Benefits of Honey and efficacy Foliage Plants Leaf Leaves Honey Honey-Medicinal Plants - Here is a classification Leaves Honey, Honey Leaf hallmark traits, and content of Leaves Honey
Classification of Plant Leaves Honey
Latin names and scientific names Leaves Leaves Honey Honey: Barleria cristata L
Common name
Indonesia: Leaves honey
Philippines: Kolintang Violeta
Classification of Plant Leaves Honey
Kingdom: Plantae (Plants)
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta (Vascular Plants)
Super Division: Spermatophyta (Produces seeds)
Division: Magnoliophyta (flowering plants)
Class: Magnoliopsida (dashed two / dicots)
Sub Class: Asteridae
Order: Scrophulariales
Family: Acanthaceae
Genus: Barleria
Species: cristata L. Barleria
Local names Leaves Honey
Landep (Central Java), honey leaf (Madura).; Kolintang, violeta (Tagalog)
Foliage Plants characteristic features of Honey
India native plant is commonly grown as a hedge plant. Shrubs, 1-3 m tall, much branched. Woody stems, round, jointed-books, haired, green-brown. Single leaf, opposite, elliptic to lanceolate blade, the tip and base tapering, flat edge, bone pinnate leaves, both surfaces hairy, 4-8 cm long, 1-3 cm wide, green or yellowish-green color. Flowers single or in pairs, at the end of the armpit leaves and stems, crowns haired gland, upper lip crown sharing four, oval, the color purple. Fruit elliptical, 1.5 cm long, three to four-lipped, brown. Seeds are small, flat, brown color.
Benefits and efficacy Foliage Plants Leaves Honey Honey
Curable Disease:
Rheumatism, cough, swollen; insect bites, poisonous snakes digidit
Usefulness and efficacy Foliage Plants Leaves Honey Honey
PART USED: Leaves, roots, flowers, and seeds.
Leaves and roots of merit overcome rheumatism and cough.
Flowers merit overcome: Swelling due to insect bites.
Seeds efficacious to overcome: bitten by a poisonous snake.
Prepare 1 handful of fresh leaves and wash clean. Whiting Add 1/4 teaspoon. Mash until blended, then massaged the sore spot.
Content of Plant Leaves Honey
CHEMICAL CONTENT: The leaves of this plant contain polyphenols and substance pektik. Rod contains polyphenols, saponins, flavonoids, calcium oxalate, fat, pektik substance, and acid formik. While the roots contain polyphenols, saponins, and flavonoids
READ MORE - Spermatophyta
Friday, August 2, 2013
Adenium Cambodia japan
Benefits and Efficacy Adenium Adenium Cambodia japan - Adenium scientific name and the Latin name of Adenium Adenium obesum, Adenium function which serves as a medicinal plant because it contains selenium content of nutritious substances fuvoplumerin prevent bacterial growth.
Vaporizer oil content owned Adenium like fenitilalkohol, sitronellol, linallol, geraniol, and farnesol. And the presence of saponins, bitter substances, and resin. Selenium content of these substances that can treat or yaws disease yaws, cracking on the soles of the feet, leg swelling, and can be used as a new drug cuts.
Adenium Adenium benefits and efficacy of a new drug cuts
When part of your body hurt because sharps incision, immediately wash with clean water until
Then drops sap of Adenium in cuts
then cover with a cloth bandage
Try not to hit the water first, to speed up the drying cuts
Adenium Adenium Benefits and Efficacy for Drug yaws and cracked feet
Take Adenium bark taste
then finely ground and squeezed to take water
Then use the juice to rub the affected area 3 times a day until healed
Another way is, take 3 pieces of 3 cm wide leather Adenium
then mix with 10 liters of water and boiled until boiling
Then refrigerate and use for shower or bath.
Benefits and Efficacy Adenium Adenium for Leg swelling
Take a taste and Adenium bark as much as 3 liters of water
Boil until boiling
Once cool use to soak the feet are swollen
will undoubtedly return to normal healthy
READ MORE - Adenium Cambodia japan
Plumbago zeylanica L
Benefits and efficacy Foliage Plants Leaves Gout Gout - Here is a leaf classification Rheumatism, Gout characteristic feature leaves, and leaf content of Gout
Classification of Plant Leaves Gout
Latin names and scientific names Leaves Leaves Gout Gout: Plumbago zeylanica L
Common name
Indonesia: Leaves gout, rheumatism ki (Sunda), bama (Bali), paksor (Java)
UK: White leadwort
Malay: hill wretched, wretched puteh
Philippines: Sandikit
China: bai hua teng
Classification of Plant Leaves Gout
Kingdom: Plantae (Plants)
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta (Vascular Plants)
Super Division: Spermatophyta (Produces seeds)
Division: Magnoliophyta (flowering plants)
Class: Magnoliopsida (dashed two / dicots)
Sub Class: Hamamelidae
Order: Plumbaginales
Family: Plumbaginaceae
Genus: Plumbago
Species: Plumbago zeylanica L
Local names Leaves Gout
Leaves rheumatism, gout ki (Sunda), ceraka (Sumatra); Bama, Godong gout, poksor (Java). kareka (Madura); Bama (Bali), oporie (East). ; Agni, chitra, chitraka (India, Pakistan),; Ceylon leadwort, white flowered leadwort (UK)
Foliage Plants characteristic features of Gout
This plant comes from Sri Lanka, then spread throughout the tropics, including Indonesia and the Pacific islands. Gout leaves growing wild in the fields, on the banks of waterways or planted in the garden as a living fence and other places to a height of 800 m + dpi. Ascending herbaceous annual, long-trunked, high 0.6 to 2 m. Woody stem, rounded, smooth, grooved, bereabang. Single leaf, alternate layout, which stemmed length 1,5 - 2,5 cm, the base of the petiole is rather wide, hugging the stem. Leaves ovate to oblong, long 5-11 cm, width 2-5 cm, pointed tip, base obtuse, edges beringgit, pertulangan pinnate, its color green. Compound interest in bunches coming out at the end of the stalk, small, hairy, white. Fruit small, elliptic, young green, after the old black. Small seeds, chocolate. Propagation is by seed or cuttings
Benefits and efficacy Foliage Plants Leaves Gout Gout
Curable Disease:
Arthritic joints, bruising (bruises), sprains, stomach pain, ringworm,; cancer and blood cancer
Usefulness and efficacy Foliage Plants Leaves Gout Gout
Part used: Roots and herbs.
