Friday, August 2, 2013


Benefits of Honey and efficacy Foliage Plants Leaf Leaves Honey Honey-Medicinal Plants - Here is a classification Leaves Honey, Honey Leaf hallmark traits, and content of Leaves Honey Classification of Plant Leaves Honey Latin names and scientific...
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Adenium Cambodia japan

Benefits and Efficacy Adenium Adenium Cambodia japan - Adenium scientific name and the Latin name of Adenium Adenium obesum, Adenium function which serves as a medicinal plant because it contains selenium content of nutritious substances fuvoplumerin...
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Plumbago zeylanica L

Benefits and efficacy Foliage Plants Leaves Gout Gout - Here is a leaf classification Rheumatism, Gout characteristic feature leaves, and leaf content of Gout Classification of Plant Leaves Gout Latin names and scientific names Leaves Leaves Gout...
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binahong leaves

Benefits Leaves Binahong For Herbal Medicine and the efficacy binahong leaves for acne - Some benefits binahong to face is when there is the acne can be treated with 6 leaves and drink every day, such as how to get rid of acne with leaves binahong...
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Cempaka Putih

Plants benefit and efficacy of Cempaka Putih Cempaka Putih-The following is a classification of Cempaka Putih, the characteristic features of Cempaka Putih, and the content of Cempaka Putih Plant classification Cempaka Putih Latin names and...
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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ipomoea aquatica

Water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica poir1 forsk or Ipomoea reptans) is a vegetable crop that life may be more than 1 year. Spread or twisted growth on surrounding plants. He is a type of leaf vegetable crops and can be included in the family Convolvulacea....
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long beans vegetable

long beans vegetable which one this easily found in the traditional markets. Utilization of vegetable elliptical can be combined in a variety of cuisines. Ranging from pan-fried, deep fried chili wear, digulai, disayur clear, for gado-gado, or pecel....
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