Sunday, November 13, 2011

Main Factors of Heart Disease Risk Exposure

Main Factors of Heart Disease Risk Exposure To avoid the chance of heart disease, it helps us identify the risk factors. Here are some risk factors that warrant concern: Age and Gender. Personal under the age of 50 years have a higher risk compared...
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heart beats faster

Heart palpitations can be daunting, especially if it happens a lot. This can be a mild heart problem, but if you experience almost several times a day, you should seek medical attention. For you to find out what causes heart palpitations, continue to...
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Electrocardiography (ECG) Normal changes in ECG readings that occur during pregnancy include sinus tachycardia, QRS axis shift to the left or right and premature atrial or ventricular beats. Atrial and ventricular premature beats, sinus arrhythmia,...
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Symptoms of chronic hepatitis C

Symptoms of chronic hepatitis C are usually mild or even no symptoms, so many people for years not realizing that he suffered from hepatitis C. Various symptoms and complaints emerged precisely when it entered into the stage of cirrhosis or liver cancer....
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Leaking heart

Leaking heart is mostly among children. From the data of the National Heart Center We hope, of the 1,000 births in different regions, 6-7 of them suffering from congenital heart defects ( Most babies born with heart defects died before the...
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Coronary heart

Coronary heart disease is the narrowing of small blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the heart. Coronary heart disease is also called coronary artery disease. Coronary heart disease is usually caused by a condition called atherosclerosis,...
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heart attack

The most common symptoms of a heart attack is chest pain or discomfort. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts for more than a few minutes or go and return. Discomfort can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing,...
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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Thyroid gland

Thyroid gland (thyroid) is also called Adam's Apples, located on the front of the neck region. This gland produces hormones that also matches the name of the glans, which regulate the body's metabolic functions. Thyroid hormone is important in regulating...
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Pineapple (Ananas Comosus) from benefits to side effects Guess what Try pineapple equation pineapple fruit with the world soccer player Ronaldo? The answer is both derived from the land of Samba, Brazil, and to have the benefits that invite admiration...
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benefits of papaya leaves

benefits of papaya leaves Actually nature has always been to provide solutions for a wide range of human diseases. Unfortunately, because it is not practical, natural medicine slowly supplanted by synthetic drugs. Along with the proliferation of side...
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Basil leaves

Basil leaves are small plants commonly eaten as fresh vegetables and has a distinctive aroma. In addition as fresh vegetables, basil leaves turned out to be one type of food that can arouse the male sex. According to Dr. Samuel Oetoro, Sp. GK, a nutrition...
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Milk as a Source of Calcium

Milk as a Source of Calcium Milk is one healthy drink contain calcium in significant amounts, which is about 1,000 mg / liter. Besides calcium, milk also contains fat, protein and various vitamins that make it a nearly perfect food. The most Nearly perfect...
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Ingredients and Benefits of Coconut Water

Ingredients and Benefits of Coconut Water For those of us who live in the tropics, coconut water is not a stranger. We may never enjoy it on street stalls, in fancy restaurants scattered around the malls, or even our grandfather's garden heritage. Apparently,...
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Benefits of Drinking Water At Wake Sleep

Benefits of Drinking Water At Wake Sleep Some people sometimes have a habit to drink water when I was just waking up. This habit is proved to have many health benefits. What are the benefits of drinking water when you wake up? Water needs to be consumed...
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Protecting strawberries from Alcohol Stomach

Protecting strawberries from Alcohol Stomach In an experiment on mice, European researchers have shown that eating strawberries may reduce the harm caused by alcohol in gastric mucosal membranes. Published in the open access journal PLoS ONE, this study...
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Parkia speciosa

Petai (Parkia speciosa) is included into the tribe of legumes (Fabaceae). This plant is widespread in the western archipelago. Banana tree can reach 20m high and less branched. The leaves are compound, fruit large, elongated, betipe pods. From one...
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Saga (ABRUS PRECATORIS) including the type of herbaceous plant with the main trunk is small and twisted vines on host-purchase to the left. The leaves are compound, ovoid-shaped and small size. The leaves resemble the leaves of Tamarindus indica Saga...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Or KiTolod Star Flower

Or KiTolod Star Flower name - Scientific name: 'sato = longiflora Presl. - Name of area: kitolod, leaf tolod (Sunda); sangkobak, control (Java). - Foreign Names: ster van bethlehem. Content of Chemical and Pharmacological Effects Kitolod contain a...
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Benefits of Spinach Leaves And Roots

Benefits of Spinach Leaves And Roots Green leafy vegetables are sources of lutein and folate is superb, which helps prevent heart disease and birth defects. In addition, spinach also provide preventive iron anemia. Spinach also has properties to prevent...
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Ways to Relieve Pain Without Drugs

Ways to Relieve Pain Without Drugs Here are some ways ease and eliminate pain. This method is an alternative that can be done if you do not want to take pain medications: Meet the needs of vitamin D, vitamin D deficiency may contribute to chronic pain....
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Dangers and Benefits of Amethyst Leaf

Dangers and Benefits of Amethyst Leaf Amethyst is not only useful as a narcotic plant. Other efficacy that can be obtained from the amethyst is quite a lot. Some of them are as toothache medicine and asthma. Amethyst (Datura metel L) is known as a plant...
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Benefits of Fruit Pinang

Benefits of Fruit Pinang (jambe) Areca or jambe is one of completeness in menyirih among older people. In addition, the Indonesian people use this plant as a natural remedy to strengthen the gums, teeth, and treat intestinal worms. Later, nutritious...
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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

BENEFITS leaves sambiloto

BENEFITS leaves sambiloto During this time the people had much use for the material leaves bitter herbs. And many are sold ranging from MBO 'medicinal herbs that sell pole, which hung, until the manufacturer who sells herbs with modern packaging. Sambiloto...
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Turmeric Benefits / Kunir

Turmeric Benefits / Kunir Turmeric has been very long in use for the health of our ancestors, and this plant has many medical benefits. Indonesian cuisine is very familiar with turmeric as one of the basic ingredients required for cooking the yellow...
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Efficacy LEAF SEMBUKAN The leaves are usually made ​​food sembukan called pelas sembukan. Although it feels good but if farts can smell is not playing. The following is from sembukan drug efficacy. Latin name: Paederia foetida L. Name of area: Leaves...