Root efficacious to overcome: arthritic joints, bruising (bruises), sprains, stomach pain, ringworm, and blood cancers.
How to use:
Roots as much as 10-15 g, boiled for more than 4 hours. External use, the leaves are crushed and placed on the body part that got rheumatism, lumbago, bruises, ringworm, leprosy, scabies, sore to the style or placed in the lower abdomen when urinating less smoothly. When using do not squeeze the leaves more than half hour to avoid blisters arise such as burns.
Usage example:
He Rheumatism
Prepare a handful of fresh leaves, washed and finely ground. Add warm water as needed until the dough like mush. Use to lubricate and rubbing parts of the body. Apply 2 times a day.
Prepare as much as 15 g of fresh leaves and then washed clean. Tambahkankapur betel 1 tablespoon. This Carnpuran then pounded until pulverized, then massaged into place yang.sakit.
Prepare gout leaves to taste, then crushed. Add a little oil until it becomes dough like mush. Put on the temples and the head of the hospital as a poultice. Just 30 minutes so that no blisters.
Prepare fresh gout leaves, then wash out and crushed. Apply coconut oil on the fire and then layukan. Stick it in the back of the ear.
Urinating less smoothly
Take gout leaves to taste, then add the fennel finely milled pulosari. Rub the mixture on the lower abdomen, right in the position of the bladder. Just 30 minutes to avoid blisters.
Blood Cancer
Prepare the root of gout leaves, seeds Livistona chinensis, Hedyotis diffusa (grass snake tongue) and Verbena officinalis (verbenae berbalma biancao), each 30 g, and Spica prunellae (xia ku Caol of plant Prunella vulgaris L.) 15 g. Root of gout leaves boiled for 4 hours with clean water to taste. Add water if the water rebusannya.berkurang. After 4 hours, the new material included drug others. Bring to a boil again for 1/2 hour. After chilling filtered, divided to 3 times the drink. 3 times a day, each third section.
Leprosy, scabies, and skin disorders
Take the root of gout leaves, then wash and mash until smooth. Add a little milk and water, stirring evenly until a dough like paste. Apply to the affected body part.
Pregnant women are prohibited from using.
If poisoning arise on the skin, wash with boric acid (boric acid).
The leaves are used only for external use. External use are also limited selarna half hour. Too long cause blisters as burns.
Content of Plant Leaves Gout
CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological: gout leaves are bitter, tonic, and toxic. CHEMICAL CONTENT: Leaves contain plumbagin, 3-3-biplumbagin, 3-chloroplum-bagin, chitranone (3-6-biplumbagin), and droserone (2-hydroxy-bagin plum). Efficacious substance called plumbagin very toxic and the local use can cause skin damage such as burns form blisters. Pharmacological effects and outcomes research: Granting root leaf extract gout in 50% alcohol at a dose of 100 mglkg mm and 150 mm mglkg given orally to female mice, have the effect of antifertilitas and abortivum
READ MORE - Plumbago zeylanica L
binahong leaves
Benefits Leaves Binahong For Herbal Medicine and the efficacy binahong leaves for acne - Some benefits binahong to face is when there is the acne can be treated with 6 leaves and drink every day, such as how to get rid of acne with leaves binahong
Benefits Leaves for Acne and facial Binahong following tips for acne efficacy binahong leaves
Take a leaf or leaves binahong 5 more
Apply evenly on the face especially on Acne
lalukan preferably before bed
Do this several times until the skin Smooth
For maximum results, drink 5-6 leaves can binahong Juz and mixed in a glass of water
Can be mixed with honey that taste delicious.
Tips on how to get rid of acne with leaves binahong It has been proved by many people, there are severe and have spotty spotty drug use but has not been lost hundreds of thousands of acne.
Some Benefits leaf binahong
efficacy binahong leaves for acne
binahong leaves for high blood
binahong leaves for diabetes
binahong leaves for ulcer
Binahong leaves and usefulness is as a herbal medicine to treat a variety of serious diseases and ailments ulcer. Severe disease categories are coughing / vomiting blood, lungs, shortness of breath, diabetes, acute ulcers, fractures, kidney inflammation, low blood, mild concussion and itching.
While the benefits Leaves Binahong for mild disease category was dysentery, ambient, nose bleeding, burns, acne, intestinal swelling, bleeding gums, impotence, menstrual fluency and stamina. Efficacy binahong leaves very much this can be achieved in various ways, you can chew the leaves directly or can make a herb or tea.
Currently binahong leaves have many processed into a variety of drug and cosmetics. We can easily find a tea made from the leaves binahong. Binahong leaf tea prepared from the dried leaves binahong, if we want mengknsumsinya we just need to brew with hot water.
Content of Leaves Binahong
The content contained in other anara binahong leaves are antimicrobial. Antimicrobial binahong leaves very reactive to some germs cause infections in burns and wounds with a sharp object. Efficacy leaves binahong remarkable also because binahong leaves contain ascorbic acid which can increase the body's resistance to infection and speed healing.
For use in meraciknya as follows:
grab rhizome (root) to taste, washed, then boiled, filtered, and the results after a cold drink 2-3 times a day, this way the incision to heal, ulcers, typhoid, dysentery, physical fitness (plus eggs and honey), prevents stroke , gout and lumbago.
But can also be dried tubers, and finely ground, then put in a capsule 0.5 mh and drink 3 times a day.
For external use, the leaves and stems finely crushed then rubbed on the affected part. This material is for healing bruises due to hit, hit the fire (heat), rheumatism, stiff, sore muscles, smoothing the skin.
Tuber other materials mixed with boiled with betel leaf, ginger with odd comparison: 7, 9, 13, for healing the heart swelling, swelling of the liver, diabetes, kidney damage and inflammation of the large intestine.
Trunk to overcome the weakness of men, which taken by the sap is applied to the penis, then set aside some time to do intercourse with my wife. If it hammered out with kencur (3 cups to 1 cup) drink every night for one week.
