Monday, November 16, 2009

Benefits Red onion or scallions (Allium ascalonicum L.)

Red onion or scallions (Allium ascalonicum L.) is a plant of the family Alliaceae and the name of the tubers produced. Bulbs of onion plants are the main ingredient for Indonesian cooking basic ingredients.
Kerajaan: Plantae, Divisi: Magnoliophyta, Kelas: Liliopsida
Ordo: Asparagales, Famili: Alliaceae,Genus: Allium, Spesies: A. ascalonicum.
Fried onions are red onions thinly sliced and fried with a lot of cooking oil. In general, Indonesian food in the form of soup and soup with fried onions for seasoning when serving. Onion also contain a natural growth regulator hormone auksin and giberelin.

Onion benefits for the body:
1. able to prevent blood clotting
2. provide opportunities to people with asthma cure
3. lowering blood pressure and fat levels in the blood
4. prevent the rise in blood sugar in people with diabetes mellitus

Ingredients are useful from the onion:
1. Phosphorus
2. Niacin
3. Enzyme Allinase
4. Sulfur
5. Vitamin B 1
6. Vitamin C
7. Flavonoids
8. Phenol Acid
9. Pectin
10. Volati Oil
11. Sterols
12. Calcium
13. Saponis
14. Carbohydrates
15. Fiber

Tips on choosing a good onion:
1. onion choose clean and hard, do not select the soft / bruised or have dark
2. do not choose onions that have been colored yellow

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