals called rats. A total of 200 grams of red betel leaves boiled with 1 liter of water to stay 100 milliliters in volume. The weight ratio of the volume of red betel leaf decoction extract is taken is 200 grams: 100 milliliters or 2: 1. Which red betel leaf is very safe for consumption /

Benefits in red betel leaf is not so much, hopefully more and more research that can be hidden  that 
efficacy of using exist in this plant. Is not every creature of God has benefits for humans.