Efficacy Leaves Binahong
This species is very efficacious to cure several diseases. The few leaves chewed until smooth or cooked with a glass of water and drink with pulp or juice or blended easily. The efficacy of the leaves as follows:
A. Severe disease categories: Coughing / vomiting blood: 10 leaves, taken daily Paru-paru/bolong: 10 leaves, taken daily Diabetes: 11 leaves, taken daily Shortness of breath: 7 leaves, taken daily Acute ulcers (chronic): 12 leaves, taken daily Fractures: 10-20 lb leaf, taken daily Low blood: 8 leaves, taken daily Inflammation of the kidneys: 7 leaves, taken daily Itching / eczema skin: 10-15 leaves, taken daily Mild concussion / weight: 10 leaves, taken daily
B. Mild disease category Dysentery / defecation: 10 leaves, taken daily Ambeyen bloody: 16 leaves, taken daily Nose bleed: 4 sheets of leaf, taken daily Surgical consumables / surgery: 20 leaves, taken daily Burns: 10 leaves, taken daily Accident / sharp: 10 leaves, taken daily Acne: 8 leaves, taken daily Intestinal swelling: 3 leaves, taken daily Bleeding gums: 4 sheets of leaf, taken daily Lack of appetite: 5 leaves, taken daily Smoothness of menstruation: 3 leaves, taken daily Discharged maternity / childbirth: 7 leaves, taken daily Maintain stamina: 1 sheet of leaf, taken daily Body warmers: 5 leaves, taken daily Impotence: 3-10 lb leaf, taken daily
READ MORE - binahong leaves
A. Severe disease categories: Coughing / vomiting blood: 10 leaves, taken daily Paru-paru/bolong: 10 leaves, taken daily Diabetes: 11 leaves, taken daily Shortness of breath: 7 leaves, taken daily Acute ulcers (chronic): 12 leaves, taken daily Fractures: 10-20 lb leaf, taken daily Low blood: 8 leaves, taken daily Inflammation of the kidneys: 7 leaves, taken daily Itching / eczema skin: 10-15 leaves, taken daily Mild concussion / weight: 10 leaves, taken daily
B. Mild disease category Dysentery / defecation: 10 leaves, taken daily Ambeyen bloody: 16 leaves, taken daily Nose bleed: 4 sheets of leaf, taken daily Surgical consumables / surgery: 20 leaves, taken daily Burns: 10 leaves, taken daily Accident / sharp: 10 leaves, taken daily Acne: 8 leaves, taken daily Intestinal swelling: 3 leaves, taken daily Bleeding gums: 4 sheets of leaf, taken daily Lack of appetite: 5 leaves, taken daily Smoothness of menstruation: 3 leaves, taken daily Discharged maternity / childbirth: 7 leaves, taken daily Maintain stamina: 1 sheet of leaf, taken daily Body warmers: 5 leaves, taken daily Impotence: 3-10 lb leaf, taken daily
Cempaka Putih
Plants benefit and efficacy of Cempaka Putih Cempaka Putih-The following is a classification of Cempaka Putih, the characteristic features of Cempaka Putih, and the content of Cempaka Putih Plant classification Cempaka Putih Latin names and scientific names Cempaka Putih Cempaka Putih: Michelia alba Dc Common name Indonesia: Cempaka white, magnolia (Java) UK: White Champaca Philippines: Tsampakang puti Plant classification Cempaka Putih Kingdom: Plantae (Plants) Subkingdom: Tracheobionta (Vascular Plants) Super Division: Spermatophyta (Produces seeds) Division: Magnoliophyta (flowering plants) Class: Magnoliopsida (dashed two / dicots) Sub Class: Magnoliidae Order: Magnoliales Family: Magnoliaceae Genus: Michelia Species: Michelia alba DC. Local names Cempaka Putih LOCAL NAME: Jeumpa Gadeng (Aceh); Cempaka putieh (Minangkabau); Campaka bodas (Sunda); pecari white, white Cempaka (Java); Campaka pote (Madura); Cempaka mawure (North Sulawesi); Flowers misspelled kebo, Patene (Edge of view); Flowers misspelled mapute (Bugis); Capaka bobudo (Ternate); Capaka bobulo (Tidore). FOREIGN NAME: NAME Simplisia Micheliae albae Flos; Bunga Cempaka Putih. Plants characteristic features of Cempaka Putih Plant a tree, up to 30 meters tall. Woody stems; single leaf, oval, green color. Flowers are white, fragrant smell. Not been fruitful. Propagated vegetatively. Used parts Flowers, leaves, and roots Plants benefit and efficacy of Cempaka Putih Cempaka Putih Curable Disease: TYPICAL PROPERTIES Sweet, spicy, and warm. Efficacy Expectorants and diureti Plants usefulness and efficacy of Cempaka Putih Cempaka Putih Bunga Cempaka Putih Benefits: Bronchitis, Cough, fever, vaginal discharge, inflammation, prostate. Leaves Benefits Cempaka Putih: bronchitis, urinary tract infections, Urinary bit. Root Benefits Cempaka Putih: Urinary tract infections.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Ipomoea aquatica
Water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica poir1 forsk or Ipomoea reptans) is a vegetable crop that life may be more than 1 year. Spread or twisted growth on surrounding plants. He is a type of leaf vegetable crops and can be included in the family Convolvulacea. A length of kale leaves and whitish green.
There are two types of kale, namely: (1) kale rabut, with smooth leaf-shaped arrowhead and pale green, and the flowers are white with a form sac containing four seeds, and (2) kale quotation, with broad leaves and tapered dark green and purplish white flowers.
Some kind of disease that can be treated using spinach leaves among them:
Malnutrition. The trick, take a leaf forest kangung half cell, wash thoroughly, then dry in the sun. Eat together with rice twice a day.
Constipation. Take the spinach leaves 1/2 handheld, wash, and steam briefly. Eat together with rice, do two times a day.
Headache. Take the spinach leaves 1/2 handheld, leaves kelintang third cell, stem kemarongan 1 finger, wash thoroughly, then mash finely. Add 1 cup cooking water, then squeeze and strain. Take water, drink 1 a day.
Watercress contained in the content of vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, hentriakontan, and sitosterol. Based on research, the ingredients contained by Watercress has benefits for treating various health disorders and as an antitoxin.
READ MORE - Ipomoea aquatica
long beans vegetable
long beans vegetable which one this easily found in the traditional markets. Utilization of vegetable elliptical can be combined in a variety of cuisines. Ranging from pan-fried, deep fried chili wear, digulai, disayur clear, for gado-gado, or pecel. It feels good and great again, has many benefits for our health. That's the long beans.
Chickpea plants easily found in fields, gardens, yards, houses, fields, or other crops as a distraction. Treatment plant that's easy to make this one easy to plant and eventually became widely known throughout Indonesian society. He could grow well in loose soil and containing humus, can hold water. African plant is grown at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level (masl).
Bean flowers are at the end of a long stalk, white, yellow, or blue, and bloom in the morning. Podded fruit and can reach 75 cm in length. Seeds rounded indentation in the center with a long, dark red, white, black, and brindle.
