Monday, April 4, 2011

Here are some of the benefits of papaya leaves that you must know

Papaya plants including wet tropical plant species, therefore no matter where in almost every area of ​​our land can be planted with papaya plants, however, to ideally we can find areas that are very suitable for raising crops of papaya for papaya plants...
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How to detect OA and osteoporosis

Both terms are often confused or symptoms of illness. Both are equally refers to bone disease, are both often found in women aged> 50 years (or post-menopause) and are both chronic diseases that are difficult to be healed as normal. Then if your waist...
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Saturday, April 2, 2011


nutmeg Ingredients and Benefits: Many of the younger leaves contain proteins that feels soothing. In addition, nutmeg also contain essential oils, tannic substances, and starch substance believed to increase appetite, release of gas from the stomach,...
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pineapple Who is not familiar with pineapple fruit, fruit fresh nan with long, sharp leaves turned out to have benefits for health. What about about the health benefits of pineapple for pineapple fruit can assist digestion of proteins and accelerate...
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meniran Ingredients and Benefits: Many contain potassium and filantik substances that destroy the stone and smooth efficacious urine. It also contains tannins, minerals, and resins. Note: Do not eat too much because it can cause impotence meniran....
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chayote Squash or Sechium edule Sw are vines that can grow in upland soil and lowlands. Cultivation usually in propagation on the para-para. So easy hang and fruit harvested. Chayote is said to come from Jamaica. In some countries, including Mexico,...
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vegetable marrow

vegetable marrow Ingredients and Benefits: Contains calcium, iron, and vitamin C. Pumpkin famous water is cool, so very well be eaten by people with fever Usefulness: 1. Fever, Typhoid How I: Pumpkin Water grated and squeezed to take water. Drink this...
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coffee Ingredients and Benefits: In addition to protein, acidic coffee solution chiorogen, chlorine generator, which stimulates the release of chloride acid in the stomach. Also contain caffeine, which can stimulate blood circulation. But in a concentration-sensitive,...
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hibiscus Ingredients and Benefits: All parts of hibiscus plants contain substances lemdir or mucin and nutritious flowers gives a sense of cool on the throat and respiratory cavity to get out more. Usefulness: 1. Cough accompanied by shortness of...
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basil Everyone knows that the typical basil aroma and is usually used for cooking and vegetables. But not everyone knows basil has properties that are beneficial to our bodies. Plants from India and Persia is more commercial in many countries in the...
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eucalyptus Ingredients and Benefits: The leaves contain essential oil, cineol, melaleucin and the fruit contains tannin. Diaforetik nature, relieve pain, kill germs, dilute the phlegm, and anti-seizure. Note: If you want to use for the drug, you should...
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distance Ingredients and Benefits: ricine seeds contain the toxic range but their toxicity levels will be reduced when heated. Castor seeds should only be used as an external medicine. Its roots can be used as a sedative and rheumatism. Usefulness:...
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frangipani Ingredients and Benefits: white sap contains resin and rubber, capable of contraction skin without causing pain. This plant also contains fuvoplumierin that prevents bacterial growth. The flowers are efficacious lower the heat, stop cough,...
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water spinach

water spinach Benefits: water spinach is, antitoxin, anti-inflammatory, laxative urinating, stop the bleeding, sedatives (sleeping pills). Swamp Cabbage is also soothing and calming. Kale contain protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, hentriakontan,...
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Dadap serep

Dadap serep Ingredients and Benefits: Leaves dadap serep contain alkaloids that are cool and anti-inflammatory. The bark is efficacious thin the sputum. Usefulness: 1. Fever Leather and young branches dadap serep squeezed, a little fennel and pulosari...
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Info about spinach

Info about spinach Is a kind of green vegetables rich in vitamins A, C and E and iron, such as phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, manganese and zink. Recognizable magnasium as Spinacia oleracea scientific terms. Green leafy vegetables are sources...
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Friday, April 1, 2011

jamblang benefits

jamblang benefits Ingredients and Benefits: Jamblang contain errors acid capable pursed urinary tract. In addition, the content of glucoside phytomelin accelerate wound healing. Substance tannins in seeds jamblang beneficial for lowering cholesterol. Note:...
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Potatoes contain sodium minerals

Potatoes contain sodium minerals with high alkaline content and can serve to increase the pH is too acidic in the body. This would make the better activity of the heart, tissue to be elastic, and flexible muscles. Flexibility of the body and also produce...
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Nutmeg Efficacious Remedy

Nutmeg Efficacious Remedy Dysmenorrhea. Take tsp fine nutmeg, 2 cm turmeric, 6 points coriander, 1 clove and a glass of water. Mix all ingredients and simmer until the water is staying half. Strain and drink while warm. Insomnia. Mix 1 teaspoon nutmeg,...
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hazelnut function

Pecan (Aleurites moluccana), is a plant used as a source of oil seeds and spices. This plant with cassava and countrymen still included in the Euphorbiaceae tribe. In interstate commerce is known as candleberry, Indian walnut, and candlenut. The tree...
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Ear fungus

Ear fungus Ear fungus called because of his wide body like the human ear (ear), and is also known there are four types, namely: a. Auricularia auricula - Judae (fruit body width and thickness) b. Auricularia polytricha (small fruiting bodies and...
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Benefits of Eating Mushrooms straw

Benefits of Eating Mushrooms straw Jamur Merang (Volvariella volvacea, synonym: Volver volvacea, volvaceus Agaricus, Amanita virgata virgata atau Vaginata) atau bahasa Aceh Dalam Kulata jeramoe Adalah Salah Satu spesies Jamur pang yang Banyak dibudidayakan...
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Benefits of Dry Ear Mushrooms are

In terms of gastronomic or organoleptic (taste, aroma, and appearance), ear mushroom is less attractive when served as a food ingredient. However, ear fungus is known to be close as a food ingredient that has efficacy as a medicine and detoxification....
READ MORE - Benefits of Dry Ear Mushrooms are