Thursday, October 27, 2011

Or KiTolod Star Flower

Or KiTolod Star Flower name - Scientific name: 'sato = longiflora Presl. - Name of area: kitolod, leaf tolod (Sunda); sangkobak, control (Java). - Foreign Names: ster van bethlehem. Content of Chemical and Pharmacological Effects Kitolod contain a...
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Benefits of Spinach Leaves And Roots

Benefits of Spinach Leaves And Roots Green leafy vegetables are sources of lutein and folate is superb, which helps prevent heart disease and birth defects. In addition, spinach also provide preventive iron anemia. Spinach also has properties to prevent...
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Ways to Relieve Pain Without Drugs

Ways to Relieve Pain Without Drugs Here are some ways ease and eliminate pain. This method is an alternative that can be done if you do not want to take pain medications: Meet the needs of vitamin D, vitamin D deficiency may contribute to chronic pain....
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Dangers and Benefits of Amethyst Leaf

Dangers and Benefits of Amethyst Leaf Amethyst is not only useful as a narcotic plant. Other efficacy that can be obtained from the amethyst is quite a lot. Some of them are as toothache medicine and asthma. Amethyst (Datura metel L) is known as a plant...
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Benefits of Fruit Pinang

Benefits of Fruit Pinang (jambe) Areca or jambe is one of completeness in menyirih among older people. In addition, the Indonesian people use this plant as a natural remedy to strengthen the gums, teeth, and treat intestinal worms. Later, nutritious...
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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

BENEFITS leaves sambiloto

BENEFITS leaves sambiloto During this time the people had much use for the material leaves bitter herbs. And many are sold ranging from MBO 'medicinal herbs that sell pole, which hung, until the manufacturer who sells herbs with modern packaging. Sambiloto...
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Turmeric Benefits / Kunir

Turmeric Benefits / Kunir Turmeric has been very long in use for the health of our ancestors, and this plant has many medical benefits. Indonesian cuisine is very familiar with turmeric as one of the basic ingredients required for cooking the yellow...
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Efficacy LEAF SEMBUKAN The leaves are usually made ​​food sembukan called pelas sembukan. Although it feels good but if farts can smell is not playing. The following is from sembukan drug efficacy. Latin name: Paederia foetida L. Name of area: Leaves...

White turmeric and Benefits

White turmeric and Benefits Key pepet or white turmeric is often called "the white saffron" or "curcuma alba", as the Latin name wrong. Because the leaves are beautifully patterned and the growth is not high then beautifully patterned leaves and the...
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Stop Smoking With Eating Bananas

READ MORE - Stop Smoking With Eating Bananas

DRUG BENEFIT leaves beluntas

DRUG BENEFIT leaves beluntasBeluntas leaves grow wild in the yard, or garden. Leaves a distinctive aroma is also commonly made vegetable pecel or for ointment.In plant biology beluntas described as follows:Scientific name: Plucea indica indica Less Baccharis...
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Toothache Natural Medicine

Toothache Natural Medicine 've ever experienced toothache? must have been not so good at night can not sleep when inflamed tooth pain spreading to the entire body. The following are some tips to ease the pain caused by nerve digigi problematic. garlic The...
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Create Lime Health Benefits

Create Lime Health Benefits Who is not familiar with lemon, everyday we find orange juice are both around the dinner table in a small roadside stalls to restaurants. Orange juice is easily grown in the family garden and natural medicine and can be cheaper...
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Melia azedarach

Many people mistakenly between Mindi with neem, because physically the two plants are almost the same. Mindi small (Melia azedarach) is often planted on the side of the road as a shade tree. Trees that grow quickly and come from China can be found from...
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Sunday, October 23, 2011

LEAF old guava contain various components

There is dengue season, plants are frequently hunted and consumed to enhance the immune system and platelets are like, red guava. Actually, the guava fruit flesh color red or white is no different, both contain tannin and quersetin. Guava leaves can...
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Arenga pinnata

Palm Scientific Name: Arenga pinnata Synonyms: Arenga sacchrifera Labill. Family: Arecaceae (Palmae). Description of Trees: Like a palm tree with a trunk height to 25 m and a diameter of 65 cm. some are quite long leafy stem, leaf midrib underneath...
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Brugmansia suaveolens

Cone-shaped mountain (Brugmansia suaveolens [H. et B.] B. et P.) is a plant typical altitude areas that are not found in lowland areas such as beaches. These plants are usually found at an altitude of 700-2100 m above sea level. The flowers are very...
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Kotok Tahi Drug Benefit Interest

Kotok Tahi Drug Benefit Interest These plants grow wild or used as a hedge plant, distinctive smell rather unpleasant. Single leaf, sitting opposite end of the tapered ovoid form a jagged edge of bone pinnate leaves, upper surface hairy with a lot of...
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Binahong plants thought to have come from Australia, South Africa, Hawaii, New Zealand and other Pacific Islands. These herbs are easy to grow both in lowland and upland in cold and humid environments. Generative propagation by seed, but more often...
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Drug Efficacy Cucumber Fruit

Drug Efficacy Cucumber Fruit Cucumber or cucumber Cucumis sativus scientific name has long been known to have medicinal properties. Allegedly cucumber comes from the Himalaya mountains and spread throughout the world, has been cultivated in South Asia...
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DRUG BENEFIT leaves beluntas

DRUG BENEFIT leaves beluntas Beluntas leaves grow wild in the yard, or garden. Leaves a distinctive aroma is also commonly made vegetable pecel or for ointment. In plant biology beluntas described as follows: Scientific name: Plucea indica indica Less...
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Drug Benefit srikaya

Drug Benefit srikaya Sugar-apple plants are often found in Indonesia, and the fruit is quite distinctive so that it can be easily identified. In addition to planted in the yard, Sugar-apple-growing much too wild for fruit favored by birds that carry...
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Tread Liman and property

Tread Liman and property This plant is easy to find around place we live and grow wild. Stem stiff and wiry stems, long hair and tight, branched and furrowed. The leaves on the stems of small flowers, rare location, length of 3-9 cm, 1-3 cm wide. Hump-shaped...
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Friday, October 21, 2011

pandan leaves

Useful as a deodorizer in addition to making a cake, pandan leaves can also eliminate dandruff. Take 10 pieces pandan leaves then mash until smooth, and give 2 glasses of water. Once filtered, the filtered water is rubbed into the hair that have previously...
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Young coconut water

Young coconut water can quench the thirst of people. Making people refreshed after thirst and exhaustion. But then not only limited to that. Young coconut water instead got a lot of valuable content for health and beauty. Coconuts have various properties,...
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