Long beans contain beta-carotene, chlorophyll, vitamin B1 and B2, protein, thiamine, riboflavin, phosphorus, iron, fiber, and pectin. This vegetable is useful to control blood sugar levels, treat hypertension, reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack, overcome constipation, and improve the functioning of the digestive organs. In addition, he also has diuretic properties (laxative urine) levels were. By consuming them regularly can help expedite diyakinin urination.
In some countries, long beans are used to treat rheumatism, arthritis, and urinary tract disorders. Also to keep the skin from acne problems, help fuel the recovery Lukar, treating diarrhea, eczema, kidney disorders, and itching. For those at risk of developing breast cancer and leukemia can take advantage of this vegetable because it contains anticancer substances. There are also substances antioxidant, antiviral, and antibacterial. It can also improve the function of red blood cells, curing beriberi, overcome pain, and anemia.
Well, then how to utilize this vegetable?
To shed urine, take 50 grams of leaves of fresh green beans. Rinse and then boiled with two glasses of water about 30 minutes. Once cool, strain the water and drink twice a day in the morning and afternoon.
For back pain sufferers, prepare 200 grams of bean seeds, 200 grams of ginger, and 25 grams kencur. All material is then boiled with 500 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc. After that, strain the water and then drink.
To increase stamina and overcome fatigue, take 100 grams of beans, plus five angco (remove seeds) and 25 grams kencur. Boil all ingredients with water until the remaining 600 200 grams. Strain the water, add honey to taste, then drink.
For people with anemia or less blood, take 200 grams of green beans, 100 grams of wine, and enough chicken liver. Cook all ingredients to taste and eat regularly.
Finally, to obtain the breast skin smooth and tight, take long beans, mashed smooth and take the juice. Then apply on the breast for two times a week on a regular basis.
READ MORE - long beans vegetable
Katuk is a kind of leafy vegetables. Plants with the Latin name Sauropus adrogynus including family Euphorbiaceae. So popular, every region has a term for pecking leaves - spy (Malay), simani (Minangkabau), cinnamon (Sunda), kebing and katukan (Java), and kerakur (Madura). Katuk plant is grown in various parts of India, Malaysia, and Indonesia. In Indonesia, it grows in the plains with an altitude of 2,100 meters above sea level (masl). Shape shrub and can reach a height of 2-3 meters, with branches soft enough.
Katuk leaves arranged alternately on the stem, oval to round shape with a length of 2.5 cm and a width of 1.25 to 3 cm. Katuk single leaf-shaped flowers in groups of three. Long-stemmed fruit 1.25 cm. This plant can be propagated by cuttings of woody stems. Substances and compounds contained therein include protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins (A, B, C), pirolidinon, and methyl p-dodesilfenol piroglutamat as well as a minor component. In addition it also contained energy, carbohydrate, fiber, ash, calcium, carotene, and water.
In Indonesia, the leaves are generally used to smooth katuk breast milk. This leaf is produced as a preparation for a nutritious fitofarmaka smooth milk. At least ten facilitator milk products that contain cinnamon leaf has been in Indonesia since 2000. In addition, consumption katuk by nursing mothers may increase the time breastfeeding women and for babies real men only increases the frequency and duration of breastfeeding. However, research on the side effects of cinnamon leaf as a facilitator milk still has not been done in Indonesia, so that 100 percent security is untested.
In America, fried cinnamon leaf, salad and cinnamon, and a beverage consumed by many people as an antiobesity drug (slimming).
Since cinnamon is the only local plants that have a high chlorophyll content, then it contains large amounts of antioxidants that are beneficial to prevent free radicals and prevent premature aging. He is also efficacious to overcome disease anemia (anemia), improving the efficiency of gastrointestinal absorption, mengecegah fatigue, and prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases of blood vessels.
Some other benefits of cinnamon leaf among them:
Cure boils, ulcers, eliminate dirty blood, and cure fever and influenza, because it contains a lot of vitamin C (higher than oranges and guava) that is needed by the body, including to increase the resistance of the body, forming collagen, fat transport, regulate cholesterol levels , wound healing, and improve brain function in order to work optimally.
Prevent eye disease, promote cell growth, and maintain healthy skin, because it contains a lot of vitamin A.
Arouse sexual vitality and enhance the quality and quantity of sperm, because the rich phytochemical compounds.
Prevent osteoporosis, because it contains a lot of calcium that the body needs to maintain bone density.
It is recommended to boil and stir-fry cinnamon leaf before consumption. This is mainly to eliminate the toxic properties (antiprotozoa) on cinnamon leaf. To note, consuming leaves and cinnamon in large quantities in the raw state can lead to various side effects that are bad for the body. Besides interfere with the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, can even lead to symptoms of sleeplessness, bad eating, and shortness of breath.
Red chili
Red chili included in the family Solanaceae. This plant is an erect herb that has a taproot with many side roots are shallow. Part-haired young stems smooth, much branched, and can reach a height of 1 - 2.5m. The leaves are scattered by the leaf blade ovate or elliptical-shaped elongated lancet, as well as the base and a pointed tip. While nodding flowers with red chili Tanggai size 10-18 mm. Shaped like a small trumpet and mostly white, though there are also purple.
Chilli fruit is the fruit Buni with a line lancet, bright red, and spicy taste. Flesh in the form of the pieces are not watery. Seeds are numerous and located indoors fruit and attached to the placenta.
Red Chili contained in capsaicin content, dihidrokapsaisin, vitamins A and C, resin, dye kapsantin, carotene, kapsarubin, zeasantin, kriptosantin, lutein, and mineral Based on research, the ingredients contained by Red Chili has benefits to help cope with the symptoms abdominal pain, dental pain and weak hands, influenza, and increase appetite.
READ MORE - Red chili
You must be familiar with the beans. Plants called latin Phaseolus vulgaris beans is similar to his, but shorter and fatter. In addition to delicious disayur, it also contains health benefits. Like what is it?
Plants that includes familia Papilionaceae (Leguminosae) is an upright shrub or plant species with a long twisted 0.3 - 3 meters. Leverage leaves stay attached longer. Child leaves ovate, with a rounded base, tapered, and both sides of the hair. Flower cluster beans are sitting in the armpits of plants, with 1-2 flower pair. Rod cluster is still, as high as 6 cm, and often shorter. Children under the protective leaf petals 3-9 mm long. Petals 5-8 mm high, the top gear is very short.
