Monday, November 26, 2012

Blumea balsamifera

Blumea balsamifera Plants from Nepal are living in the open until somewhat sheltered by the river and hold the farm. Can be grown in sandy soil or soil slightly moist at altitudes up to 2,200 m above sea level. Shrubs, grow upright, reaching...
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Catharanthus roses

Catharanthus roses This plant originated in Central America, commonly planted as an ornamental plant. Vinca can be grown in the open or unprotected on a variety of climates, are found from the lowlands to an altitude of 800 m above sea level. Terna...
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Lantana camara

Lantana camara sometimes grows wild or planted as an ornamental and hedge plant. Plants originating from tropical America can be found from the lowlands to an altitude of 1700 m above sea level., In the open places exposed to the sun or slightly...
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Tempuyung growing wild in the open exposed to the sun or a slightly shielded, such as on cliffs, edge drains or abandoned land, sometimes grown as a medicinal plant. Plants derived from Eurasia can be found in areas that much rain at an altitude of...
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Friday, November 23, 2012


Spinach thorn have single leaf, grow alternate, green color, round in shape elongated egg, base tapering, flat edge. In the armpit leaves are a pair of hard spines easily separated. Flowers unisexual, female flowers gathered in a tight skein-shaped...
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Agarwood pieces are relatively easy to get, because in the last 5 years the passion the community to plant trees nan fragrant pig producers was very high. Therefore the growth centers in various regions of aloes. Gaharu trees begin to bear fruit...
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Cordyline Fruticosa

Andong which has the Latin name Cordyline Fruticosa has many benefits for the body to cure various kinds of diseases. Tyegak Andong is a herbaceous plant which has little or rarely branched. Andong widely used as an ornamental plant because it...
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Alang - alang

Alang - alang which has the Latin name Imperata cylindrica L is a plant that normally grows wild in the forest and on the edge of road. which often overlooked but it has many benefits. Alang - alang is a chronic herb plants grow erect, 30-180 cm tall,...
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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Melon nutritiona

You may often underestimate the melon you eat. Though this cheap fruit contains many remarkable properties as a prophylactic. Approximately 95% of meat melon contains water, so that it can give a sense of cool and soothing effect. Because nature...
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Papaya is a fruit

Here are some of the benefits of papaya for health:1. Papaya is a fruit that is low in calories but contain a lot of nutrients, so it is very good for those who are consumed in the diet2. Papaya Skin was able to assist in the healing of skin...
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characteristics of a ripe banana

The characteristics of a ripe banana, banana skin is yellowish green with brown or yellow spots. All content in ripe bananas, will provide some health benefits, particularly for: 1. Source of Power Bananas can be digested easily, so the sugar in...
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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Myristica fragrans

If no nutmeg in Banda Islands, Indonesia may not be known to the invaders. Because there Banda in Maluku, rich spices, especially nutmeg and cloves, then the nations of Europe in the sixteenth century the Banda-came to Indonesia for the spice trade...
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