The bean plants have white flowers crown. The older, the crown changes color to yellow, sometimes even a purple color. Bean seeds or fruit found in many varieties and are traded under a different name as a vegetable. Ranging from brown and white beans, chickpeas and snijbonen spercie, as well as beans and kievitsbonen perluru. Part used fruit and beans.
Plant beans come from America and widely grown there. This plant is also not difficult to be cultivated. Cultivation is generally done by using seeds. The vines really good if his young disayur, especially when used as an extra for the soup. Composition of compounds in vegetables beans include: alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, triterpenoida, steroid, stigmasterin, trigonelin, arginine, an amino acid, asparagine, kholina, tannins, fasin (toksalbumin), starch, vitamins, and minerals.
Based on the research, contained in beans substances b-sitosterol and stigmasterol were able to increase the production of insulin. Insulin itself is a hormone produced naturally by the pancreas and works to lower blood sugar levels. If the pancreas is only able to produce less insulin (or not at all) then the person will be exposed to the disease diabetes mellitus. Thus, by eating beans, we also will be spared from the diabetes.
READ MORE - Leguminosae
Broccoli plants
In addition to delicious and tasty edible, broccoli has long been known as a nutritious vegetable. In fact, it is common knowledge that broccoli contains a compound called sulforaphane, which is believed to be efficacious for the fight against cancer. Is it only the benefits of broccoli? Of course not!
Broccoli plants said to have originated from the Mediterranean area. Just so you know, since the days of ancient Greece, this plant has been cultivated. Broccoli in Indonesia around 1970. Nowadays, we can easily buy broccoli even in traditional markets once. The edible part of broccoli is green flower heads. The compact flower head like a tree branch with a thick stem. Largely surrounded by foliage. The form itself is similar to broccoli cauliflower, but different colors - green broccoli and a white cauliflower. As a food, usually boiled or steamed broccoli. Can also be eaten raw if you like. In it contained a lot of vitamin C and dietary fiber. She also contain compounds that are glukorafanin natural form sulforafana anticancer compound (sulforaphane). But not only that cancer could be eradicated by broccoli. Based on this research, the content of which is contained in a small banyan tree shaped vegetable has the potential to treat a type of skin disease. In addition, broccoli contains a compound called isothiocyanate, as sulforafana, suspected to have anticancer activity. Learn more, here is the content of compounds contained in broccoli: water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, iron, vitamins (A, C, E, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinamide), calcium, beta-carotene, and glutathione. In addition, broccoli contains sulforafan and iberin that stimulates the formation of glutathione. While it is quite long believed to help the heart stay healthy, but other properties that broccoli is medically known only recently. Some of the benefits of vegetables broccoli for health include: Prevent respiratory disorders Improve the workings of the brain Regulate blood sugar levels Neutralize cancer-causing substances Protect the immune system Improve skin beauty
READ MORE - Broccoli plants
Broccoli plants said to have originated from the Mediterranean area. Just so you know, since the days of ancient Greece, this plant has been cultivated. Broccoli in Indonesia around 1970. Nowadays, we can easily buy broccoli even in traditional markets once. The edible part of broccoli is green flower heads. The compact flower head like a tree branch with a thick stem. Largely surrounded by foliage. The form itself is similar to broccoli cauliflower, but different colors - green broccoli and a white cauliflower. As a food, usually boiled or steamed broccoli. Can also be eaten raw if you like. In it contained a lot of vitamin C and dietary fiber. She also contain compounds that are glukorafanin natural form sulforafana anticancer compound (sulforaphane). But not only that cancer could be eradicated by broccoli. Based on this research, the content of which is contained in a small banyan tree shaped vegetable has the potential to treat a type of skin disease. In addition, broccoli contains a compound called isothiocyanate, as sulforafana, suspected to have anticancer activity. Learn more, here is the content of compounds contained in broccoli: water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, iron, vitamins (A, C, E, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinamide), calcium, beta-carotene, and glutathione. In addition, broccoli contains sulforafan and iberin that stimulates the formation of glutathione. While it is quite long believed to help the heart stay healthy, but other properties that broccoli is medically known only recently. Some of the benefits of vegetables broccoli for health include: Prevent respiratory disorders Improve the workings of the brain Regulate blood sugar levels Neutralize cancer-causing substances Protect the immune system Improve skin beauty
Spinach thorn
Spinach thorn is one variant of the spinach. Some kinds of properties of spinach among thorns: Arising acne before menstruation. Way, take spinach thorns third handheld, turmeric 1/2 finger, Senggani young leaves 3 pieces, 2 himpes mushroom stems, leaves girlfriend china fourth handheld. Finely crushed all the ingredients, then squeeze the lime juice 2 tablespoons, drink twice a day. Irregular menstruation. Way, take 1 thorn tree spinach, washed and finely crushed. Give as much as 1 cup water, squeeze and strain and drink twice a day. Less blood. Way, take thorn spinach 1/2 handheld, wash and finely crushed. Add 1 cup water, then strain and add the egg yolks. Drink twice a day.
spinach crops
Spinach is an annual plants (annuals) derived from Tropical America. In its development in Latin America, spinach crops promoted as a source of protein, especially for developing countries. While spinach as the only common vegetable known in East Asia and Southeast Asia, so it is called in English as the Chinese Amaranth.
Rod-shaped spinach with few lateral branches upright bush form. Height can reach 150 cm. The trunk itself berkkayu and less watery and green or reddish. Stemmed leaves are oval, limp, green, red, or green discharge. Bone leaves clear, green or reddish. The flowers are shaped grains and seeds are black, small, and hard.
Some kind of disease that can be treated:
Eyes are always watery. The trick, take the spinach leaves 1/2 cup, mashed and squeezed, take the water. Add 2 egg yolks, 2 tablespoons honey, and lime juice. Drink twice a day.
Less blood. The trick, grab a handful of spinach leaves, mash until smooth. Add lime juice, strain, then add 1 tablespoon honey and 1 egg chicken. Drink once a day on a regular basis.
Respiratory relief (breath can be long). The trick, grab a bunch of spinach root, finely crushed. Add 1/4 teaspoon salt, strain. Embukan for one night and have a drink in the morning.
Spinach is known to contain a lot of protein, fat, carbohydrates, iron, potassium, calcium, amarantin, routine, purines, chlorophyll, fithohormon, as well as vitamins A, B, and C. With the abortion, Spinach believed to help improve kidney function and digestion, to overcome low blood pressure, anemia, strengthens hair roots, purify the blood after childbirth, and prevent bone loss.
READ MORE - spinach crops
allium sp
Leek (allium sp) has been planted since many abak ago in China and Japan. He is a perennial plant (annual) cultivated annual (seasonal) or biennial (two seasons). Onion plants do not produce tubers, leaves, long round, and hollow like a pipe. Flower structure with red onion, with a white flower color. The seeds are still young and after old white to black.
There are two types of onion leaves, the daffodil onion (allium fistulosum) or onion Semprong / flashing symbol and leek (allium porrum) or leek. The first has a small bulb with round leaves, long and hollow like a pipe. While the second does not have a bulb with long leaves, long berpelepah flat, and clay.
Onion leaves contain many known saponins, tannins, and essential oils with the abortion, Onion Leaves efficacious to relieve flatulence, coughs, flu, shortness of breath because of the flu, diuretics, diaforetik, joint pain and anti-inflammatory; eliminate swelling due to ulcers, as well as eliminating free insect bites.
READ MORE - allium sp
allium ceva
onions term originated when the commodity was first brought by the merchants from the city of Bombay (now called Mumbay), India, to Indonesia. Onion (allium ceva) includes herbaceous biennial (two crop seasons) is cultivated as an annual (seasonal), except for seed production.
Eastern onions or garlic in the same lineage with red onion (allium cepa L). The difference is not too flashy, except for the shape and smell or aroma. He has a layered bulbs, which are formed from the base of the leaves / layers and subsequently enlarged and united to form rods that change shape and function, grow, and become coated bulbs. The plants themselves have root fibers with hollow cylindrical leaves.
Onions are in the content of allicin, amino acids, calcium, manganese, sodium, sulfur, vitamin C, vitamin E, essential oils, Quercitin, and curcumin Based on research, the ingredients contained by Onions has benefits to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, increasing the amount of HDL (good cholesterol) by 30%, improve blood vessel constriction and hypertension, relieve colds, relieve abdominal pain, lowers blood sugar levels, prevent cancer, prevent the breakdown of insulin in the liver, stimulates the production of insulin by the pancreas, and press osteoporosis attacks.
READ MORE - allium ceva
Eastern onions or garlic in the same lineage with red onion (allium cepa L). The difference is not too flashy, except for the shape and smell or aroma. He has a layered bulbs, which are formed from the base of the leaves / layers and subsequently enlarged and united to form rods that change shape and function, grow, and become coated bulbs. The plants themselves have root fibers with hollow cylindrical leaves.
Onions are in the content of allicin, amino acids, calcium, manganese, sodium, sulfur, vitamin C, vitamin E, essential oils, Quercitin, and curcumin Based on research, the ingredients contained by Onions has benefits to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, increasing the amount of HDL (good cholesterol) by 30%, improve blood vessel constriction and hypertension, relieve colds, relieve abdominal pain, lowers blood sugar levels, prevent cancer, prevent the breakdown of insulin in the liver, stimulates the production of insulin by the pancreas, and press osteoporosis attacks.
Piper nigrum L.
Pepper or pepper (Piper nigrum L.) is a form of whole spices produced by the plant with the same name. Pepper is very important in components of world cuisine and is widely known as an important trade commodity in the Old World. In the past the price is so high that it became one of the triggers of the Europeans to the exploration of East Asia for control of trade and, thus, began the history of the colonization of Africa, Asia, and America.
In Indonesia, the pepper is mainly produced on the island of Bangka. Pepper called sahang Local Malay as the language of Banjar, Malay Belitung, Sambas Malays, and others.
Some kinds of pepper benefits include:
Treating impotence. Read prescribing herbs for impotence.
Treat arthritis. Read prescribing herbs for arthritis.
Treat malaria. Way, take 1/2 teaspoon pepper and coffee, and brewed with hot water. Drink this mixture before recurrence. In addition, prepare additional herbs also using papaya leaves (take the stem), one piece ireng, 1/4 handheld leaf Tarum, 2 soybean seed rot, and salt. Blend all the ingredients and add 3/4 cup water. Squeeze, strain, and drink 2 times a day.
Traditional Treatment for Impotence
Materials Needed
100 grams of ginger
1 egg chicken
1 whole large lime
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon honey
7 grains of pepper
3 buds galangal
Production Method
Ginger grated and squeezed. After that, pour enough hot water. Set aside.
Beaten egg until smooth. Set aside.
Squeezed lime juice and take water. Set aside.
Finely ground pepper. Set aside.
Mix all ingredients and mix well. Drink approximately half an hour before sexual intercourse.
Traditional Treatment For Arthritis 2
Materials Needed
13 peppercorns
thumb-sized ginger
black cumin to taste
7 pieces of cloves
2 nutmeg
2 pieces of onion male
200 cc gondopuro
Production Method
Besides gondopuro, combine all the ingredients and grind until smooth. Then enter into and use to caress gondopuro sick.
READ MORE - Piper nigrum L.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
imperanene apparently
In reed rhizome contained imperanene apparently has the effect of inhibiting the aggregation of platelets (blood clotting cells) according to findings by scientists from universities in Japan. Effects of inhibition of platelet aggregation was similar to the effects of aspirin (acetyl salicylic acid) is used to prevent blood clots in patients with cardiac infarction. A Cylindol contained in reed rhizome has the effect of inhibiting the enzyme 5-lipoxygenase. By inhibition of 5-lipoxygenase, the formation of prostaglandins that cause pain or muscle pain can be blocked. Other materials contained, ie Cylendrene have activity in inhibiting contraction of smooth muscle of blood vessels, so that blood circulation remains smooth. Graminone B inhibits the constriction of blood vessels the aorta (the largest blood vessel). According to the R & D section Sidomuncul, the last two ingredients can cause the blood pressure lowering effect. From the test results it turns out that plants are also called grass has a pharmacological effect or in other words, this plant has the properties: anti-pyretic / lower the heat, hemostatic / stop bleeding, relieve thirst, diuretic / laxative bladder meridian and into the lungs, the stomach also the small intestine. Treating coronary heart using 100 grams of the roots of weeds, 100 grams of lotus root, 25 grams of black ear mushrooms, 25 grams of mushrooms hioko, and 25 grams of dried white fungus dirbus with 800 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, filtered and potable placenta. For prostate disorders, use 60 grams of the roots of weeds, 30 grams of bitter, and 30 grams of meniran boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, filtered and potable water. Treating high blood pressure: 100 grams of the roots of weeds, 15 grams meniran, and 15 grams of turmeric boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, filtered and drunk. Kidney stones, take 60 grams of the roots of weeds, leaves kejibeling 30 grams, and 30 grams of boiled corn silk denan 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, strain and drink the water. Overcoming nosebleed, use 60 grams of fresh reed root and 100 grams of lotus root boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, water is taken. Gallstones, use 100 grams of the roots of weeds boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, filter and drink placenta. Asthma: using 60 grams of the roots of weeds and flowers 15 knob boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, filtered and potable water. Urinary stones, use 100 grams of the roots of weeds, 30 grams meniran, and 30 grams of leaf cat whiskers boiled with 700 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, filtered and potable water.
Friday, July 5, 2013
Momordica charantia L


Momordica charantia L
Benefits Pare - Pare plant is a plant that has a fruit that is often used for vegetables. Foods derived from bitter melon is often shunned because it tastes bitter, but hold on the greens with a unique shape and flavor has a myriad of useful properties that you know. Among the health benefits, among others, prevent cancer, heart health, as well as constipation or better known as the difficulty in bowel movements. Want to know why the benefits of bitter melon was amazing? Pare benefits for nutritional content. Yes, despite bitter but nutritional content contained in pare very much. Touted as a source of flavonoids, beta-carotene, lutein and zea-xanthin. Have a high content of vitamin A. Ayng some antioxidants can counteract free radicals and prevent cancer and prevents various diseases lainnya.Pare also contains a low calorie, high fiber, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Plants are usually consumed or made by boiling vegetables can also be consumed in juice form. If you want to feel the benefits of bitter melon, can be done by drinking bitter melon juice on a regular basis every day can be used to cleanse the liver, and is also good for people with asthma. How to make bitter melon juice is not difficult. All it takes is 100 grams of melon that has been washed clean. Cut into small pieces to help make it quickly destroyed. Then mixed with water and salt. Furthermore just press the button on the blender. For flavor can be added according to taste. Orange or lemon can be used as an adjunct to acquire tastes better and fresher. For optimal results, make it a habit to drink pare when the morning when the stomach is empty. Pare plants thrive in the lowlands, even rare plants found growing wild in dry fields, yard or other vacant land. Pare is a plant that grows vines or climbing the spiral tendrils, much branched, with single-stemmed leaves are located alternately. The smell of melon plants tolerable sting. Pare the fruit does have a bitter taste, so few people willing to consume. Fruit with a long round shape, with the base of the heart-shaped dark green. Behind it tastes bitter, turns pare saving benefits are amazing.
Syzygium aromaticum


Syzygium aromaticum
Clove is a plant that is often used as a spice because it smells fragrant. This one even spice also found in cigarettes. When added in a dish, clove has several uses, among others, to be able to make food more fragrant and also provide health benefits, including in terms of ease toothache. The scent of fragrant and distinctive cloves. This herb native plants from Indonesia and has been known as a flavoring in many dishes such as world-class in Europe. In Indonesia, the public may be more familiar as an ingredient in clove cigarette. Due to the various advantages of the clove plant, many other countries are also trying to cultivate cloves. One such country is India and Sri Lanka. Cloves have long been known to treat several kinds of diseases. When eaten, the efficacy of this plant is helping melancarkansirkulasi blood in the body. S istem digestion and metabolism also helped when consuming plant cloves. In traditional Chinese medicine has also been known function of its use. Are added to the prescription drug used to treat gastrointestinal disorders and prevent nausea. Can also be used to relieve stress, how to boil water along with the cloves, basil leaves, mint leaves. After boiling water, wait until the temperature drops and the cloves boiled drinking water. Plant cloves also has antiseptic and analgesic properties. With the functions then cloves can be used to relieve pain for people with dental pain. Usually used clove oil clove shaped in a way to shed some cengkh oil into the aching tooth cavity. Analgetiknya antiseptic effect and can clean teeth plus relieve pain. Another form of this is the use of cloves powder form. Ground cloves and ground into a powder. Clove powder is consumed with how licked or eaten little. Efficacy and benefits of clove plants can reduce the nausea and stomach pain.
cat's whiskers plant
cat's whiskers plant is a plant that is full of benefits for enough help in the field of medicine, this plant is known in Indonesia is able to treat a variety of diseases, such as diabetes, kidney disease, illness waist aches, cough, sore high blood pressure, arthritis pain, pain constipation and also overcome fatigue was not a lot of benefits untu k cat health whiskers!. You should know that this plant is not native to Indonesia but came from Africa, this plant scientifically called (Stamineus Orthosiphon Benth). This plant grows in areas that have a height of 600 meters above sea level and has a moist soil.
Cat's whiskers plant benefits are already known by our society, but in fact what the hell makes this plant has a property that is so in the know people in Indonesia.?
Cat's whiskers plant leaves contain essential oils, which comprises 60 species and phenolic sesquiterpens. Contain saponins, flavonoids contain, contain fatty oils, salts containing potassium, contain tannins and several other compounds.
Compounds are compounds provide health benefits. Classification of cat whiskers »Species: Orthosiphon Benth Stamineus »Kingdom: Plantae »Subkingdom: Tracheobionta »Class: Magnoliopsida »Division: Magnoliophyta »Family: Lamiaceae »Order: Lamiales »Genus: Orthosiphon Here is how to use the harness cat whiskers: »Provide 20 leaves cat whiskers »2 cups water »Put water into a pot and cat whiskers »Boil until about the remaining 1 cup course »Drink every day 2 to 3 times That's the cat's whiskers plant information that we often encounter, but we underestimate because we consider weeds, even though this plant has the properties and benefits that we can not take lightly.
READ MORE - cat's whiskers plant
Compounds are compounds provide health benefits. Classification of cat whiskers »Species: Orthosiphon Benth Stamineus »Kingdom: Plantae »Subkingdom: Tracheobionta »Class: Magnoliopsida »Division: Magnoliophyta »Family: Lamiaceae »Order: Lamiales »Genus: Orthosiphon Here is how to use the harness cat whiskers: »Provide 20 leaves cat whiskers »2 cups water »Put water into a pot and cat whiskers »Boil until about the remaining 1 cup course »Drink every day 2 to 3 times That's the cat's whiskers plant information that we often encounter, but we underestimate because we consider weeds, even though this plant has the properties and benefits that we can not take lightly.
Imperata cylindrica
Imperata cylindrica
Naleueng lakoe (Aceh); Jih (Gayo); Rih, Ri (Batak); Oo (Nias); Alalang, Hilalang, Weeds (Minang Kabau); Lioh (Lampung); Halalang, contingent, Padang, interests, Puang, Buhang, grasshoppers, Bolalang (Dayak); Eurih (Sunda); Alang-alang kambengan (Java); racing, Lalang (Madura); Ambengan, Lalang (baii); Kii, Rii (FIores); Padengo, Padanga (Gorontalo); Deya ( Bugis); Erer, Muis, Wen (Seram); Weli, Welia, Wed (Ambon). FOREIGN NAME: Cogon grass, satintail (En). Paillotte (Fr). Malaysia: thatch, reed. Papua New Guinea: Kunai (Pidgin), Kurukuru (Barakau, Central Province). Philippines: Kogon (Tagalog), gogon (Bikol), bulum (Ifugao). Burma (Myanmar): kyet-mei. Cambodia: SBO ': w. Laos: hnha: z kh'a:. Thailand: yes-kha, laa laeng, koe hee (Karen, Mae Hong Son). Habitat: Grow at elevations up to 2700 m above sea level, in areas open or half-closed; marshes; in soil with good aeration; in areas which open out; riverside; extensive secondary forest; area burned; as a weed in cultivation; gardens and plantations. This plant can affect plant cultivation, because the relatively high sodium needs. Description: Alang-alang (Imperata cylindrical (L.) Beauv.var.mayor), Stature: herbs, grass, edging, 30-180 cm tall. Trunk: rhizome, creeping underground stems forming an inflorescence erect, dense, sparse hair on his book. Leaves: single, base close to each other, strands; ribbon-shaped, sharp pointed tip, straight, coarse, sparse hair, size 12-80 cm. x 35-18 cm. Flowers: composition compound compound grains, rather furl, 6-28 cm long, each branch has 2 ears, 2,5-5 cm branches, flower stalks 1-3 mm, gluma 1; tip of ciliated, 3-6 veins, Lemma 1 (chaff); wide oval, short cilia 1.5-2.5 mm. Lemma 2 (chaff); elongated, tapered 0.5-2.5 mm. Palea (Husk); 0.75 to 2 mm. Stamens: anthers 2.5-3.5 mm, yellowish white or purple. Pistil: quill-shaped anthers. Fruit: type of rice. Seeds: elliptic, 1 mm long. Flowering time: January-December. Regional distribution, Habitat and Cultivation: In Java grows at altitudes up to 2700 m above sea level, in the areas of open or half-closed; marshes; in soil with good aeration; in areas which open out; riverside; extensive secondary forest; area burned; as a weed in cultivation; gardens and plantations. This plant can affect plant cultivation, because the relatively high sodium needs. Multiplication: multiply by itself. Every time the rhizomes are harvested from plants that have matured. Pale-colored rhizome good, taste sweet and cool. Reeds can cause a decrease in soil pH. The magnitude of the decrease in pH and barriers to the process of nitrification showed a positive correlation with the growth of reeds
The content of Alang-Alang:
Roots: metabolites have been found in the roots of reeds consists of arundoin, fernenol, isoarborinol, silindrin, simiarenol, kampesterol, stigmasterol, ß-sitosterol, scopoletin, skopolin, p-hidroksibenzaladehida, catechol, chlorogenic acid, isoklorogenat acid, p- kumarat, neoklorogenat acid, acetic acid, oxalic acid, d-malic acid, citric acid, potassium (0.75% of dry weight), a large amount of calcium and 5-hydroxytryptamine. From the results of other studies on the roots and leaves found 5 different flavonoid derivatives ie derivatives 3 ', 4' ,7-trihydroxy flavones, 2 ', 3'-dihydroxy kalkon and 6-hydroxy flavanol. A flavonoid derivatives that likely belonged to the flavones, flavonols substituted 3-0H, flavanones or isoflavones contained in the soluble fraction of the ethyl acetate extract of the roots of weeds. In the fraction of water-soluble extract of the roots of weeds class of flavonoids found no free OH groups, flavones, flavonols substituted 3-0H, flavanones or isoflavones.
Efficacy of Reeds:
Efficacy reeds are: Parts used for medical drugs is the root. In fact, its roots can be used to lower the temperature, launched urine, stop bleeding, and as a remedy for nose bleeding, vomiting blood, gonorrhea (gonorrhea), hepatitis, kidney infections. The study found that the reeds containing mannitol, glucose, malic acid, citric acid, coixol, arundoin, silindrin, fernerol, simiarenol, anemonin, achine, alkali, saponins, taninin, and polyphenols.
Alang-Alang traditional recipe:
As urine laxative: 49 pieces dried rhizome, cut into pieces and then coupled with 2 cups of water and boiled until the volume of water to 1 cup, filtered, then taken 2 times a day.
Fever bloody urination: 1 spoon full of reed rhizome, boil with a few pieces of pliers kwe (half-ripe fruit flesh beligu made candied dried) in two glasses of water to stay half. This drink 2 cups water 1 day. Urine will be normal and the body temperature down. "Zwartwaterkoorts" (Bld): Drink boiled water as tea alang alang roots.
READ MORE - Imperata cylindrica
Naleueng lakoe (Aceh); Jih (Gayo); Rih, Ri (Batak); Oo (Nias); Alalang, Hilalang, Weeds (Minang Kabau); Lioh (Lampung); Halalang, contingent, Padang, interests, Puang, Buhang, grasshoppers, Bolalang (Dayak); Eurih (Sunda); Alang-alang kambengan (Java); racing, Lalang (Madura); Ambengan, Lalang (baii); Kii, Rii (FIores); Padengo, Padanga (Gorontalo); Deya ( Bugis); Erer, Muis, Wen (Seram); Weli, Welia, Wed (Ambon). FOREIGN NAME: Cogon grass, satintail (En). Paillotte (Fr). Malaysia: thatch, reed. Papua New Guinea: Kunai (Pidgin), Kurukuru (Barakau, Central Province). Philippines: Kogon (Tagalog), gogon (Bikol), bulum (Ifugao). Burma (Myanmar): kyet-mei. Cambodia: SBO ': w. Laos: hnha: z kh'a:. Thailand: yes-kha, laa laeng, koe hee (Karen, Mae Hong Son). Habitat: Grow at elevations up to 2700 m above sea level, in areas open or half-closed; marshes; in soil with good aeration; in areas which open out; riverside; extensive secondary forest; area burned; as a weed in cultivation; gardens and plantations. This plant can affect plant cultivation, because the relatively high sodium needs. Description: Alang-alang (Imperata cylindrical (L.) Beauv.var.mayor
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